4 2o — ®uT.iN.1'.i-1E. -MOU~.NTA|NS-- =-—N OV-EMBER --19-98 ARTS AND RECREATION ter on a Shoestring 1 POB 1012 - Burlington VT 05402 - (333) 212-5334 info@theatreshoe.com - http://wwwtheatreshoe.com. ern Mountain Club - VT Chapter "y 8: Lesbian Outdoor Organization) Bob Bland, 888 831 3100 ° b|and@sovernet - http://wwwchiltern.org/chiltern/ ay/Br Men’s Reading Group Meets monthly in the Brattleboro area - FMI: Jonathan Campo (802) 258-2693 or Michael Fannon (802) 254-5239 _ _TTER (Gay & Lesbian Literature & ’ Club of Burlington) Steven Kopstein, 434-5653 « GLlTTERvt@aol.com een Mountain Freedom Band 1 Affiliated with the Lesbian and Gay Bands of America POB 5322, Burlington, VT 06402-5322 g0ssamer@together.net ender Visions Productions, Inc. POB 307- St. Albans VT 05478 - 849 2739 - http://wwwtogether.net/~lavender ‘men/Lesbian Book Group Reading books by women in all genres ‘Meets monthly in Putney, VT - Contirm with Tatiana, (802) 387-2781 or tatianas@sovernet. sts/Naturists Group All persuasions for intelligent conversation, trips to nude beaches, house parties, camping, hot tub. Start a 'church”?“Tonic Waters‘ POB 6111 Brattleboro, VT 05302 ont Gay Men’s Chorus 1-800-7508434 - tax: (802) 633-2389 robnyves@together.net ible in Vermont Arts (VIVA) POB 812 - Burlington VT 05402 - ~ 865-0385 1 1ENoiNG’Vioi.ENc”E ison County Women’ In'Crisis. POB 67 - Middlebury VT 05753 - 333-4205 red Women’s Services, Inc. POB. 323 - Montpelier VT 05601- 24 Hour Hotline: 223-6855 ._|lngton Police Department munity Based Police Officer . Lieutenant Bill Laware - 658-7658 Lesbian Victim Assistance line ' .j , (300) 259-1536 24 Hour- AVPr0iect@'aol.com' e-Sex Domestic Violence committee . . , 1 I (Chittenden County Domestic Vio|enceTask Force) 31 Elmwood Ave ‘ Burlington, VT 05401 Back the Trails Local Contact: Mel (600) 543-1700 -http7/www.princeton.edu/-rcurtis/ _ aeetrail.html en’s Crisis.Center_ f POB 933 - Brattleboro VT 05302 - 257-7364 g - 24 Hour Hotline: 254-6954 en Helping Battered Women POB 1535 - Burlington VT 05402 - 653-1996 - en's Rape Crisis Center POB 92 - Burlington VT 05402 - 364-0555 110 E. State St. - Montpelier VT 05602 - 223-6304 - acluvt@aoI.com H http://members.aoI.com/acluvt/home.html LesbianIBisexuaI Legal c/0 Blackwood and Kraynak - POB 875, Burlington 05402 ' 863-2517 n_t Human Rights Commission 133 State St. 0 Montpe|ierVT 05633-6301 - 828-2480 MEDIA s Like Us (newsletter) ‘ c/0 BRIAN DOUCHERTY NH AIDS Foundation - 1087 Elm St. #501 POB 59, Manchester, NH 03105 1-800-639-1122 - briannhaf@aoI.com Us OUT ‘ POB 285 - Brattlebor0\/‘T 05302 - _ POB 1078 - Richmond VT 05477 "in the Mountains POB 1078 - Richmond VT 05477 - 434-OITM - oitm@t0gether.net - http://www.vtpride. org ‘Prism Newsletter (Northern NY) ‘ POB 807 - Potsdam, NY 13676 - (315) 265-3605 - www.northnet.org/prism hing Out (OutrightYouth Zine) POB 5235 - Burlington VT 05402 - 865-9677 - OutrightVT@aol.oom Vermont Rainbow Connection (TV program) do lavender visions productions, inc. POB 307 Saint Albans VT 05478 lavender@together.net MEN Fathers Support Group 50 Mechanic St., Pittsford, VT 05763-9317 - Bob, 483-6739 Guy Get Togethers in SE VT Carey at 254-8263 3 ‘Meets 2nd and 4th Mondays ‘Men’s Ritual Group POB 423 - Burlington VT 05402 - 865-2247 (Leather & Levi's Club) POB 2141, Concord, NH 03302-2141 MinotaurBC@aol.com - (603) 753-9059 adnock Gay Men (MGM) ' POB 1124 - Keene NH 03431 - (603) 357-5544 - MonadGay@aol.com hftp://members.aol.com./ monadgay/index.htm| ‘in Ten Project I (Confidential discussion & social group for men) Brian, 1‘-800639-7903 ‘Meets monthly, Trinity Episcopal Church, 120 Broad St, Claremont NH. rite Gay Men’s Support Group (300) 639-7903 . ‘Meets Tuesdays, 7pm UU Church, 69 Washington St, Keene, NH.l_ ‘ cal Faeries - ' Yolanda; POB 812- Burlington VT, 05402 ' 865-0385 . I . Gabriel, POB 224 - Brattleboro VT .. 05302 - 257-4371 ‘ 5 (Mature Gay Men) ' (a social group for men 40 and older) 8601810 J ont Gay Social Alternatives A) ' POB 237 - Burlington VT 05402-0237. - 865-3734 - vtvgsa @aoI.com .MULTlCULTURAL NA (African, Latino, Asian, rye American) Community in 8 Williston St. - Brattleboro VT 05301 - 254-2972 K nzaa POB 583 - Burlington VT 05402-0583 n of Color Alliance POB 1534 - Burlington VT 05402 - (302) 6600606 : POLITICAL eboro Area Gays and Lesbians POB 875 - BrattieboroVT 05302 0 254-5947 ' 3‘ E 3 (‘D o _. z :1: 26 South Main St - Box 181 - Concord, NH 03301- (603) 224-1586 iua Pride 423-3 Amherst St. Suite 113 ,Nashua, NH 03063 - on (603) 331-9522 citizens’ Alliance for Gay and Lesbian POB 730 - Concord NH 03302 - (603) 224-1686 and Justice Center 21 Church St. - Bur|ingtonVT 05401 - 2 863-8326 ont Coalition for Lesbian and ighm(VCLGR) ' POB 1125 - Montpelier VT 05602 - 1-888-825-4989 Coliaisons to the government: Virginia Rentrew - 496-4333, Keith Goslant - 454-8552 ont Freedom to Marry Task POB 1312 - MiddleburyVT 05753 - 388-6356 , ‘Brattleboro area (location varies). 1st Wed of every month. 7pm. Bari Shamas FMI 387-5788. ont GLBT Pride ’99 Committee POB 5113 - Burlington VT 05402-5113 ' 865-3734 or 658-1602 PROFESSIONAL LE (IBM employees) 769 4835 (maschatz@us.ibm.com) or Jim Leavens (802) 769 4413 - Jleavins@us.ibm.com -‘ eaglebtv@us.ibm,com - .. 4 . .. - - .- pdcarey.pok.ibm.oom/EAG LE/eaglehtml esbian/Straight Educators ork (GLSEN) Southern Vermont POB 942 - Putney VT 05346 - 254-5150 - Juniper@ sover. net ow Business Association GBLT business owners and professionals oranization. POB 8335 - Burlington, VT 05402 FMI 878-7037 - RBAvt@ao|.com ‘Evening mixers every 2nd Wed. ont-NEA GLB Educators and Allies Bill Cavanaugh - POB 156 ~ West Pawlet, VT 05775 645-9630 REA COMMUNITY SPIRITUAL/RELIGIOUS ‘Meets Sundays, 8pm, Chellis House Ten (Castleton State College) Castleton VT 05735 - 468-5611 X392 ’s College ALLY Group c/o The Student Resource Center, Winooski Park, Colchester 05446 - Linda Hollingdale 654-2546 or _ Laura Crain 654-2388 ty College GLBA Mercy Hall, Burlington,VT 05401 - 864-7528 - kslora@charity.trinityvt.edu (‘D Alliance at VT Law School Contact FMI, Michael Mercer, Chair, 763-8498 - www.vermont|aw.edu/~a|liance 000.00‘>0OOIOOOOOOCOOOCOOOOOOOCUUUUUCCCOOO ITIVE DIRECTORY OF RESOURCES SUPPORT jtral Vermont Sangha " tan Buddhist) POB 517 - Montpelier 05601 - = 426-4111 or533-2527 ‘Meets Mondays 6:30-9pm at the Montpelier Unitarian Church. lstgchurch Presbyterian- ' ore Light Church UVM - Burlington VT 05401 - 862-1898 _ iitignity Vermont PO BOX 61 Winooski VT 05404 0 655 6706 ' Egnlty New Hampshire ,. POB 7 - Manchester NH 03105-0007 - (603) 647-0205- DignityNH@aol.0om ' ‘Meets 2nd and 4th Mondays of ea month in Manchester. A e-Camp Destiny 453-5760 - fcd@popstar.com http://www.sover.net/~mattbucy fcdhtml , :4. eave (Unitarian Universalists 152 Pearl Street - Burlington VT 05401 - John Byer ' 802-853-1818 . ‘Meets 2nd Sundays“ for Brunch, 12:30pm at First UU Church, B'ton mont Gay Men’s Spiritual Support erhood - 5 Raymond Pl. - Burlington VT 05401 mom Open Circle of POB 68, Vergennes, VT 05491-0068 - Drew 759-2147 - VTOpenCirc|e @ hotmailcom http://www.geocitiescom/rainforest/1258 i_1_1ont Organization for Weddings Same Gender (VOWS) an organization of clergy, religious leaders, and religious organizations in favor of same-gender marriage Rev. Brendan Hadash - RR 3 - Box 134B, . West GloverVT 05875 - 525-3875 ~ - www.geocities.com/WestHollywood/ - Heights/3936 STUDENT PO BOX 1492,Biattleboro,VT 05302 _ I ce, Vermont Law School South RoyaIton,VT 05068 - PLogsdon@g\/ermontLaw_edu om -- ’- ° Lyndonville VT 058510 626-6363 0 LSCGSA@hotmai|.com - www.geocities.com/ West Hollywood/Stonewall/9786 ‘Meets Tuesdays at 8:45pm in the Vail Conference room. . Dartmouth Rainbow Alliance) _ Hanover NH 03755 0 (603) 646-3636 To Be: GLBTA at UVM 85 S. Prospect St. Burlington VT 05405 - 656-0699 ‘ ‘Meets Thursdays, 7:30pm dard Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual _ Goddard College - Plainfield VT 05667 e State College LBG Alliance Keene State College - Keene NH 03431 GLBQAA, clo Student Association - Johnson,VT 05656 - thompsoa@badgerjsc.vsc.edu ‘ potvina@badgerjsc.vsc.edu. mark Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual Landmark College - Putney VT 05346 _. ° 387-6752 (Middlebury Open Queer nce) Drawer 8 - Middlebury College - - Middlebury VT 05753-6033 - Steph- shunt@panthermiddleburyedu - http://www.middlebury.edu/~moqa moqa@parttlfetmiddIebdryZedu*'-‘ r I 1 - ;& Bisexual Men’s Support Group Guys Like Us - c/0 Brian Dougherty NH AIDS Foundation 0 1087 Elm St. #501 POB 59, Manchester, NH 03105 _ 1-800-639-1122 - briannhaf@ao|.c0m '& Bisexual Men’s Support Group 4 Keene, NH - Shawn 1-800639-7903 ‘Meets at UU Church on 69 Washington St. every Tue at 7pm nections — Support group for QT Adults . ' ‘Meets 1st Weds of every month at 6:30pm, 2nd Congregational Church, ' - Hillside Drive, Bennington _at Last ’ ' Support/Counseling for ex-cult/cult members, all persuasions _ POB 6111 , Brattleboro, VT 05302 'ds in Adoption 44 South St: - POB 1223 - Mlddletown Springs VT 05757 - ., 235-2373 rents and Friends of esbrans and Gays (P-FLAG) Brattleboro Area, J. Cram - 409 Hillsinds - Brattleboro 05301 257-5409 Central VT, New contact TBA . ‘3rd Sundays, 1pm, 2nd Fl. Chapel, UU Church, Montpelier (School St. entrance). Lake Champlain, Lil Venner - 23 Birchw0odLane ' Burlington VT 05401 0 863-4285 ‘Meets 2nd Sundays, 2-4pm First Methodist Church, Burlington (use the Buell St. street ' level entrance). Manchester Area, ' Mae and Jay Morrow - POB 92 - Manchester VT 05254 - 362-4400 Rutland Area, Julie and Peter Cooper - 11 North St. - Rutland VT 05701 - ns and Gays (P-FLAG) North Country POB 3 - Jefferson NH 03583 - 603-536-5522, in NH 8007502524 ' "Meets 7-9pm at Lancaster UCC Church, ' 142 Main St, Lancaster, NH ht Spouses of GLB Partners rt Network - Shelburne Falls, MA - Jane Harris (413) 625-6033 - aharris@valinet.com ‘Meets every 3rd Tuesday at the UU Church. Keene NH- Lucinda Nightingale I (603) 352-9337 ' ‘Meets 4th Sundays at AIDS Services for » the Monadnock Region. nt Lesbian and Gay Parents 1131 Richardson St. - Burlington VT 054010 860-1922 nt Bisexual Network (BiNet) ‘ POB 8124 - BurlingtonVT 05402 - , Kim 229-0112 or Grosvenor at ‘ 879-7883 - kimw@earth.goddard.edu - or biwarriors@ao|.oom ‘Meets Last Saturday of each month, 6-7pm, Muddy Waters, Burlington. .. ‘Bi Support group meets every - Saturday, 5-6pm, Outright VT offices — 1st Saturday men only, 3rd Saturday . women only TRANSGENDER S (Transgender Radical Action, rking, & Support) POB 5687 - BurlingtonVT 05402 - ' 472-8115 I ‘Support Group meets Tuesdays in B'ton. mtg into: transvt2@aol.com WOM EN e Lesbians of the Monadnock (ALMA) - ' POB 6345 - Keene NH 03431 - ' (603) 363-4961 ia Earhart ; POB 746- Lebanon NH 03766 ttleboro Area Dykes (BAD Grrrls) . 254-7721 ngton Women’s Council ' POB 0583 - Burlington VT 05402-0583 NES (For women over 40) - 143 Rollin Irish Road - Milton VT 05468 3. KE TALK jen’s discussion group) ‘3rd Mondays, 7pm ‘ Burlington Fight Back! office, N.Winooski (next to Co-op), ‘ FMI Crow 864-5595 Green Tomatoes lan Contact Publication) POB 65 - Richlord VT 05476-0065 - : 848-7037 - goldentred@a0l.com ngton Open Women’s Land , Open for camping, events, day hikes, and more. Presently open for new members for intentional community - 434-3953 i Brattleboro - 254-7345 . Beginnings Women’s Support : 5 Main Street - Springfield VT 05156 » - 885-2368 - 24 Hour Hotline: 885-2050 ‘ Meet for Pot luck and social gathering - every 2nd and 4th Wed each month starting 9/98 FMI: POB 1893, Bur|ington,VT 05402 if 5 SchoolAve. - Montpe|ierVT 05602 - ' 229-6202 I I .;: 3‘! men’s Information Service (WISE) .- V 79 Hanover St. - Lebanon NI’-1.03766, - (603) 443-5922» A ‘ ‘ ’ 24 Hour Hotline: (603)448-5525 ‘ en Outdoor Social Group ~ Hiking, Biking, Skiing, Kayaking, Climbing 6 Ongoing activities in the Burlington/ ' " Plattsburgh area. Gay singles/couples.‘ 518-562-5442 _ en of the Woods (WOW) , BFD1 Boi65260- Worcester.VT 05682 ~ “ 229-0109 ‘ - - ~ YouTH‘ al Vermont OUTRIGHT - (300) GLB-CHAT (452-2423) , ‘Meets 1st and 3rd and 5th : Thursdays In Montpelier. ing Change ‘Meets every other week at Umbrella Inc., St Johnsbury, VT FMI call Lore Caldwell 748 8645 ‘Meets at 7pm on Wednesdays at 108 Union Streettt3,2nd1loor. Bennington, VT _ . .FMl Lisa Carton at 447-8007 jrn {Lesbian Education and urce Network) Upper Valley Outright Vermont ~ POB 27 - Norwich VT- 649-5297 - 802-296-3858 - newvic@aol.com ‘Support group for glbtq youth (14-22), 1st & 3rd Fridays, 7-9pm, 1 Campbell St. (the CCB, of the green) in Lebanon, NH POB 5235 - Burlington VT 05402 v 865-9677 - OutrightVT@aol.oom - httpI//members.aol.corn/outrightvt/ ‘Youth Hotline: (800) GLB-CHAT (452-2428) -‘Drop in Center: Tuesdays, 2:30-—5:30pm ‘Youth group. Fridays, 7-9pm. “Zine publishing group. 1st Wednesday of every month, 7-9pm. ‘Women's group. 2nd and 4th , Tuesdays of every month, 7-9pm. , at Brattleboro U.H.S. Andrea Carlson at Youth Services 257-0361 or Tracy Binet at the HS., _ 257-0356. stock Area Gay/Straight ’ Alliance ‘Drop-in hours Tuesday evenings, with a social activity once a month. FMI on upcoming events or getting involved, call Outright Vermont at 1-800-GLB-CHAT Aware of Addison County c/o POB 646 - Middlebury VT 05753 - (300) 452-2423 (Outright VT) - wwwgeocitles.com/WestHoI|ywood/ Village/1415 - YouthAware@us_a.net ‘ Meets 1st Tuesdays, 7pm, llsley Library Meeting Room, Middlebury ‘ 2nd Fridays, 7:30pm, Movie at Star Mill over Ben & Jerry's ‘ 4th Saturdays, 7:30pm Coffeehouse or Field Trip. Meet at Star Mill or ' ‘