COALITION NOTES BY KEITH GOSLANT CC oderate”, remember that word, moderate. Even before the full extent of the political changes were known, this word, “moder- ate”, was being said over and over by the media and political observers. This legislature will be more moderate in its actions, its manner and the laws they create. What will this mean for the les- bian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and questioning commu- nities? It will be a challenge for us, a chance to see just how included we have become in mainstream politics. _. There will be changes in this legislature. Some of our friends were not re-elected and there will be changes in leadership. A heavi- ly financed anti-Act 60 opponent defeated Paul Cillo of Hardwick, House Democrat Leader. As a representative Paul had consis- tently voted .in support of our communities. He believes in true equity, which is what made him a chief architect of Act 60 and a strong leader. His most likely suc- cessor as House leader will be the Democrat Whip, John Tracy. John has not had to vote on issues important to our communities, so his leadership is untested. Also defeated was Lynn Bohi of Hartland. Lynn was an original supporter of the Hate Crimes and the Sexual Orientation Anti-dis- crimination bills. She was most recently Chair of Local Government. Local Government ouuucoouuoaooon is the committee that will first vote on any effort to establish a Citizen Initiative in Vemiont. It is unclear who the new chair might be, or how the committee might vote. Openly gay representative Bill Lippert of Hinesburg was re—elect— ed and will likely be returned to the House Judiciary Committee. As we continue the debate regard- ing same gender marriage, his input into the committee discus- sion will be critical. The Judiciary Committee will also begin the process of j udicial retention for all 5 members of the Supreme Court. We heard the campaign promises to oust those “liberal justices.” We will need Representatives such as Bill to ensure retention is based on good law and not political disfa- vor. ll I.OOII ill IIIB "NI0lIB|'lIl0" EIOOIIOII IIOSIIITS Doug Racine’s return as Lieutenant Governor ensures the strong support for the HIV/AIDS communities will continue, in addition to issues of choice and equity. However, I’m not ‘sure It will be a challenge for us, a chance to see just how included we . have become in mainstream politics. what Robert Ide not returning as Republican Leader might mean in the Senate. Will Vince llluzzi move into a position of party lead- ership? Will he follow through on the promises his presence in Victory made? And what impact will the change in the Chittenden and Rutland delegations mean to our communities? Regardless of the outcome of the Supreme Court arguments, this Legislature will be debating marriage. Expect new versions of DOMA to appear and a renewed effort for Initiatives. This worked well for our opposition in Hawaii and Alaska. Whether it will work here will depend on expanding the grassroots organizing being done statewide on this issue. And how well it will play in a Legislature taking a moderate course.V Op-Ed: Institutional Discrimination continued from page four cial privileges,” only the basic rights heterosexual citizens take for granted not to be ostracized or dis- criminated against or threatened - or murdered — because of who they are. My friends aren’t degen- erates or promiscuous Sodomites or marauding destroyers of civi- lization or, in Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott’s characteriza- tion, comparable to kleptomaniacs. Who they really are are lawyers and journalists, teachers and politi- cians, musicians, artists and pas- tors. They go to work and own homes and pay taxes and vote (Republican as well as Democratic) and serve their coun- try and community and worry about their retirement savings and fall in love — monogamously. They are citizens of America, but denied full rights, benefits and pro- tection in her institutions. V More Letters continued from page three Unrestrained cheers of thanks poured from the multitude that rose as one person wildly clap- ping, laughing, crying, and hug- ging each other. For nearly ten full minutes the jubilant crowd refused to hear Beth’s pleas for order until she finally gave up and whispered, “Thank you.” ‘In their brief, the lawyers spoke on behalf of every gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgen- dered Vermonter. They argued for equality in marriage, yes, but their main message was an argu- ment for our dignity — the dig- nity every human being deserves and which many in the gay com- munity have never experienced. Beth Robinson, Susan Murray, and Mary Buonato: We heard you, we thank you, we embrace you! You gave‘ us back the dream. You made us proud — proud of you, and proud of us! Bobbi Whitacre Manchester Ctr, VT Call Bill Desautels RE/MAX North Professionals 802-655-3333 X17 800-639-4520 X17 Bill Desautels He Keeps The BUGS Out Of Buying And Selling A Home. ‘ 81» OUT IN THE MOUNTAINS — DECEMBER -1998» -9 Fiyoa di 460430410 <39 YOUR BUSINESS 9‘ r‘\ 802-863-2300 Hours: 9:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Monday - Saturday 350 Dorset Street ° South Burlington, Vermont 05403 (Turn lqfi‘ on San Remo Drive) °‘° THREE OLD BATS * * Antiques, Collectibles & Useful Tnings Z07 FLYNN AVENUE A A Qlfll BURLINGTON, VT — ' 802-860-1488 fwm the BN8 completes the BY THE TRACKS 91¢ Houks: TUES-SAT 10-6, ClI°C I8 : Sun 1-5, CLOSED MONDAY tell t/rem you found it at THAT BOOK STORE... 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