proposed Notes From The Task Force BY BAR1 SHAMAS Some folks choose to avoid politics as much as possible. Oth- ers find watching and participating in politics exciting and interest- ing. These days, no matter where we are, politics are af- fecting us; Whether our con- cerns are around availability of quality health care, reproduc- tive choices, taxation, safe schools, fair working environ- ments, or the equal right to marry, (to name a few topics) politics and politicians affect our lives in many ways. What happens in other states affect us also. In Novem- ber’ elections voters in Hawaii and Alaska will decide whether to amend their consti- tutions so that same—sex couples could be prohibited from legally marrying. These constitutional amendments, advocated by political and religious extrem- ists, were precipitated by same—gender marriage cases not unlike Vermont's Baker v. State. The results of those bal- lot measures will have a pro- found effect on our efforts in Vermont. Pundits are espe- cially watching Hawaii's vote. If the constitutional amend- ment passes there, the religious and political extremists will be charging towards Vermont to thwart our efforts to gain the right for same gender couples to marry. If they lose they will probably want to recoup their loss by stopping progress in Vermont. Either way, we antici- pate being targeted by simi- larly well funded and orga- nized campaigns to keep gay and lesbian Vermonters from advancing our efforts to have equal civil rights. We believe that an analy- sis of our freedom to marry in Vermont is happening right where it should, in the living rooms of ordinary Vermonters and in the Vermont Supreme Court which is responsible for protecting our civil liberties_. However, there is no doubt that in the coming year our op- position will seek to politicize our lives and our families by appealing to Vermont's legis- lature to perpetuate discrimi- nation against families formed by same—gender couples. Please , keep in mind the experiences of our brothers and sisters in Alaska and Ha- waii in connection with the marriage issue, as well as the other issues that are important to you, when you vote in No- vember. And by all means, please vote. The Vermont Freedom to Marry Task Force continues to believe that holding public fo- rums and having information tables at as many places as pos- sible is our most important work. These panels and infor- mation tables give us opportu- Politics and Possibilities ‘Ia. nities to . h a v e meaningful ‘ discussion with people. Towards that goal VFMTF recently had a booth at the Champlain Valley Fair. The thirty plus volunteers, who staffed our well attended booth, enjoyed the time inter- act with thousands of folks who would not ordinarily ap- proach the topic. Thanks to all those volunteers as well as Laurie Caldwell, Ioseph Watson and Michael Warner ‘who leant their talents to cre- ate the booth panels. And thanks too to Beth Robinson who coordinated our presence there. The fair is one of the big- gest in the state, boasting over 300,000 attendees over ten days. We were also pleased to have a panel in St. Iohnsbury. On September 16th, the Unitar- ian Universalist Church was the setting for a panel with Brendan Haddash,(Minister at Unitarian Universalist Church) Holly Puterbaugh and Lois Farnham (a long time couple and two of the plaintiffs in Baker v State). Keith Goslant gave a wonderful introduction and joined the panelists while Roberta Garr helped moderate the discussion. Thanks to all the folks in Central Vermont who pu-t together that forum. In Burlington on Sept. 27 , representatives from Vermont Freedom to Marry Task Force side also spoke following regular services at The First Congregational Church. Thanks to Wendy Beinner for or- . ganizing that engage- ment. On October 10, newly- weds Mark and Jeff Herman- May will staff an information table at the Putney School Har- vest Festival. Also on that day, we will have a table at the VCLGR conference in Burlington. October 14 in Montpelier there will be a pub- lic forum titled ” Civil Mar- riage for Same Gender Couples”. There will be a showing our video, The Free- dom to Marry; AGreen Moun-_ tain View as well as a panel, and discussion. It will be at Pavilion Building Auditorium, State St. 7 p.m. ' Big thanks to Sue Murray and Nancy Yannett, as well as the riders who volunteered their time and talents, who pulled together the Bike for the Right to Marry fundraiser. Let's keep the possibility o_f equal access to civil mar- riage alive. We encourage your participation in VFMTF events and voting in November's elections. If you would like more information about events or meetings or would like to in- vite representatives from VFMTF to speak at your work- place, community of faith, civic organization or whatever, you can contact us by: calling Wendy Beinner 802 652-0723, Roberta Garr 802 223-7620 or Bari Shamas 802 387-5788, or email or visit our web site, ‘ D. Y’!/x/\(?Jll?qo86eRT KIRBY firs THE HEIGHT orsum«ea,,«w:> roll SoMe, THE BORE Dom Is As lC.K ;\sTHE HEAT. “ BY’\/\/\/\- —jsIeH 2 NHATTYA - SAY we CH!-:<.|< ouT THE MoV\E LISTINGS OR SOMETHIAK, ,7 4-. .....uu HMM...HAV€ YOU Seem THAT GAY I=I.Ici-~ '140 private acres of nature trails. ' Horseback riding on our own - gentle horses. IE LEW, ,9 a he 7‘ ' Cross country ski from our door.,_ -- ' Cozy rooms and secluded campsites. Golden Threads Discreet Contact Publication for Lesbian Women over 50, and younger http:/ / /index.htm Sample Copy $5 email: P. O Box 65, Richford. VT 05476-0065 T t7dZ?L?I‘f'fSB in O I 802/ 865.9294 or ads((1’_vtpI‘ide.01'g BY ROBERTKIRBY weu., WHATTYA Foil REAL? Actu- HEE Heel Go1'cHA‘.‘ BUT I DON'T WANNA Do ALLY, ALLI REALLY REALLY wA~NA HANNA Do‘nIe$£ DAYS SIT THROUGH A Is FUCK As MUCH As PoSsIBL£...IT'S THAT Summek HEATTHINC-p HAP- PeNw(,,I 6ue$$.. HM PH.DRew MUST BE IN SEVENTH HEAVENTHEN. 7;’;-—'~f:’. 7 NAH, HE'S tseeN ‘ RoB,I’M GETTING ACTING ALL SAD AGAIN I_AreI.~(....L_oc.I,AF‘rERAg- Co NNECTTON BE— TWEEN You Two LIKE, IN NKAT WAY? EAN\n|HlL.E.. ”wHv AM I NEVER HAPPY? wwr Dome I>eom.z 1 Love ALwA‘(S Leave ?wmr AM 1. NEVER 5UcC€SSFUl. AT Af\\‘fi\-\II\)Q,'Z NH/\T'$ \NKO!\lCp ».In-Li ME? " I'M $oPJL‘(..I‘ INST... HE'S $0.. \I I "ms? DoN'T GET WHAT THE NELL,F\\JE DAYS AND EIGHT t\\oTEgooKS OF B\Tl'E9\SELF-PITY Seer’) To HAvE Done THE TRIcI<............... 1: Guess I'M READY To REToRM To ‘THE LAND OF THE LIVING.. NOT TO MENTION MATH/\N'S WAITING ARM$..! LOVE HIM?