urlington’s drag queen extraordinaire, Yolanda, has gone bi-coastal. In an exciting one act debut perfor- mance, Yolanda treated a stand- ing room, only San Francisco audience to a taste of what drag from Vermont looks, sounds and feels like. The night was Halloween, known as amateur night to more experienced drag queens, and the venue was Josie’s Juice Bar & Cabaret - located in the heart of San Francisco’s famously gay Castro district. What better stage for Yolanda to grace than Josie’s, which operates as a vegetarian restaurant and drag cabaret per- formance space. Yolanda was the featured per- former for a special evening host- ed by United with Pride, the orga- nization for United Airlines gay, lesbian, bi-sexual and transgen- dered employees, family mem- ber, and supporters. After a rous- ing warm up by stand up lesbian comic Suzie Berger, the crowd was ready to rock with Yolanda! And she didn’t disappoint. After a wonderful introduc- tion by another performance artist, Chili Bowles, Yolanda entered the stage to a recorded song called, “Donde Estas Yolanda?” hiding behind a self- created curtain that bore the per- fonners name in brightly colored lettering. She slowly exposed herself and changed into a daz- zling ensemble which included a Fransisco short—short skirt, lots of taffeta and an illuminated headdress that reminded me of the top of a very festive Christmas tree. Yolanda opened with her clas- sic crowd pleasing rendition of “It’s Now or Never” which was met with rousing applause. She continued to charm the audience with tales from her youth and the set included songs to help her tell her interesting story. Is she an “Alien Love Child”, as her song proclaims? Yolanda’s offered up her unique blend of intelligent musical stylings and witty lyrics in a fun folk-rock for- mat. San Francisco ate it up faster than you can say “Golden Gate Bridge!” Her rendition of “Control Queen” and “Cock Ring” seemed to be most appre- ciated by the audience. Was their appreciation a reflection on gay life in San Francisco? After the show, Yolanda and her entourage found a suitable location outdoors to observe the throngs working their way over towards Castro Street_. What ensued was a near riot as passers by on foot, in cars and in buses observed her unique light up breasts with glee! Yolanda, who ‘is not one to deny her fans, took out her guitar and start- I Periwinkle Reporting from San Francisco — or perhaps it should be ren.amed YOLANDA’S WORLD? , ed playing to the gathering crowds below. People in various stages of dress and undress stopped by to cheer her on and appreciate her unique talents. The highlight of the evening for me was when a gaggle of tiny Japanese Lady Tourists begged Yolanda for a photo with the Star of The Street. Yolanda was only too happy to oblige. At one point in the evening, a teenage girl climbed the steep stairway and lay herself at Yolanda’s feet. Later, a boy, who admired her costume and then claimed to be straight turned around on his heels and said - hey - “You guys got any beer?” - It seemed like the difference between gay and straight on the streets of the Castro on Halloween are a matter of a six- pack or two. Unfortunately for all of us, we had no beer! V Gav chorus Perlomances Announced o celebrate the holidays, A Vocal Minority-The Vermont Gay Men’s Chorus is pleased to announce a series of upcoming appearances. The inaugural performance of the new chorus will be on Sunday, December 13 at 6 p.m. as part of the annual Caroling service at The Unitarian Universalist Church at 130 Main St. in Montpelier. The next appearance will be at the Contois Auditorium in Burlington on December 19 at 6:15 p.m. The chorus will perform prior to the presentation by Adam Reese of a hilarious evening entitled “Totally Scrooged”. Before this performance the chorus will be caroling on the steps ofthe Burlington City Hall. A Vocal Minority is teaming up with the renowned female illusionist Noel and back-up singers The Bad Puppies for a performance at First Night in St. Johnsbury. The joint performance will take placeat approximately 11 p.m. on December 31 at the Unitarian Universalist Church in'St. Johnsbury, on the corner of Eastern Ave. and Cherry Street. Dates are currently being arranged for joint perfor- mances in May 1999 of A Vocal Minority and The Samadhi Singers. All those interested in assisting the growth of Vennont’s very own Gay Men’s Chorus are urged to contact our Director, Tim Tavcar at 802-229-2160 or reach us via email at robnyves@together.net or snail- mail at c/o Tim Menk, PO Box 69, S. Ryegate, VT 05069 or Vermont Gay Men’s Chorus, PO Box 123, Mclndoe Falls, Vermont 05050. V Join the Rainbow Business Association for it's special holiday mixer! REA Rainbow Business /lssociulion phone (802) 848-7037 - email RBAvt@aol.com - address P.O. Box 8335, Burlington, VT 05402 Visit our website at vil|agetrade.com/RBA -o 111111111111111jjjj11111111111111111111111jjj11jj1:11111jj2jjj2jjjij1:111— Mona's 3 Main Street, Burlington, VT Wednesday, December 9 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. o $10.00/person: Lots of hors d'oeuvres o Door prizes!‘ P.O. Box 147 171 Commerce St. Hinesburg, Vermont 0 r mailing services can save‘ you postage dollars on your next bulk mailing! Contact Sarah Harrington at - "your printing 8’ mailing resource” %VPv.NI7 VALLEY PRINT 8ZWAIL Proud member of the Rainbow Business Association 'I‘. (802) 482-2995 F. (802) 482-2999 sharring@vpminc.com