C A L E N D A R RAINBOW EATTLE DD - - SATURDAY " Lasso yourself some fun at Southern Vermont's Middlebury - Fall Hike, moderate hike, oniy gay bar) Middlebury area, great views. Meet atthe _ t it gazebo on the if;/liddlgbiiry grt/B262 gwlltsasm, Dr-mk Specials, Grnart shows’ The Vermont Rainbow « brin a lunch ain a e 10. 8- , s .' - 032% Latest Dance Music connectmn + r 9N & 1 _ _ . . A , - Adelphia (Ch 15) (Greater Burlington THURSDAY Rcu.o 4 .:ra-...tLe-bare Between tsxtts 3 8, 4, I91 ( 802) 454-9830 area) Fridays 9pm . - Adelphia ( Ch 15) (Montpelier, Brattleboro - Vermont Freedom to Marry - Waterbury, Randolph) 2nd 3r 49) Fridays Task Force monthly meeting, planning for ’ Chene & Yolanda” 7:30pm - Lake Champlain (Ch 2) (Colchester area) 1st & 2nd Mondays 11pm 1st & 2nd Wednesdays at 10pm . - Helicon Cable (Ch 7) (Barre) 2nd & 4th Mondays 8:30pm - BCTV (Ch 8) (Brattleboro) call (802) 257-0888 for airing daysltimes ' O A’ ’- ’ — ‘~ -' - MMCTV (Ch 3) (Richmond, Jericho, Tue 10pm. Sat midnight Sun 11 Pm Underhill) call (802) 434-2550 for airing Adelphia channel 15 in Burlington, call days/times local Adelphia cable and request to . WENO (ch_15) (Enosburg, Berkshire‘ see the Show in vour area Ftichford) 1st a 3rd Sundays 8pm future panels. tables and fundraisers. Updates on Baker V State as well as other activities around the state. Brattleboro Savings and Loan Assoc. Community Room, 221 Main Street (enter from the back of the building) 7 p.m FYl 387-5788 /GAY cunnus SIZZLING LOCKER ROOM ACTION JOIN IN OR JUST EAVESDROP PHONE SEX FOR THE GAY 90'S 1 —900—7¢I-5-3306 MORE ACTION AT 1-900-745-2845 SUNDAY ‘= Putney — Lesbian Book Group: 7 PM at lleartsfone Books. We read books in all genres, by women authors, usually with some lesbian content. Please join us! For more information, Tatiana (802) 387-2781, or tatianas@sover.net. _ St. Albans - Fundraiser for Gay & Lesbian O Advocates & Defenders (GLAD) and Q u O n S 0 Vermont Freedom to Marry Task Force, 24 pm at Jeff's Maine Seatood, 65 North Main Street, light hor d‘ovures and I t refreshments, all proceeds to benefit - e n e e ' GLAD and VFTMTF, FMl contact Deb Lashman 660-2713,‘dljvb@together.net h e a n e rs ‘ . MONDAY NEW ENGLAND GAY DATES ALL ALTERNATIVE uresrvuzs - REAL L0cAI. ruoue NUMBERS 1 —900— 745-3 7 I 0 FROM $2.49/MINUTE - W,WW.XAPEX.NET - l8+YE;_’-U25 Burlington - BLT (bisexual, lesbian, transgenderwomen's) Health.Networkwil! US to find Out hCW YOU be meeting at the Peace. and Justice Center at7:00 PM.Comevisitus, ]0in us, can get on-|ine_ And fee) free participate in the development of health information and help for the health otBLT’s to ta ke n Ote S in the state or Vermont. For further info: ' ‘ ' phone: Lanny 899-4588, or Joy 848-7037. ’ TUESDAY urlington - 6:30 - 9:00 pm, As part of ' Domestic Violence Awareness Month, the Chittenden County Domestic Violence Task Force is sponsoring a Senatorial Candidates’ Forum at Contois Auditorium in Burlington City Hall. Contact: Kim Selig, 864-7423, ext. 213 ' www.together.-net 802-860-5164 800-846-0542 '£2$,?,t,},{fi§ info@together.net Montpelier - meeting of Central Vermont ' 2 section ot Vermont Freedom to Marry Task BY R°BERT K““3" Eorce, VT CARES ottioe, 73 Main St., 7 © (‘H3 By goofikr KWJY :) WEDNESDAY iTEALous'? wow, No one‘; .f.,pA‘f'5 I CAN'T BELIEVE ‘rt-iAT.’wHo .m.FY| 223-7620 Evr-IR BEEN ;rEALoos OF ME gUN's wouuow-r Be ’_]’EP\Lm)5 or Vtlew HAS £MEi1CoeT>FRor-1 H15 BRIEF sELr- BEFORE 1 THANKS.’ W 59 ME ME cure AND SEW FRDAY IMPOSED €>