i.. ,v. ,.._,T..,; ...,_,,,_. .... .. ~ ~ - 24 —lOUT IN THE MOUNTAINS — OCTOBER 1998 RICK RIECCHIO. l\/ID... f.A.A.l7. spccinliziiig in azlolcscciit and pcrliiItI'I'c Iiicdicnl (‘HIT POB 806. 184 Rt. 7 South Milton, VT 05468 (888) 527-8189 rrecchio@together.net BOB GREEN M.A. LICENSED CLINICAL MENTAL HEALTH COUNSELOR 34 ELMWOOD A‘/ENUE BURLINGTON, VT 05401 (802) 658-2390 Susan McKenzie MS. Licenserl P‘§}’Cll(ftlO.glSi~f\r’l2tSlEl‘ I".-'.r,I;err'w:ced r!2eI'upI'.«:.' .rpeciaI’[;iIIg in -(‘Ire iridivifiual and .rs:'lr.Irir)rI.s‘r'Iip l.‘.‘.S'l1P$ n__fl.esl.IiarI l‘r’,:'>.nIe.rI and Cay Men Quechee PRIMARY CARE IN FRANKLIN Coumv Mara Vijups, M.D. Fanrily Practice Specialist NMC Rural Health Services Caring for Adults 8: Children Eznavsburg Swantog East Fai1'field 933-5831 868-2454 827-3032 WQIVIENES CHOICE GYNECOLOGICIASSOCIATES 23 Mansfield Avenue Burlington, Vermont 05401 802-863-9001 Fax: 802-862-9637 Cheryl A. Gibson M.D. Susan F. Smith M.D. M.D. HEALTHWORKER licensed advertiser for OITM (802) 865-9294 V join us in pride. Serving Er Supporting the GLBT Community for 13 years. 5’.'.'11‘.'r. .-,.-A.-.-nu-»,n-4'; ‘-'A'.'AYA"J\'.l4V.".k‘A‘;'LI‘n3'~\:fi'.E“'AV'“"~ -~ ellbeing Scarlet Bihl1ans:Il Priest with AIDS IW IIIISGIIIZPV BEIIEY PIIIIIISIIEII IIV 38l'|lElII'S I81, 213 IIII. WIIII |II|IIIlIllI'fl|II|8 REVIEWED BY CHRISTOPHER BYRNE imon Bailey was or I dained in the Anglican church in 1982, was di- agnosed HIV-positive in 1985 and died in November 1995. He has the distinction of being the first Anglican priest ‘who not only was openly gay, but living openly with AIDS. Other gay priests, HIV—positive or not, generally were asked to resign when they came out. That he was able to remain a priest in the tough mining par- ish of Dinnington, is still more remarkable. In addition. Father Bailey was an outspoken sup- porter of the ordination of women as priests. Rosemary Bailey, the au- thor, is Simon's older sister. Their father was a fundamen- talist Baptist preacher who was also a socialist. In rebellion, Rosemary rejected God alto- gether and Simon became a lib- eral, high Anglican priest. Scar- let Ribboizs is as much about Rosemary's coming to terms with Simon as it is with Simon's coming to terms with , being gay and living with AIDS. «Simon was no activist in the traditional sense. He felt strongly that his primary pur- pose in life was to minister to his parish. As a result, he re- vealed both his sexuality and his serostatus gradually, until he became the subject of a documentary in the BBC’s Everynirzn series and had his story published in the Sheffield Star under the headline, "Vicar dying from AIDS.” He had al- most no contact with the local gay community, told no one about his lovers (after he died, his sister found only one photo of any of his lovers out of hun- dreds of photos), and refused to seek assistance from the lo- cal AIDS service organization. Even after having a Hickman tube attached, he gave himself all of his own medications and relied on his parishioners and family for care as he became ill. Still, he made no secret of the fact that he was sexually active and that he traveled out of the parish to gay clubs in towns where he ' was not known. That this atti- tude flew in the face of the Church of England's position on homosexuality was part of Simon's anger at the idea that straight priests could marry, but that gay priests had to re- main celibate. In his journal he wrote, ”One thing I-should like to achieve in whatevertime I . /_ p: .v. I:.=. J-..-. nu-~i-: 5. I-. n .-I. -r..~. -,-n 2:: ._ have...is to tell more people—— everyone—that I am gay: not merely so that the HT LV III is less of a shock...I want people I'm close to to know that I'm gay and normal——that bit of education, that fraying away of prejudice, I can contribute.” He definitely succeeded. Rosemary Bailey is writ- ing from the position of the caring older sister who is also a journalist. Despite her respect for her brother, his faith and his perseverance, she writes, "But in the end such a story...does not increase my faith in God. It does increase my faith in humanity.” Using Simon's journals, his published stories about living with AIDS (The Well Within), interviews with Simon, their family,‘ parishio- ners, members of the Anglican clergy and other journalists, Rosemary presents a complex life without glossing over her own doubts or Simon's weak- nesses. My biggest concern with the book is that it assumes the reader has lots of knowledge of how the Anglican church works and British culture in general. Also, the amount of emotional reserve demon- strated by everyone in the book, even in the face of AIDS, will be frustrating, if not down- right shocking, to North ‘: American readers. On the other hand, it was refreshing to read about a priest who was not only openly gay, but also . living with AIDS and who I ,5 used these as a way to spread a Christian message about car- ing and responsibility for oth- ers and be accepted for it. rjjjjjjjjjjjjjfjjjijq the first. I NAME (or contact person) INCLUDE YOURSELF IN THE 2ND EDITION OF NH/VT GAY LIFELINE As you may have heard, the Gay Info Line of NH and Out in the Mountains, Vermont’s monthly I/g/b/t newspaper, will soon publish a NH /VT directory of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender social, religious and political groups; meeting places; com- munity services; and professionals sensitive to the needs of our com- munity. We are particularly looking for physicians, realtors, contrac- tors, mediators, and resources in the most rural areas of VT and NH. This second edition of Gay Lifeline will be distributed through the GIL and OITM to listed resources and to l/g/b/t communities and organizations. We‘d like your help to make this edition even better than There is no fee for inclusion in the Gay Lifeline, but you can reserve your copy of our directory now by making a minimum $25 do- nation to the Gay Into Line. Any person or group who donates $50 or more will also be listed in the directory as a sponsor. Thanks for your help. Please give us the information requested at right to be included in the directory. Feel free to print out this form and share it with other individuals or organizations who think should be included. : ORGANIZATION | ADDRESS : ClTY_ ___________________ _ STATE __ i , ZlP.____C._#. I LOCATION (ifdilferent than mailing address) I I TEL FAX -2 | EMAIL .E~_____...__e...--C__._ WWW_____*_________, I Type of Service Org.: I Do you have Meetings? I Whom can we contact regarding your listing? YES “or NO How Ofleni »| Attach a short description (30 words max.) I L/G/B/T Owned/Identified‘? M YES ‘or NO I (indicated by a Lambda sign beside your lisiting) I Thanks for your help and prompt return of this form. if you have ques- I I tions, please feel free to call the gay info Line at 603/224-1686 or email I us at gayinfonh@aol.com -I RETURN FORM To: 26 s. Main St, Box181, Concord, NH_ oggqi _I 11111111111111? .-. K .I..1.'r-...¢o';.s::;/_;' vr.',.