CYBER MIKI THOMAS et me take this moment to I make an exciting announcement. Out in the Mountains has its own mailing list called VTPRIDENET. People all over the state are enjoying this list and making real connections with one another. “A mailing what?” you may ask. Does this mean I will be inundat- ed with junk mail or disturbed at suppertime by a telemarketer begging me to chamge long dis- tance carriers‘? Is a mailing list the same‘ thing as a BBS, chat ‘1’l‘0“[7€17’l 81’ conversations room or a newsgroup? Actually, the mailing list is not a list of OITM subscribers that is sold to direct marketing frmrs to fill up your snail mail box full of future recyclables. It is also not to be confused with BBS’s, chat rooms, or news- groups although they are all forms of person-to-person com- munication on the Internet. Using the mailing list as an example, I hope to clear the air about what each of those terms mean. A mailing list is a focused dis- cussion group disseminated souRcE MATERIAL: To learn more about mailing lists, BBS’s, news- groups, and chat rooms, check out the following books and magazines. Net Guide was published by Michael Wolfe & Company but from what I understand it is no longer in the publishing busi- ness. Too bad because the introduction to Net Guide was excellent in describing the many aspects of the Internet. Harley Hahn practically invented the lnternet guide book and his Internet and World Wide Web Yellow Pages are indis- pensable resources. PC Novice every so often publishes guides to the Internet, World Wide Web, and various web browsers that are easy to read and inexpensive. You can find those in the magazine racks. \\\\Ill V alt Cast your vote for a winner this November when more than a few planets traverse strategic Scorpio to electable Sag. But don’t let victory go to your head, cousin; there are transits to both Pluto and Saturn this month that will prick any inflated ego. By the end of the month, you could be eating crow rather than turkey. ARIES (IVIARUII 21 - APltl 20) Feeling lost? Proud Rams may be forced to adjust their personal com- passes this November when even minor tremors on the job reverberate on the Richter scale. Reestablish your per- sonal magnetism by the 13th when lucky Jupiter changes course but be prepared to overturn some established life tenets after the 20th. A new broom sweeps clean or at least pushes the dust around. TAURUS (APltl 21 - MAY 21) Gay Bulls are hot to trot this November but should be careful not to trot into their own smelly piles. Friendships may be strained around the 10th when your party hearty proclivities upset pals’ plans. By the 20th, you realize that the COIOOUOIOIOIOCOOIO Mziwé/£4 ‘x 3. 7A& dreamboat who cruised into your port may be a destroyer. However you hap- pen to pack a fairly big gun yourself. GEMINI (MAY 22 - JtlllE 21) It's difficult to climb the corporate ladder when you have family ties that tightly bind.The straight jacket loosens around the 10th but then queer Twins are faced with partnership issues as Pluto con- juncts the Sun around the 20th. If it’s not one thing it's another, cousin; Maybe all you need is a little quiet time away from all the stuffed turkeys and baked hams. CANCER (JllllE Z2 - JULY 28) Pink Crabs don’t usually shoot from the lip, but you can’t help it this November. ‘ lnnocuous things you let slip before the 13th hit global proportions and overturn the landscape. This may not be a bad thing, friend; Sometimes you have to burn down the old shack to build a new pink palace. Expect major changes at work around the 20th. You may move from worker ant to queen bee. LEO (JULY 24 - AUGUST 28) Love for sale? Check the price before you buy, queer Lion. Gutsy Jupiter over- through email. To join a mailing list, you would have to sub- scribe. In the case of the VTPRI- DENET, mailing list, you can either look for on the web site or email to .majordomo@queer- Because these lists are operat- ed by computers, you need to type specific instructions in your message. So, to subscribe to VTPRIDENET, you need to type “subscribe vtpridenet,” in the message body without the quota- tion marks of course. Then you will receive a message from the administrator asking to confirm your subscription to VTPRI- DENET. This is to assure the list operator that you really want to be on the list and weren’t sub- scribed by a ‘friend.’ Follow the given instructions to a tee or else you would be dropped even before you even start. Once you confrnn, you will receive a welcome message giv- ing you instructions regarding commands and nettiquette, as well as more information about the list. It will also give you the email address used to join in the discussion. Usually that address is different than the address used for subscribing or unsubscribing to a list. It is a good idea to print this message because you don’t want to be on the receiving end of a flame because you sent “unsubscribe” to the discussion address and not to the adminis- trator’s. On the other hand, you have BBS’s and newsgroups that are charges you before the 13th but will exceed your wildest temptations after that. Play hard compadre, but recognize your limitations; the Sun conjuncts Pluto around the 20th and delivers more fun than you can easily handle. Exactly how much can you handle, pal? VIRGO (AUGUST 24 - 8EPTElllBElI 23) Expect to deal with the yin yang of rela- tionships during the first two weeks of November. How much of yourself are you prepared to give up to form a part- nership? Mergers and acquisitions may take place towards the end of the month, possibly resulting in a change of residence. isn't it about time you gave up that naugahyde day glow orange ottoman? LBIM (SEPTEMBER 24 - UGIUBHI Z3) Feed your inner soul this November. Nirvana can be attained through a heaping bowl of ice cream...or is it through frenetic exercise... or is it through contemplative meditation? Crack the cosmic egg after the 13th when Jupiter goes direct. Well-placed words pack a punch after the 20th. Fire off a media missive that catapults the rainbow cause. You’ll be heard it you shout Out. ' For everv hustetl uh marriage or child molester caught in the act. there are millionsarountl the World “ehattint|" ahout wholesome activities also focused around a particular topic. The difference between them and a mailing list is how they are disseminated through the Internet. A BBS or a bulletin board system is often accessible through either a telephone num- ber or telnet. It is one way that some net surfers have found to access the Internet cheaply. BBS’s are sometimes operated by a local individual or group so that any information or discus.- sion is usually geographically focused. If you are lucky, the sysop or systems operator would be able to add “echoes” or BBS’s from other areas so that not only are you able to “talk” to people in your area, you can also join in discussions around the world. Newsgroups make up what is known as the Usenet. The Usenet is not a part of the Internet per se and is only accessible if the Internet provider or BBS has newsfeeds offering a number of available newsgroups you can subscribe to. Subscribing to a newsgroup is as simple as click- ing on its name. To read news- groups, you need a newsreader that either lists posts, i.e. mes- sages, chronologically or by thread. Because the Usenet is not based in a huge monolithic cen- tralized computer, posts do not always appear the minute they are sent. You are at the mercy of how often Internet providers pick up posts. ' Chat roonrs are perhaps the most controversial aspect of the Internet if only for the bad press they have gotten. However, for =‘~\\\ll// it %7/tit» SCOBPIO (OCTOBER 24 - lll0UEllllBElt 22) Everything you value will be held up for inspection’ this November. What you find is that what you value the most in your life doesn't cost very much. Such revelations abound after the 20th. Before that, gay Scorps may become too wrapped up in meeting others’ expectations. Remember, you only have to live up to your own standards, low and lurid as they may be. SAGTFTARIUS (lll0UfllllBElt Z3 - Uftlfllllltfll 22) The trade off between a happy home life and a demanding career makes itself evident in early November. Balance is everything gay Sag so jug- gle those balls and smile a lot. All may tumble though around the 20th when your Sun conjuncts Pluto. Volcanic changes occur especially in how you appear to others. is piercing your fore- head a fashion statement? CAPNCORN (DEGBVIBEH Z3 - .llUllllAltY 20) How accurate is your intuition? Gay Caps may be tempted to go to the Outer limits through most of November but will find static on the psychic line before the 20th. No matter what though, open gwtwr/4 / every busted up marriage or child molester caught in the act, there are millions around the world “chatting” about whole- some activities like flower arrangement and such. Chat rooms operate in “real time,” that is, the here and now. There’s no waiting for responses to your message or post. You get responses instantly, as if you are having a conversation. The most popular protocol used in most chat software is IRC or Internet Relay Chat. It allows you to access any IRC charmel in the Internet. Depending on the soft- ware you use, you cam hide your identity as you enter a chat room through the use of cartoon char- acters and handles (think CD radio). You can also respond to the nature of the discussion by clicking on one of several car- toon faces representing such emotions as amusement and boredom. I, myself, have had good experiences with mailing lists and newsgroups. The Internet has allowed me to connect with others with similar interests. Thanks to one mailing list, I now have a cyberpal from England with whom I exchange emails. Newsgroups about music have helped me locate information about obscure Calypso singers. Indeed, no other communica- tions medium could accomplish . what a few strokes on the key- board could do in a matter of minute-s in terms of reaching the world. V '5 \\V f ;l$ ii \\\ /7///flit. up lines of communication with family members after the 13th and make this Thanksgiving an all Out affair, thanks to Jupiter. Only the turkey should be stuffed and trussed. AQLIANUS (-lAlllUAltY 21 - FEBltUAltY 19) You are voted most likely to this November when spicy Mars opposes expansive Jupiter. But all that hot unfet- tered sex will prove to be more expen- sive than first thought both emotionally and fiscally. Aqueerians reassess their social circle after the 20th. Are you kanoodling with the A list or with some- thing lower on the alphabet? (But if A stands for asshole, buy another vowel.) PISCES (FEltltUAltY 2|) - MAIIUH 20) Pink Fish may experience an expan- sion this November thanks to unbridled Jupiter. it clothes no longer fit, buy a new wardrobe and call it a new look. Check out the progress of your career after the 20th when Pluto unleashes transforming changes and, dare I say. once in a lifetime professional opportu- nities. Please be kind to all of us drones in the mailroom. (c) 1998 LlCHTENSTE|N,All Rights Reserved. For Entertainment Purposes Only For best results, read both your Sun sign and ascendant. For a tree calculation of your ascendant, send birthdate, time, place name of this publication and s ase. to LICHTENSTEIN. PO B. 1726, Old Chelsea Station. NY, 10011 Check out my website AcoessNewAge com/Stargayzer