rt -.>..- Z 1 - OUT IN THE MOUNTAINS — OCTOBER 1998 -— 19 AND RECREATION for on a Shoestring E POB 1012 ~ Burlington VT 05402 - POB 5235 - Burlington VT 05402 ~ Allies 865-9677 - C9)utrighiVT@ao|.oom ‘ ' Bill Cavanaugh - POB 156 - mont Rainbow Connection west Pawlel. W 05775 hing 0ul(Outright Youth Zine) Vgrnont-NEA GLB Educators and t 11 er 9, ' B45-9630 (TV program) 9 (888 2125884 do lavender9vlsions productions, inc. ; i ‘i 9/' ; into(;theatreshoe.com~ P03 3°’ 33"“ titans VT°5478 P'R!T,U,A£-[.85]-,'§'?£’§ _ O I TM '5 D E F I N lT iv/E D i R E CTO RY o F : “"93/”’WW-"‘e3"°9h°°-°°"‘ - lavender@t0gether.net " ‘ ‘ t9 9n.Mountain Club-VTChapter lvermont Sangha VERM~QNT AREA/COMMUNITY RESOURCES. ,’ jLesblan Outdoor Organization) M EN n Buddhist) T‘ - ob Bland, 888 831 3100 - b9a99d@soe999e9 oooooooooooooo 264999 5332527 . ‘. 9 v . - - or - arre.ss...,.mo.o..,, new Irstmgs/changesv 9 Men’s Reading Group so Mechanic st., Plttstord, VT Montpelier Unitarian Church _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, _ *Meels monthly in the Brattleboro 057639317 ~ Bob, 4836739 ; Church Presbyterian- rea - FMI: Jonathan Campo (802) 58-2693 or Michael Fannon (802) ’ y Get Togethers in SE VT Carey at 254-8263 1-rsht Church mOnth! 2 254-5239 ‘Meets 2nd and 4th Mondays 352.1593 9 ,_ 59 (Gall & Lesbian Literature & , n’s Ritual Group Veymont Bisexual Men’s Support Group Threads -lub of Burlington) 862-8646 0 BOX 61 Wlnooskl vr Keene, NH - Shawn 1-8011639-7903‘ (Leshian Contact Publication) ‘ POB 65 - Rlchlord VT 05476-0065 - 69 Washington St. every Tue at 7pm - .. 848-7037 - goldentred@aoi.com tions - Support group tor H, _ _ ngton Open Women’s Land Adults ll-loWL) ‘Meets tst Weds or every month at " Open for camping, events, day hikes, and 6:30pm, 2nd Congregational Church. J more. Presently open for new members Hillside DyrVe_ sennington I tor intentional community, - 434-3953 5404 - 555 3705 ‘Meets at UU Church on -. New Hampshire OB 7 - Manchester NH (B1050007 (603) 647-0206- Meets at 7:30 every Monday at rhombus allerylllrt space, 186 college ‘ mezzanine), Burllgnton 652-1103, (Leamer 89 Levlrs Club) POB 2141, Concord, NH 03302-2141 MlnotaurBC@ao|.com ‘ Bi;i9i9i9é9“°d9Xilii ll9l;L°$i>ian and Gail - (603) 753-9059 Last Lesbian Sociallsupport group for 5° "lei POBOX1492,Battlebo ,VT05302 3 mo lint - ll/ ll " . 03 532?-C_99i:9l9i;|9i99rll.9::r:9-99\9/T 06402-5322 '$3§'§,(§fY,é‘e‘§'§ . :59r57e0-tod@1>o:r9starr:om m‘e‘:n’t?ers,(:1lnps:rst1Jas‘10r:‘ 0“ cu .j B4r:)ltl?a'II)‘t:T0‘-Vlgi-r7345 °9““."° - . (603)357-5544-MonadGay@aoi.com lip:/Mww.sover.ne ~mallbucy 9 P908 5111. Brattleboro. VT 05302 New eginnings Women’s Support 9:93‘/;:;?29sA'9:ra9‘n’d9‘[‘999t9':9"5: |“°- httpzl/rrlembers.aoi.com.l 0d-iliiiil _ 9 _ S In Adoption 9 "~ " 5 May" 53,991 . spnngfietd VT 05155 ‘B 99492739 - S 78 monadpgayllndlixhtml veP(Un;tarlar9l9 U9nlver9s;$lists) 44 South sl. - POB 120- ‘ . _ -885-2388 - 24 Hour Hotline: 555-2050 9 ' en rolec 52 ear treet- ur lngton Mlddletown Springs VT 05757 - smjgqg Gay Females Gmup n/flip‘//wV1w'°9Be"'°;'("°é/’4aV°"de' (Conlldentlal dtscusslon at social 0540‘ ' -30"" Bile’ ‘ 5°2'533“518 235-2373 _ '- : V ' Meet ior Pot luck and social gathering 9 esblan oo roup 9,0,", ,9, my Meets 2nd Sundays for Brunch, aye.-.15 and menu; of - even, 2,", and 4", wed each mom, eadlng books by women ln,all genres B[jan9 1.300.339.7903 9 2:30pm at First UU Church, B'ton ‘fans and Gays (p_FLAG) 9 = , slamng 9,95 M°°“ "‘°“""i’ ‘" '°“"‘°‘/i VT‘ ‘Meets monthly. Trinity Episcopal "iii Gall MEN'S Spiritual SUPPON I Bral‘lleboroAIea .7’ FMI: P081893 Burlington VT 05402 C°""'"‘ Wm‘ Taflanav (302) 337273‘ °' Church, 120 Broad St, Ciarerrlont NH. hood J cram . 409 umbgeua womengcemer ' ““‘*‘"a‘@‘°"°'-"°'- Ga Men’s Su rt Grou 5 R no Pi. - B ll 1 VT 05401 l-l‘|| ' d -B I b VT I - - smaturists Group 98999l9l9 63999903 P90 9 9 C99c9err:)r9ro on 2;7s9t2999s99 ratte oro 05301 9 9 ;99st. sl. Johnsbury VT 05319 NEW GROUP FORMING. All persuaslons ‘Meets Tuesdays, 7pm UU Church, wicce Central VT, New contact TBA . wéman Came.- or intelligent conversation, trips to nude 69 Washington St, Keene, NH. poB 539 Ve,ge,,nes9 VT 054910068 ‘3rd Sundays, 1pm, 2nd Fl. v V ‘ r 5 school AVE . Mompeyye, VT 05602 . - Ylad,POB812-Bi‘ vr -are A, coo .enranee- T r ~ rantings nt Ga Men S Chorus Gabriel poi; 24 - Bramebom VT ~ - - - Lil Venner - 23 Birchwood Lane " V _ - ont Organization for Weddings . , - (603)448-5922 -800-750-843-1~tax: (802) 633-2389 05302 - 257-4871 Same Gender (Vows) - Burlington VT 05401 - V . 24 Ho”, Hofllna V603) 445_5525 . _°*’"V"°s@‘°9°‘"°'-“°‘ "31"" G331 Me“) an organizatlon or clergy, religious ?3:'e“§‘§nd sum 5 24 m Women Outdoor Social Group e in Vermont Arts (VIVA) (a social group for men 40 and Older) eaders, and religious organizations in PM Mano“ Chym ” A ‘ Hiking, Biking, Skiing, Kayaking, Climbing P03 512 ' Blirlillgloil VT 05402 ' 3504310 _ _ favor of sarne-gender marriage Bum" on use the Bue‘" S9 - Ongoing activities in the Burllngtonl sosoass rlt Gay SOCla| Alternatives Rev Brendan Hadash - RR 3 - Box 134B SmV9V;ve|‘em9an°e) ' Piattsburgh area Gay singles/couples. West Glover VT 05875 - 5253s75- ' 518-562-5442 NDING VIOLENCE POB 237 - Burlington VT 05402-0237 www geooilies.oom/vvestHollywood/ Ma”°"”'§fa:":d Ja “mow _ PCB 92 Women or the Woods (WOW) ° ° ° ° ' ° ° ° ' ° 0 0 ' '8653734'vtv9sa@aol-corn .ManV,,e5,ey,VT . - " 9 RFD1 Box 52eo-woroestervT05oa2- ncounly women in crrsrs- MULTICULTURAL STUDENT H ,,, ,,°5254‘°“2'“°° ”‘""°‘°9Y poo 67-MlddieburyVT05753- . , . , ii " "3?- 3884205 oo9oooo9ooo9ooooo 00009 00000 9Ju“emdPe9erCooper_ 99......0yI|-.|...... Women’s Services, inc. A (African, Latino, Asian, 6. Vermont Law School '7F9;9l;‘9‘a"° VT ,—, ; [303 323 . Mompeyye, VT 05301. Amgfigan) community South Floyalton, VT 05068 - 9 d F . d ' 9 Central Vermont 0UTRlGHT 24 Hour Houtne; 223.3355 PLogsdon@VermonrLaw.edu are” 5 an "en 5 0 ,6 ‘ - (800) GLB-CHAT(452-2428) - '“ ns nd Ga s (P-FLAG - - - {on Police Department 3 wmiggon 319 . Bmmebom VT 05301 3 y 1 9 Meets ‘(st and 3rd and 5th nlty Based Police Officer -2542972 n State College Gall Siialgiii ”°’”' c°"""’ - ' fir = "'‘‘'’‘‘“V5 ‘" M°”"’e”°" POB 3 - Jefferson NH 03583 - cl-aafin Chan ”e‘."°"a"‘.B"1LaWa’°.'°5”7658 a , 603-536-5522, in NH 800-750-2524 ; . - » i .gMee, 99 V,‘ V bran Victim Assistance POB 583 - Burhngton VT 05402-0583 Lyndon State College, Lsc Box 7335 9 = 8 every 0 er wee 800) 2591536 24 Hour - -http:/lwwwprinceton.edu/~rcurtls/ aeetrallhtml ’s Crisis Center n or Color Alliance POB 1534 ~ Burlington VT 05402 - (802) 660-0606 PoLlTlcAL boro Area Gays and Lesbians poo 375 - Bratlleboro VT 05302 - 2545947 to Line of NH 26 South Main St - Box 181 ~ Concord, NH oaaol- (603)224-1686 ua Pride 423-3Amherst St. Suite 113, Nashua, rtmouth Rainbow Alliance) 9 Hanover NH 03755 - (603) 648-3636 0 Be: GLBTA at UVM 85 S. Prospect St. Burlington VT _ ‘Meets Thursdays, 7:30pm ard Gay/LesbianlBisexual ‘Meets 7-9pm at Lancaster UCC Church, 142 Main St.. Lancaster, NH ight Spouses of GLB Partners ' rt Network Shelbume Falls, MA - Jane Harris (413) 625-6033 - aharr|s@valinel.com ‘Meets every 3rd Tuesday at the UU Church. Keene NH- Lucinda Nightingale (603)352-9337 ‘Meets 4th Sundays at AIDS Services for 9 the Monadnock Region. Vermont Lesbian and Gay Parents ' = 131 Richardson Si. - Burlington VT 05401- 86lH922 9 - at Umbrella Inc, St Johnsbury, VT - 9 9*, FMI call Lore Caldwell 748 8645 Gaylstraight Alliance for.Hl'gh School students ' -‘ }_ ‘Meets at 7pm on Wednesdays at ’ 108 Union Street #3, 2nd tloor. - , Bennlngton. VT FMI Lisa Carton at 447-8007 Gll;.earn ((_iaylLesbian Education and Resource Network) 7 ' . Upper Valley Outright Verrrlont - P08 27 - Norwich VT‘ 649-5297 - ' 802-296-3858 - newvlc@aol.com _ ‘Support group for glbtq youth (14-22). -4;’ " Goddard College - Plainfield v7 05667 :1 State College LBG Alliance > POB 933 - Bratlleboro VT 05302 - 257-7364 - 24 Hour Hotllne: 254-6954 Helping Battered Women POB 1535 - Burlington VT 05402 - NH 03063 - Gil (603) 881-9522 3’ Alliance for Gay and Lesbian "V-°“t Bisexufl Netwmk (Bmet) 1st 5 3rd Fridays 7-9pm 1 Campbell St. E932‘;-?39'92"'“ig59‘°" VT °~'9’994°9 ' r (the CCB. or the green) in Lebanon, NH lm Ol IOSVOTIOT ' " 8797863 - klmw@earth.goddard.edu oumghztzvaeggfigider) POB 730 - Concord NH 03302» 09 19999939999995 @ao99wm (yauyh ; GLBQAA, clo StudentAssociation - (603)224~l686 ,1 it vrosess. POB 5235 - Burlln ion VT05402- 35349995 _ o nson, 9 1 R C ' ' Ce" and Justice Center [hompsoa@badger,]5c_vsc_edu Meets Last Saturday of ea‘-2h month‘ 1 »- , , 865-9677 ' OulrlghtVT@aoi.com ' S ape TISIS ter 1 church 89 9 Bumngmnw 05409 _ 0999, @bad I ed 99 67pm, Muddy Waters, Burlington. 99 9 9999 99/9998999999993 a°9w9999o9m9g99M/ ~, POB’92-Burllngt0nVT05402- mam ' grkllgay/Lg;'§;V95/Eisgxual ' 'BlSuppon group rrreetsev99e_9y 99 . .Y§mhH°mne,'(w5)G,_B CHAT - .. . -n‘Std ,5-6 ,0t‘h . - ~ ' 8549555 9 ntCoalltlonlorLesblan and 9 _i:,'s:1u,dayp,",;,,,:n",3l ° ms .2 :9 (452-2428) ’ Tgms (VCI-GR) 9 Landmark College - Putney VT 05346 99’ — 3rd Saturday women only -. :$9;‘9’:h'" 9(;:"t°9_[99E9‘9°:d§§’9§t9%3°"5-309'“ ooooooooooooo 'P0B1i25'M°niPeil6lVT°5302' -387-6752 9" 9 .9‘. Y’ P‘ m_825_4989 Mlddlebury open Queer . ZinepUb|lShll199t0UP.1s1 Wednesday of every month, 7-9pm. _ - ‘women's group. 2nd and 4th I Tuesdays 01 every momh, 7-9pm. Prism, at Brattleboro U.H.S. ‘I9 Q_COOOOOOO9OOOOOO TRANS (Transgender Radical Action, 110 E. State St. - Montpelier VT 05502 - 223-6304 - l vt@ l. nt Freedom to Mar Task _ ' _ lltetworkin & SUP .0“ 9 ac u 30 wm ry ST|Un1@PaT911hEl edl) » -f : , Bm|'l)ng‘o’)1 VT _ 9 Andyea Caflson at Sen/ices it lltlp'Jlmembers.aol.corr1/acluvt/home.himl P031312 _ Mwdbbuw VT 05753 ' mfhfpwglggggldbggfimu a 1 1 472-8115 9 9 . ' 257-0361 or Tracy Blnel at the H 5;. 55356 .M:'etsgm9dayS9 spa: Cheigtsouse 999' ‘support Group meets Tuesdays in B'ton. 257-993:6. G /St . ht Bramebom ma (Manon yams) “,1 Ten (casfleton State College) . mtg rnlo.transvt2@aol.com ncgea 3V ral9 st Wed of every month. . _ ., . pm. Bari Shamas FMI 387-5788. -'eT:sg:;Jlne;;0:7Ef9Y4g8rgf’g X392 .: ‘Drown hours Tuesda)’ hvenings. tGLBT Pride '99 Committee ' 0 ° ' ° 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . withasoclal activity crnoeamonlh. -n clo The Student Resource Center, , —. - . Ml , . " P03 5113 ' Bl"""9‘°" VT °54°2'5“3 Winooski Park, Colchesler o544s- Active Lesbians of the Monadnock V:Volf;";’:m;$.°xfC:;'°%f:'V"9 05633--6301 - 828-2480 365-3734 0' SW50? Linda Hoilingdale 654-2546 or V » ALMA) . ._ ; . 1_8O0_G’L%HAT'° M EDIA PROFESSIONAL ”“"a C'a%f_5T9§338 .1 P03 5345' "°°"° “H W3‘ ' Youth Aware of Addison County C°"°9° B - - (503) 353496‘ ' -‘ clo POB 646- Middiebu vr o5753- * ' ' ' ' ‘ ' ' ' ' ‘ ' ’ ' ° ° ' ° ' ' ° ° ° ' ° ' ° ° 1 Merci Hail Burlington VT 0540‘ ' Amelia Earhart A (800) 452 2428 (0utrlt_ih1yVT) ike Us (news|ette[) E (IBM employees) ‘f f39;)929:i9:8@;‘;|e9:;Z.n3);:?9:‘i9Sy'3V"e::!7u1 ' 11 P03 745 ' L€b3il°" NH 03755 = www.geocitres.corn/westHoilywood/- 19 do BM DOME“ 59 -1335 (maschatz@us lbmcom) or V N" WT-L Sch 9 Brttttleboro Area Dykes (BAD Grrrls) , Village./1415 - YouthAware@usa.net NH NBS Foundation _ 1087 Elm SV9 #50, lm Leavens (9802) 769 4413- V - 37199 3 3W 00 - 254-7721 99 - Meets tst Tuesdays. 7pm. ilsley Contact FMI, Michael Mercer, Chair, 8 ; 1 ‘ ton Women’s Council 7631-8498 - www.vermontlaw.edul ’ POB 0583 ' Burlington VT 05402-0583 Library Meeting Room. Middlebury. POB59,M chest ,NH 03105 an 8’ ‘2nd Fridays. 7:30pm, Movie aglebtv@us,ibm.com 1-800-639-1122 * briannhat@ao|.com . ‘ " . V 5 OUT ‘ WP?/i1>d°3i6Y-99k-ibm-00m/EAGLE/939”-hlml ”a'"a"°e cfigflfis (F0; women over 49) at Star Mill over Ben ET Jerry s P03 255 . gVame,,,,,o VT 05302 . 3 9 l3:'3(i(‘I99|i9l/S5ETl;)'9hi EdU¢3T°"°‘ SUPPORT M995’ 99191:: Eoiiin lrlsh Road - Milton VT 05468 -,. 2570332 ‘ “am rr 3 0 0 0 «o 0 o 0 0' 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 5 ‘ ~ ’ _9tain pride Media, |n¢_ ern Vermont A ‘ 9 , (Women's discussion group) °‘’'' 1°’ ""° ' Po3177.Bu,|;ngyon VT 05402 9 poB 942- pulney VT 9 Gay,& Bisexual Men s Support Group - . , ‘3rd Mondays, 7pm the Mountains 9 9 05343 . 254-5150 - Junrper@sover.nel 9 Guys Like Us . do 3,13" Daugherty ‘ Burlington Fight Back! office, P03 177 . Bumngton VT 05402 . R OW Business Association . NH Alps Foundation - 1037 Elm st, #501 " N.Winooski (next to Co-op), 1 565.9294 . onm@(°ge(he,9ne( . BLT business owner and professional L pol; 59‘ Mag-1¢|1es1eV_ NH 03105 FMl Crow 864-5595 , .. htliiz//www,vlpride.org 9 °i3“lZa"°"- POB 3335 ' ‘ 1-600-639-1122 - briannhal@aol.oom fl! G799" T°m3T_0e5 T?- l rism Newsletter (Northern NY) ‘ 9§;'A'|"gg‘9:'9;-5‘2’; °:9a‘°épwsO]u99On5 com lN9r?hf°r9i9l ‘:9°tlrl9l3>r|l;‘9:|l919llil1irl’S Social Group) POB807-Ptsd ,NYlas76- - . . ' ‘ -- .- -1 OX 4. " (315)255-3605-e1rnl1rw.nonnnet.org/prism , ‘Evening rnrxerseverv 2nd Well _' .- Morrlsl/i|ie,VT05661-888-7118 9