‘ —-:71... ._ 28 — OUT IN THE MOUNTAINS — OCTOBER 1998 The University of Vermont is proud to host: NATIONAL COMING OUT WEEK 0cm/rer /0-/6 /Lt Mariorial [om//ig 01/t Week, mark/'/lg t/re I Mr Anniversary 0/ Me /9:97 //arc/r in M41:/‘r//igro/7, D.(. for (fa); [es/2/a/i, z9/sex1/a/ arm’ /'ransge/m’er /I/gr/its. //I re/e/Jrat/o/i of t/r/it natiorral event; an e/it/re week 0/ act/'V/I/e.r /ras been planned for {/79 Br/r///igr‘o/1 and [MI aimmu/i/t/es. 4// events are free and open to r‘/re pub//'c. SATURDAY, October IO WE ARE VERMONTERS,TOO!_ 8:30 A.M. - 5:00.P.M., Billings Student Center Conference Cost: $25 (suggested) Sixth Annual Conference and Town Meeting Sponsored by: Vermont Coalition for Lesbian and Gay Rights, UVM's Student Group: "Free To Be: GLBT Alliance" and the I998 National Coming Out Week Committee. COMMUNITY DANCE CELEBRATION 7:00 P.M., Burlington City Hall Get up, get down, GET OUT! SUNDAY, October I I OUT FROM UNDERGROUND Janice Perry aka Gal, Comedian 7:00 P.M., CC Theatre, Billings Born and raised in Vermont. Critics say she is “an ecstatic cross between Doris Day and a high velocity rifle... She has you falling ' out of your chair laughing... Gutsy, intense, frenetic, sexual and funny... Uncensored, fantastic and rich in Spirit." V MONDAY, October I 1 FILM FEST: 6:30 PM. CC Theatre, Billings A series of films TBA. Sponsored by the Living/Learning “A Room of Our Own” Program Thanks to our National Coming Out Weelt '98 Sponsors! Office of the Provost in coniunction with: ALANA Studrei.A Room of Our Own. Bailey-llowe Library. Behavior Therapy and Psychotherapy Ctr.. Ctr. for Cultural Pluralism, Cir. for Health and Wellbeing. Ctr. for Holocauit Studies. Cooperative Chriitian Ministry, Deans of the College of Arts and Sciencei, Education. Medicine. and the Graduate College; Depti. of Anthropology, Botany. Economics. English. Geography. Geology. German and Russian. Integrated Professional Studies, Phyiical Therapy, Piychology, Social Worlr. Sociology. and loology; Employee Aiiiitance. Fleming lluieum. free To Be Student GIBT Alliance. learning Cooperative, livingl learning Center. Offices of Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity. Health Promotion Research. and Specialiied Student University Store. University Training and Development. Print Shop.Women'r Center Studiei, Physical Therapy. Psychology. Social Worlg. Sociology. and Ioology; Employee Aisiitance. Fleming Huieum. Free To Be Student GIBT Alliance, learning Cooperative. living/learning Center, Officer of Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity, Health Promotion lleiearch. and Specialiied Student Services; Organitation for Spirituality and Social justice. Outright Vermont, Student life. University Store. Univertity Training and Development. UVM Graphics Ii Printing,Women't Center. University Advancement and the Office of the Preiident. TUESDAY, October I 3 ONE MORE RIVER TO CROSS: Being Black and Gay in America 7:00 P.M., CC Theatre, Billings Keynote Speaker: Keith Boykin addresses tough questions generally avoided by gay and African- ' American communities. He is the Executive Director of the National Black Lesbian and Gay Leadership Forum, a nationwide nonprofit organiza- tion that advocates for and empowers black lesbians and gay men. s WEDNESDAY, October I4 PRIDE SPEAKOUT & RALLY Noon, Bailey/Howe Library (front steps) Organized by UVl1's Student Group: "Free To Be: GLBTA” _. SPEAKING FOR OURSELVES: Portraits of Gay and Lesbian Youth, Film and Discussion 7:00 P.M.,Women’s Center, 34 So.Wi|liams V TOWARD AMNESIA and BEYOND 8:00 - 9:00 P.M., Billings North Lounge ' Reading by Sarah Van Arsdale, author of the book “Toward Amnesia” and UVM Faculty member. THURSDAY, October I5 , SECRETS, LIES & HALF TRUTHS Stephen McCauley, UVM Grad Tells All... 7:00 P.M., Billings North Lounge Stephen llcCau|ey is a graduate of UVM (class of I978) and is the acclaimed '3 author of the books: /7149 Man 0/ 7/re _//or/re, /'/re [as] My 01/; and 7/re Object of /1; ,4//err/o/r which has also been recently produced as a film. Servicei; Office of the President; Organiiation for Spirituality and Social justice. Outright Vermont. Student life.