22 — Our IN THE MOUNTAINS — OCTOBER 1998 _.. healt Practice limited to male clientele THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE William Coil, NCMT 802°658-2390 802.660.8396 Diane M. Felicio, Ph.D. organizations higher education mediator constructive conflict resolution with an emphasis on encouragement, relationships clarity, and support. Sari K Wolf. RN, CCRN, TMP, CAP,lReiki lll Release Fatigue and Pain Massage/ Myofascial Therapy 5 Deep Tissue, Aromatherapy Acu-Pressure 802-223-47 l5 3. . By appointment only MAGGIE FRAMPTON MSW ACSW LICENSED CLINICAL SOCIAL WORKER PSYCHOTHERAPY ‘ CONSULTATION members of the Crones, a group for old lesbians in Vermont. ”We were at a dance one night,” said Alverta, ”and I asked the woman I was with, I recently met with three zllbeing in a personal ad and got almost no responses. ”It’s even hard for older lesbians to meet someone to be a friend or just someone to hang out with,” said Alverta. ”Where do older go off to socialize together and don't include old lesbians. But the women did feel that they have become more outspoken ' as they have become older. The women reminisced about living through ex- TIDE WBIIIEII ZHPEEU that discrimination due 10 30¢ W38 IIIUFB SEVEPE man . discrimination due T0 being 3 lesbian. . where are all the lesbians our age?” They put an ad in the local lesbian newspaper, and had to drop the minimum age to 40 because there were so few lesbians Older than that who were out in the community at that time. They started as a po- litical group, but it quickly be- came a social grou p because so many women wanted just to meet someone their age. "And even now,” added Mary Wallmyn, ”here we all sit together in your living room and wonder where are the les- bians in their 605, and 70's“ like us.” The women agreed that - tremely homophobic times. They talked about being in the military and working as school l teachers. But now, as older women, they were living in times that were more affirming of lesbians, but hostile to old women. Yet everyone agreed that ageism was worse in the gay male and in the hetero; sexual community. For more information about the Crones, write to 143 Rollin Irish Road, Milton, VT 05468. ‘ lesbians disappear to?” the women wondered. Perhaps some leave to take care of fami- lies of origin, they thought. The Crones talked about interacting with younger lesbi- ans. When older and younger lesbians become lovers, people DYKE PSYCHE I Being an old Lesbian by Esther Rothblum may assume that one is the other’s mother. It's hard to go to the health care center and have a 20-year old woman do the intake exam. Old women are called wise, said Alverta, yet they are ignored in meetings that in- clude younger women. Joy found that the younger women Esther Rothblum is Professor of Psychology at the University of Vermont and Editor of the [our- mzl of Lesbian Studies. She can be reached at Iolm Dewey Hall, Uni-' versity of Vermont, Burlirzgton, VT 05405 and estlzer.ratl1lzlum@uum.ed14. DYKE PSYCHE is a monthly col- umn. I some of these older lesbians are extremely closeted or out to only one other person. They ' lived through times that were « _ j continued from front page ADULTS - ADOLESCENTS MONTPELIER, VT PROFESSIONAL .. ..-e- ........~v«¢ «v, -9....-j ..... e--- I .« '1 ~» -‘ :‘. . ..e.__._ ; x\ (802) 229-5071 CONFIDENTIAL 'T\:\ISFR r-I»RMANrNT—F. ‘ meme: 802/524-9595 FA\‘: 802/5242867 .., Miser! PERMIINGNTI2 Health Ptan NDRTIIEAST DIVISION 1. ‘\- Carol Thayer, M.D. 3--ix» PO Box 1160, RD2 -5 Fairfax, VT 05454 i \ .:’lvi'lTt7lltl£l Gigante, Pli.D. 1353/c*lIi).s_witl2t*5is Cor/rzscliiig fr 'I'lzernpy {W33} 35-‘I—8ll3Z 15 ;\'l_I/rill’ .’5lrt~'i"f, l3'I'IIllli-‘tiara VT 0530.1 'A'ru‘!(‘ u very hostile‘ to lesbians and aren't willing‘ to be too out, ; even to otheryold lesbians. Many don't even use the word ”lesb_ian”—they refer to them- selves as ”that way” or use _ other euphemisms. j. I asked what._Alverta, Mary, and Joy thoughtthe ma- jor issues were facinglejsbians 5 over 60. Getting a job and fac— 3 ing ageism, Said A1V€1”ta-LeaV’- not tow the line on ”traditional family “values”. They are work— i ing a husband, coming out as T a lesbian, and being thought too old for full—time work yet ‘ not old enough for social secu- ‘ rity, said Mary. Being closeted 1 on the job and needing to move ‘ in order to live near a lover, said Joy. Working for a non— I profit organization that has no sick in old age. In fact, the women to age was more severe than .9. .. ._.-'-._5; yo" :n'=_.;u,.. .._v... ll‘S{lx‘J1‘.R‘A‘A‘lK'l\‘A‘J|‘A'A3 s-. In n. n : motivated and they. will vote. The question is will we? ‘ retirement benefits. Getting , rights, reproductive freedom, equal educational opportunity, environmental protection, and a system of representative de- 1 mocracy with judicial review are working together to make cer- I tain that their commonviews are victorious this November. They j want to make sure no matter what the Supreme Court decides ll on same gender marriage, that the legislature wi1l_act to ensure I that lesbian and gay couples have no legal rights. Their stated mission is to repeal the inclusion ofsexual orientation in ‘_ Vermont's human rights statute. They also want to use the j'udi- I cial retention process to remove Supreme Court judges who (10 :‘ ing for a system of voter initiatives that would permit referenda ' on issues that the legislature must address or on legislation thfit 1. has been adopted. They see that as a vehicle to overturn the . state's new system of educational financing (Act 60), to repeal I. the sexual orientation clause of the human rights law, and to .',compel actions to limitia woman's reproductive choices am0“8 I other things. ' I Theyare organized and they are focused. Their votersar? ‘ In September, Rep. Barney Frank (D—MA) warned hlsi Burlington audience that we are at risk of losing the W31’ 3?‘ f equal rights even though we have won the long battle of pl1l?11‘E agreed IhatdiSCl”iminati0n due 1 opinion. Most Americans now believe that sexual orientatl0_“ ; should not be the basis for someone to lose their job or the" discrimination due to being a 3 lesbian Mary had Y10tiC€d that states have enacted laws that establish such rights. Those righ“ even the personal ads in the ‘ local newspapers had ”se- I niors” under a special section. y They mentioned a lesbian . friend who had stated her age Q home. Yet, we do not have any federal protection and only ten have also been repealed in several states and cities. The block to those rights is no longer publicopinion - it is political p0W€T_-_ Political power emanates from voter registration and palm" WHY VOTE, 92?? 2; .2I-u;e»iI .2 ) '2'-D‘-‘I ‘ ?.5'C: \.n':odqri" /8. -i'1 '