.__-..o...—.—..——..:—.._.-—.—_—__—-—_—_...—...a—>—-_... \\\llll ll lll 574/1‘ , lll. i». T ARIES (N\ARCH 21 ~A|’RIL 20) A light has been switchedan in any relationship mat- ters. Thank the Sun in charming Libra for the opportu- nity to set things queer with partners. Proud Rams shouldn't feel as if they have to put an an act. Be your- self cousin, ratly wool coat and all, and everything will fit into place. However, ifthat places happens to be Newt Gingrichs bedroom, l'd reevaluate the situation. TAURUS (APRIL 21 ~MAY 21) ny orieroa . oecoeaiy we ‘ or: frat ever goes for new exer i be .o . '75 33V -.3!S‘Y "O T":'l€ T0 GEMNI (MAY 22 ~ JLN€ 21) G.eerTwzrs are energized by Son -7. soc:o‘oie _i‘orc so get 0: there and show ‘em wry -Sernlnls are the rriost char:-in folks :.~ the zodiac. Vac Feel ir.-ore expressive so do yo~ oreotve we-1 to see what surges forwaro’. {Chances are you nay gcsn wrrn apht-Jae.) no or’ wrmna the quintessen- TC‘ gay American novel? Start peaking at the