COALITION /" ‘dd NOTES BY VIRGINIA RENFREW 11 October 10, 1998 GVCLGR held their sixth annual Conference and Town Meeting at UVM. The turn- out for the day was low but the majority of those that did attend felt positive about the day. The day before the conference I received a call from the Human Rights Campaign telling me that Winnie Stachelberg, our keynote speaker, would be unable to attend. The reason was because of the hate crime that occurred to Matthew Shepard in Wyoming. Winnie had made arrange- ments for Nancy Buermeyer to take her place. Nancy has been a leader in PH1C’s efforts to pass the Employment Non- Discrimination Act. Nancy’s flight was turned back in New York because of weather. She caught a flight out of Washington to Boston and then connected to Burlington She did not arrive at 10:30am as she had planned but through her determination to speak at our conference she arrived at 2pm. She spoke at 3:30pm when everyone had come back together for our Town meet- ing. When Nancy did not arrive in time for the keynote speaker, Keith explained to everyone what photo: Scot Applegate speeches. VCLGR Co-liason Keith Goslant provided introductions. had happened in Wyoming to our brother, Matthew. A moment of silence was held. Keith spoke about Vermont expanding the Hate Crime law. VT passed Hate Crimes legislation in 1988. A coalition of community leaders, representatives from the Office of Attorney general, Department of Education and Law Enforcement are currently meeting to discuss expansion of the existing statutes. The current proposal is to add Injunctive Relief provisions (restraining orders) to protect victims of bias crimes. » In the absence of the keynote speaker it was decided this would Nancy Buermeyer filled in for HRC Political Director I/Vnni Stachelberg as keynote speaker at the conference. photo: Scot Applegate be a good time to introduce the candidates from our community running for office. VCLGR thanks Ed Flanagan, Tim Palmer, Bill Lippert, and a representative for Steve Howard for filling the hour with very inspiration speeches. Openly gay candidate Brendan Hadash was unable to attend the conference. The one clear message for the day was we need to get out and vote. Abig thankyou goes to Karen Cayer, VCLGR board member, for all her help and support. I also want to thank Keith for filling the keynote hour and keeping atten- dees interested. I want to thank those that helped on the day of the conference; Betsy Mclane and Ramona DeCrotir for working the registration table and keeping me calm; UVM students: Liz Sheldon, Alli Lambert, Nick Vargecis, Nancy Ellen, Angela Thibert, and Kate J errnan for making signs, working the regis- tration table, and showing atten- dees the way. you all who held ‘workshops. 4 The VCLGR board is deciding whether or not to continue having the conference. Wewill wait to see what happens over the next six months and then will be ask- ing members for their suggestion on theme, location, date. I will be attending the Creating Change conference in Pittsburgh next month. I hope to come back with new ideas on bringing our community together. V Call Bill Desautels RE/MAX North Professionals 802-655-3333 X17 800-639-4520 X17 Bill Desautels He Keeps The BUGS Out Of Buying And Selling A Home. OUT IN THE MOUNTAINS — NOVEMBER 1998 — 9 1 Y B ’ £399‘ OUR USINESS 802-863-2300 Hours: 9:30 a.m. — 6:00 p.m. Monday - Saturday 350 Dorset Street ° South Burlington, Vermont 05403 (Tarn left on San Remo Drive) a7agw..a»:.»,%w/. 260 North Main Street Barre, VT 05641 Jewelry Repairs Custom Design Fine Handcrafted Jewelry phone: 802-479-1496 Patricia Palufizbo '0 vt toll free: 877-557-7236 Designer ~ Jeweler web: http://jewelers-benchcom Extensive Selection Over 200,000 book, music and video titles 0 Over 2,000 periodicals in l0 different languages from l5 different countries Everyday Discounts 30% discount on current New York Times cloth bestsellers . . l0‘7 d‘sco nt on mo 1 other hard . , Qllmm“ M\d‘mllm Over°5(l0 lisutenin slatsions to revi::rv:0s n WM‘d"igm mm g,Srrl\rl 0‘l 9 P fly & $g;,,,day BORDERS com: INSIDE'." BOOKS, MUSIC, VIDEO, AND‘ A CAFE. 29 CHURCH ST ' CHURCH STREET MARKETPLACE ' 802-865-271 1 Elizabeth Carnpbell CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT 15 E. \‘<'-ashington St.Rutland, VT 05701 (802) 773-4030 Elizabct@sover.nct Servittg tbe Vermont Gornmunizy tell them you found it at '|'HA'l' BOOK STORE... (now on Railroad Street) USED AND ANTIQUARIAN BOOKS nuv e’ mi - min: ‘USED AND O|.l‘I’-OF-PRINT BOOKS 0 POSTCARDS p PAPER F.l‘HEMF,RA ' VT AND Nll BOOKS usudly... Monday - Saturday 10:00 - 8:00, Sunday I I:00 - 8:00 80 Railroad Street, St. Johnshury, Vermont 05819 802 7484722 - e-mail: ras@rururrru>.3vuss.¢on BOB STREETER - DAVE WARDEN -‘ » . . ;7f .--’*‘.s".~.»'v"~rv'.€ ~%;,’r-£'__'-3 .; :. u.:¢..1 .\‘ fr K-.Jr,.s i_:‘i'_.\: a.‘ 1,. (I: #1-_: M-J z-_«.-,; .._...._. ..K,._, .. . 4 ;:,i _...-1‘;-.(. J/.,: .v,. _-,‘r,v‘l , _- V-/‘,4, ~ _.- ‘ld.." ;,n