D E C E M B E R 10VTIIurstlav Burlington — “Tap Dogs” at the Flynn. 8pm. $42, $32, $23 (under 17 & Students with 1D save $5 off top two prices). Tickets at Flynn Box Office (153 Main St.) or by calling 86-FLYNN. 11 V Frillall OITM DEADLINE - early this month due to the holidays. Burlington - “Tap Dogs” at the Flynn. 8pm. $42, $32, $23 (under 17 & Students with ID save $5 off top two prices). 12 V Saturllall Milton — Fried Green Tomatoes & Crones. Tree trimming and carol- ing, Holiday Season Potluck at Ravenswood. Call 893-4710 for directions. Rumney, NH — Lakes & Mountains Women’s 13th Annual Christmas Party, Potluck, and Yankee Swap. 6pm. FMI 603- 968-2135. ./4 5%/tr 13 V Sllnllflll Burlington — VGSA brunch at New England Culinary on Church St., 12:00 Noon, then to “Desire Under the Elves” play at 2pm. FMI, call Larry at 985-4937. Burlington — “A Christmas Carol” at the Flynn. 7pm; $28.50, $24.50, $18 (under 17 & Students with ID save $5 off top two prices). Tickets at Flynn Box Office (153 Main St.) or by calling 86-FLYNN. Montpelier — Vermont Gay Men’s Chorus rehearsal, UU Church, Main St., 4-6pm, fol- lowed by performance at UU Church. 15 V Tuestlav Shelburne —' VGSA Steering Committee Meeting. Larry’s house at 8:30pm. All encour- aged to attend;_input appreciat- ed. FMI call Larry at 985-493'/. 16 <7 Wednesday Brattleboro — Vermont Freedom to Marry Task Force meeting, offices of Langrock, Sperry, & ’ Wool. 7pm. Call 802-652-0723 to confirm. -TEA ROOM muc Montpelier - Meeting of the Central Vermont section of the Freedom to Marry Task Force, 7pm, VT CARES office, 73 Main St., call 223-7620 for more infor- mation. Burlington — Rainbow Business Association Board Meeting, Peace and Justice Center, Church Street, 6:00-8:30pm. FMI - RBAvt@aol.com 18 V Fritlav Thetford — Amelia’s Christmas . Holiday Potluck. 6pm_ FMI call Marie at 802-785-4606. 19 V Saturtlav Burlington — Vermont Gay Men’s Chorus performance at the Contois, with carolling prior, on steps of City Hall. 6pm. in International sensalinn! snenlanular leuluin lap in anaftnlts, lalllers, and Every Passilile surface! NEW DATES JUST ANNOUNCED - RESCHEDULED FROM JANUARY 1999 Thursday, December ‘IO 8: Friday, December 11 at 8 pm Middlebury — VGSA dinner at Dog Team Tavern. RSVP to Larry at 985-4937 by 12/15. Tewksbury, MA — Women Meeting Women Dance at the VFW. FMI 603-883-9969. Gene Kelly meets Mad Max in this "rough, tough, sexy reinvention of tap dancing for the '90s " ( Time Out, London). H Media 0Iston° Support calendar continued 0|] naue nineteen .72/be .§/mé. CALL NOW AND JOIN THE ACTION HOT TEA ROOM STUD PARTY PHONE SEX FOR THE GAY 90's ‘I 1 -900-745-3306 ‘ -K MORE ACTION AT I-900-378-9090 _ H01’ GAY IVIA LE cA u. 1 —900—74-5-37 ‘I O $l.')<)——3.99/MINUTE - www.xAPEx_NeT - I8 o YEARS RAINBOW EATTLE ED. . Lasso yourself some fun at Southern Vermont's only gay barf _ 9 I’ 3 H , Drink Specials, Great Shows, 4; Latest Dance Music "__’ ‘I n " a I ‘I 0 ' n a It 8II2.8li.1ll44 mavaI(@nlolIaInetisII.net Route 5 Brattleboro Between Exits 3 8. '1, I91 (802) 254-9830 Your communitvtorum. 1111111111111 ‘g