' - .....-_... PROGENY BY BOBBY WHITE“ cne, pimples, zits...what- ever you want to call them, I saw them and I’m not amused. I guess I thought this would never hap- pen, but there they are. My 11- year-old son’s face is breaking out and I just don’t know what to do about it. He’s really quite blasé about the whole thing. “Yeah, they’Ve been there for a while.” I tried to hide my true reaction — panic »- and launched into a discussion of how he need- ed to start washing his face day and night. “'We’ll go buy some special soap that will help.” I’ye been there, gone through this. and Tm re1nem— bering all the other things that happen to a pre—teen. Now I’m on the other side of what my parents went through. The Talk — what have we covered; what’s the right topic for this stage of puberty‘? A But if I observe my son. he seems to be handling A Father Ileals with Pultertv Again this all better than I did! Then again, at least he’s talking to another man, not his MOM! Now THAT was embarrassing! But change is really what oaooocouoconooc it’s all about, right? Not only the physical changes, but the attitudes, mood swings, and spur—of-the-moment rows that bring the dogs howling. Let’s face it; whats really bothering me is the fact that my little joy is growing up. Gone are the days of Little League, ice cream treats and “Dad’s best friend.” Soon it’ll be driver’s license, car dates, and no time for Dad. These are the last days we’ll be this close, at least until he’s been on his own for a while and realizes that I did, indeed, know what I was talking about. I ’ve been there; gone through this,’ and I ’m remembering all the other things that happen to a pre-teen. For now, I’ll be happy if he remembers that baseball caps keep the hair matted down and preyent the skin from breath- ing. If nothing else, kid, lose the cap! After that, I’ll take what I can get and try not to begrudge the rest. . Time and space. the two most important things to a teen. Time and space! V Michael Gigante, Ph.D. Psychosynthesis Counseling :9 Therapy (802) 254-8032 15 Myrtle Street, Brattleboro VT 05301 Susan McKenzie MS. Licensed Psychologist—Master Quechee 802 295-5533 Insurance Accepted-Slidmg Fee Scale Experienced therapist specializing in the individual and relationship issues of Lesbian Women and Gay Men , 8 Leah Wiflenberg Licensed Mental Health Counselor Feminist Therapy Psychotherapy for individuals and couples 2 Church St, Burlington sliding fee scale (30?! 365-4563 V Workshop and Forums V Social Events I V Tea Dances A V Events All Over Northern V . w “~IIEE~'(IK"g'§i‘tVtamtltivl‘-"YF'Jli|§\‘;§""r("*“' GAY MEN'S AT WORK FOR YOU , YOUR HEALTH PRO] ECT 8006 I-. .*. .. _I..'u-~.-..t.v.{z’.€:.u, ..},.i.".\}. J.u.v.«.v.u.~.x.u. . .é\\h.V:v“a'r;9.v.‘.I.