52 letters oIrM, Pl] Box1078,Bichmond,llT 05477-1078 or oitin@togetmu-.net Praise for OITM Website Editor: I happened to d_iscover you through a link on Don Imus’ MSNBC Daily Update newsletter. Your site is particularly well designed, easy to negotiate, and full of all sorts of interesting, engaging, and very "well written and presented features. I hope I learned a good deal, and I know I found my time enjoyable, and well spent. Were I gay, I’m sure I would find you to be a particularly invalu- able resource, especially if I lived in the northeast. as it happens, I am not gay, and hail from West Virginia. Therefore I must simply welcome you to the spectrum of publications to which I look for interesting, entertaining, and informed joumalism. Thank you, George Rollins Sorry to See Moes Go Editor: I am saddened to read of the resignation of Chris Moes as editor of OITM. The new design of the paper is fabulous, and his never- ending willingness to speak the truth, no matter how controversial, is refreshing! No longer is OITM a community newsletter, but a forum for diversity in though and opinion. It is wonderful that our community can argue about various issues while (hopefully) respecting each other’s opinions. Chris’s handling of gay marriage, the AIDS Ride and other hot—button issues has been a valuable asset to the com- munity and I hope he continues to Measuring Success One Investor At A Time We know that no matter who you are or wlnu you do for [1 living. you want to see your l'iunil_y sc~- cure, your children ccluezncd, your rclircinent IlSSLll'CtI. \ll.’e‘rc ready to help with at wide range of inx-‘usuncnis and a pro- l'essim1aIl}-' trained Account l.:'x- C.‘-Cl.lI.I\‘C who can mi lor :1 pmgrmtr lo your nectls. .-\l l)cun Witter". we nicasurc slrcccss one lIl\"<3.\‘- tor at at Iirne. Ginger Williamson , 30 Main St. Burlington, VT 05401 ‘ (802) 869-9660 (802) 865-2137 0) DEAN WITTER @1994 Dean Wmer Reynolds Inc Member sP.!c write for OITM. Although I don’t agree with his opinion, I was thrilled that he had the courage to go out swinging at VCLGR and HRC in his final editorial! I implore Mountain Pride Media to strive to pay the OITM editor a liveable wage, so that someone like Chris can stay involved for more than a year. It is clear that his work was came from love and activism rather than the dollar sign, but we need to com- penstate our editors adequately so that they can stay in the position for more than a year. Chris, thanks for your never- ending enthusiasm and love for the Vermont queer community! Tom Aloisi Burlington, VT Students Need Input on Community Center Editor: _ We are two UVM students who attended our town meeting on October tenth. Talk of a communi- ty center in the area sparked our interest. We were wondering what the general feeling in the commu- nity about this issue is. 'This is an idea that has been cir- culated before. Are there any rea- sons why it has not been taken fur- ther? We would like to do some- thing pro-active about this issue. We are hoping for suggestions from anyone in the community to see where the interests and needs lie. Please contact us!! Kate lerman kjerman@zoo.uvm.edu Mike Bensel Art Critic Rebuts September Editorial Editor: I have only recently read Christopher Moes’s editorial titled “Questionable Liberal Priorities” in the September issue of Out in the Mountains. Most likely I am the ‘art critic from some art maga- zine or another’ who called and left a message on Mr. Moes’s answer- ing machine about the censorship of Dale Wittig’s painting from an “0bscurantism has certainly reigned. ” exhibit at the Firehouse Gallery in Burlington this past summer. Moes retumed my call, leaving a mes- sage on my answering machine. Circumstances made it impossible to get back to him in timely fash- ion, unfortunately. He expressed an interest, but he did not in any part of his message ‘offer the pages of OITM for (me) to say what (I) wanted to say...’ This is simply a false and impulsive assertion. First, it is very disturbing that Verrnont’s gay and lesbian news- paper would treat a local instance of censorship - particularly one involving the censorship of gay work — as if it were of no conse- quence and in a manner that tacitly supports the action. As so often happens with censorship, opportu- nities to address its structures and subtleties — for example the Christian Right did not, at least directly, bring the Firehouse show down - are lost in an eruption of blind and perverse discourses. MORE LETTERS, p15 Boarding ' Daycare ' Grooming Private Room: ' No Dog Crating 24-Hour Coverage Maggie Collins Owner (302) 658-5323 So. Burlington, Vermont 05403 3017 Williston Road Accolade Group Internet Publishing Cfiec/{ it out... wzuzu.z/tfreetornarry.o2_:_¢7 802.859.8972 ofb@viIlagetrade.c‘om_ www.villagetrade.com/accolade OUT IN THE MOUNTAINS — NOVEMBER 1998 —- 3 Join the Rainbow Business Association for it's second annual meeting! We're electing new Officers, Board of Directors, and reviewing the Bylaws at this oery important meeting. We encourage all members and prospective members 5’ ain us! And, ifyou are interested in serving as an Officer or on the Board, please Contact us. . 135 Pearl REA 135 Pearl Street, Burlington, VT Rninhow Business llssociulion Wednesday. N0V€mb€F 11 6:30 — 8:30 pm. - $10.00/person Lots of hors d'oeuvres'- Door prizes! Phone (802) 848-7037 - email RBAvt@aol.com 0 address P.0. Box 8335. Burlington, VT 051.02 Every batch made from scratch... 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We welcome any additional con- I tributions you can make to support this and other impor- I I tant publishing projects. Checks should be made payable to Mountain Pride Media, and sent, along with this card I to: I OITM, PO Box 1079, Richmond, VT 05477-1079 I I Name ............................................................ .. I I Address ........................................................ .. I I Town .................... ..State .......... ..Zip .......... .. I I CI 1 year~($2O) , I CI Contribution $ I Subscribe Today.’ i l:I.2 years ($35) CI Low income ($10) I