Rutiand: St. Jay: Yves 8 Buriington:Yoianda 863- 2437 or call toll free @ 800-649-2437 6 OOOOOOOIOQOO HEALTH ealth Care Organization POB 357- 179 s. Winooski Si. - Burlington VT 05401 - 004-2031/904-2032 d Center (Native American) POB 1358 Barre St. - Montpelier VT 05001 - 229-0501 POB 5248 - Elmwood Ave. - Burlington VT 05401 « 0552437 - (800) 649-2437 T Holistic Health Care FlFl2 Box 3255 - Morrisville VT 05551 ommunity Organization) 8 Wiiliston - Brattieboro VT 05301 - 254-2972 te Women’s Network POB 3 - Cavendish VT 05142-0003 -226-7807 - Margoc@mal| - http:/ orgs/twsnt .htrnl Health, Office at Minority Health 108 Cherry St. - POB 70 - Burlington VT 05402 - 863-7273 Women's Health Center 336 North Ave - Burlington VT 05401- 8634386 ‘ s Anonymous Burlington. 658-42% POB 5653. _ Burlington VT 05402 ' ' Sundays, 5pm. Christ Church Presbyterian, Fledstone Campl. UVM. V ' Thursdays. 7pm. St. Paul's Cathedral. Cheny Street.65&4221. Concord, NH 603-357-4300 ' ‘ Wednesdays, 7:30pm, First . Congregational Church. North Main and Washington St. ‘ Saturdays at 7pm (call for location). Hanover, NH ‘ Thursdays at 6:30pm. Dartmouth Oer,11ar.~. l _ E’ 3-. ’. W:8¢'.'.£-'.?'t... is-.-ll. kin -an anti. heal 48-9061 1 .Pubiic Sex Outreach: OUT IN THE MOUNTAINS — OCTOBER 1998 - 25‘ train to provide safer sex materials to men @ public sex locations 2.Peer Educator: Train to educate your friends on safer sex issues POB 1066 - Bennington VT 05201 - Vermont.CAFiES@G1e.nei POB 5248 - Burlington VT 05402 - 883-2437 or (800) 649-2437 OOOOOOOOCCOOOO CO CO 442_4431or1800)345,2,137 PoBox6033.Rufland'vT056m' 1 oro Area AIDS Prolect 7755854 POB 1486 " 67 Main 31., 4111 11. ' po 30X 275 . Mompeue, VT 05501 . ‘ Brattleboro VT 05302 -254-3263 or 229.4550 ’ - A D5 C 2:4-4444 ' Swllffsgzmlefl d PO Box 500 - s1. Johnsbury VT 05019 Keene, NH (603) 357-4300 unty I Network (A AN) ‘ "won group r . lien 9- 74e-9001 ' Saturdays, 7-8:30pm Call for Maureen 863-2437 and families. Wednesdays 1-2pm ~5nppnn g,n1n,s1n,pe°p1e lnnng wnn location, unity Awareness Project (ACAP) ‘Support/discussion group for gay/bi HIWMDS 1n: Manchester, NH POB 608 - St. Johnsbury VT 05819 - men. 2nd and 4th Sundays 3-5pm _ 1/1/351111-191°" County, ‘ Sundays, 7:30pm, UU Church. 669 748-1149 ‘Support group for HiV+ Women Mannie 229.4550 Union St. ‘ unity Resource Network (ACoFtN) Greenfield MA., _ 1:1n11ann Qonnnn Nashua, NH _ POB 2057 ' Lebanon NH 03766 ' ‘Mondays, 3:30-5:30pm. Mary Kamryn 775.5834 - Mondays, 7:30pm, Nashua (603) 448-2220/(800)816-2220 - Call (413) 773-8888. _ _ gunrngton, Unitarian Church. ehensive Care Clinics * " __ Michael 0133-2437 1°95 1°’ “'9 M°"°d"°°" R°9'°" ‘ Hotiinez (000) 753-2400 Vermont Deal AIDS Project (800) 5397903 Braitieboroz 257-8860 4 7 POB 172 - Brattieboro VT 05302 ~ ;C0f1ee Ciatch rneetsTuesdays from Bumngtonz 356.4594 (300) 25-,_1 123/ (TTY1 HI 1-2:30pm at 25 Floxbury S1, Keene Ru11and:747_1831 V (8O01253_o195/13X 2572013 cs 01 Southwestern A 1 . s1. Johnsbury: 748-7361 V1.-9q,1_ 01 Hum. A193 program omee Franklin County AIDS Network 100 Cherry s1. - POB 70- Burlington 103 Unkm 31,6313 ‘ ‘ 1 ‘ Cricket 883-2437 1 I 05402 - 866-7245 _ 1 Verrnont (800) 382-2437 Bennlngton 05201 - Nationaussociatioh tor People with AIDS Vermont People With AIDS Coalition NH (800) 752-2437 Alice Mazur 447-5007 ' - , = (202) 090-0414 ‘ 0 POB 11- Montpelier, VT 05501 - “Y 3”“? (300) 5‘“‘2437 ‘Support group for persons infected Nl-WT. HIV Intormation Network on The web 229-5754 or (500) 69VTPWA - MA (617) 5224090 and affemed by me my Vims - ME (800) 8514437 -‘County AIDS Network I .. . ““P"""’WW'5°Ve'-”°‘/“"P"a°’ 1:152:12 1st and 3rd Tuesdays. 7pm Maw Kathryn 7755884 Washington Cgunty AIDS Network Teen Hotline: (300) 234-TEEN t CARES . =1? M°'a"'° 3' 2294560 I. BRATTLEBOHO HARDWICK PUTNEY Comprehensive Care Clinic Health Center Th;N§§§1H0SHnS. MD- 257-886O 472-3309 38 - Brattieboro Memorial Hospital High Sheet, PO. Box 535 Main St, PO. BOX 247 9 Belmont Avenue Hardwick. VT 05843 Putney, VT 05346 mu" V M “E Brattieboro, VT 05301 ISLAND POND BUTLAND - : & BURLINGTON Health Center Comprehensive Care Clinic . .1 N Community Health Center 7234300 l;1l7tlilrt;g1Regional Medical Center BM 564-6309 Middle Street - 617 Riverside Ave.. Suite 200 island Pond. Vt. 05846 Bur|ington,VT 05401 ST. ALBANS . MIDDLEBUFIY Robert Zelazo. M .D. ' COLCHESTER Open Door Clinic 524-9553 BARRE-MONTPEUER Family Health 30140137 2 Crest Fload . Berlin Health Center 555.2055 PO Box 95 . St. Aibans. VT 05478 M 371-4342 311 Maiietts Bay Avenue Middiebury, VT 05753 \ RD #4, Box 1370 90, Box 35 ' ST. JOHNSBUBY _ _ » Montpelier, VT 05602 Colchester, VT 05446 NEWPORT Comprehensive Care Clinic . Northeast Kingdom Health Center 748-7476 . BENNINGTON ‘ I . ~ DANVILLE 334-5008 _ Northeast Vermont Regional Hospital Bennington Family Practice Assoc. 1 Hgajth cents; Inc, 30 Coventry Street Hospital Drlve 447-1191 ‘ 684-2275 1 Newport, VT 05855 St. Johnsbury. VT 05819 140 Hospital Drive Box 185, Hill Street ' 1 . 7 B..9Llni‘ngtgn.¥T-,Q_§20.J ..,w 1 l’t.‘_l" :.~-.-. Danviiie,vT0582a 1' -I » -I -- ~ WINDSOR I ': '* - ‘ “ ’ ‘ ‘ " ' ' “ " ' " ‘ Leahy Hitchcock Clinic, 674-2193 esamunmusihmukmhti