,,.._,;_.n_fi__,._,- ..‘.. Ii _).'li~ Q:a‘.\1‘| I;|I«‘\ll I\\‘l ',r|T!i 8 — OUT IN THE MOUNTAINS — OCTOBER 1998 new email boxes. ca|endar@vtpride.org editor@vtpride.org ads@vtpride.org arts@vtpride.org hea|th@vtpride.org youth @vtpride.org mpm@vtpride.org webguru@vtpride.org we have email boxes! Please direct your future correspondence with Out in the Mountains to our convenient If you don’t have access to email, please call our office and,leave a detailed messge so that we can properly direct your call: Want to help us out? Event postings Stories/General Q&A Info on advertising Art & Entertainment Health & Wellness Youth issues Mountain Pride Media WWW into 802I865.9294 Check out page 4 for details! financial Elizabeth Campbell CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT 15 E. \V';1shington St.Rutlzind, VT 05701 (801) 773-4030 Eliznbct@sovcr.nct Serving the Vermont Commum't_y JACQUELINE MARINO Senior Associate REALTOR“-‘l —_ (802) 878-0095 EXT 23 BUS., (802) 878-6288 FAX (800) 488-5609 TOLL FREE jackie@together_.net E-MAIL Each Office Is Independently Owned And Operated. COLDWBLL BANKER U REALW MART 288 WILLISTON an WILLISTON. VT 05495 I? [7/’ By Skeeter Sanders I Our Polyamorous President / o borrow an oft-re peated quotation from the late former Presi- dent Richard Nixon, let me make one thing perfectly clear: I voted for Bill Clinton for president in 1992 and again in 1996 and if the Constitution al- lowed him to seek a third term in 2000, I'd vote for Clinton again. Having said that, I am nonetheless furious with the president for having lied to all of us for seven long months about his relationship with Monica Lewinsky. And not just because he apparently per- jured himself. Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr's brutally graphic — some say porno- graphic — report detailing the president's liasons with the former White House intern and Clinton's own nationally- televised confession make it pretty obvious that he commit- ted perjury last January when he denied the relationship un- der oath in Paula ]ones’ sexual- harassment lawsuit against him. Perjury, the act of giving false testimony in a legal pro- ceeding, is a criminal offense. People have gone to prison for that. And for a sitting President of the United States to commit a criminal offense while in of- fice pratically forces Congress to impeach and remove him from office. I seriously doubt, how- ever, that the GOP—controlled Congress has the political stomach to impeach Clinton, in part because the pecadilloes of members of Congress already are being exposed and in part because of fear of having to challenge an incumbent Presi- dent Al Gore in 2000. But purjury is not the only reason I'm angry at the president. By now, it should be obvious to everyone that mo- nogamy simply does not work ‘He Keeps The BUGS Out Of Buying And Selling A Home. K ; =§lM fig? ow Call Bill Desautels RE/MAX North Professionals 802-655-3333 X17 800-639-4520 X17 Desautels for Bill Clinton. He is polyamorous. Hillary Rodham Clinton has known this for the entire 20 years of their marriage. But the president apparently lacks the intestinal fortitude to ackowledge it to himself, much less to his wife and to the pub- lic. I -'\/‘SKEETER BITES The 20-something Gen- eration Xers and the now-teen- aged Baby Boornlets — liter- ally the children of the Boomers — have even more libertarian sexual attitudes than the Boomers themselves. So there's no way that America can return to the neo—Puritan mores of the 19505, no matter llre last met America has a polyamorous Bally Boomer president is proof positive 5 that the "sexual revolution" is not only still alive and well, but is now absolutely l'I'I'Gl/BI'8l'blE. I don’t buy for a second the president's acts of contri- tion since admitting his affair with Lewinsky. And he's wast- ing his time and money on counseling to arrest his polyamorous nature. It won't work. He needs to be totally honest with himself and the world and come out of the closet. I'm not kidding. I'm speaking from personal expe- rience. I’ve been polyamorous my entire adult life, long before I came out bisexual in 1993 and before I first came out gay in 1978. The very word, ”polyamory” — the ability to form deeply emotionally ful- j filling intimate relationships with more then one person — wasn't even invented until the early 1980s. But I knew as far back as age 18 that I could not restrict my feelings of deep love and affection to only one person. I'm 45 now and unattached, but I will remain polyamorous for the rest of my life — al- though now that I'm on the cusp of middle age, I can't handle having more than two partners. Society's insistence that one can love only one person for the rest of one’s life is not only totally alien to me, it's downright unnatural. Love doesn't last forever. Eventually, the glue that kept you and your partner together will dis- solve -— and when it happens, all hell can break loose. This is why I'm so contemptuous of the institution of marriage. But that's a subject for another col- umn. If there is a silver lining to the Clinton- Lewinsky mess, it's this: The fact that America has a polyamorous Baby Boomer president is proof positive that the ”sexual revo- lution” that the Boomers, launched 30 years ago is not only still alive and well, but is now absolutely irreversible. how hard the Religious Right ties to turn back the clock. The sexual revolution is over, and the revolutionaries have won. Skeeter Sanders is host of ”The Quiet Storm, ” a weekly radio pro- gram of smooth jazz and soft R83, which airs Sundays at 10:00 pm. on WGDR-PM (91.1) in Plairifield and on the Internet at www. goddardedu/wgdr. More Letters continued from page seven back roads and how quickly they were able to hide them- selves and their vehicle when they realized we had called the police from a cellular phone. At the falls there are sev- eral warnings to stay off the rocks since several lives have been lostthere. Now I wonder ‘ how many of these ”accidental” deaths were really murders of women like us who had the misfortune to run into these 10- cal bigots who perceived us as different and therefore not wor- thy to live. HOW MANY MORE WOMEN'S LIVES WILL BE LOST BEFORE THESE DESPICABLE HATE CRIMES ARE STOPPED? Don't expect the authorities to stop it. There may be laws on the books to protect all of us, but as my partner and I have discovered, the authorities are not interested in enforcing them when it comes to lesbians. I am a career firefighter and daily put my life on the line for people from all walks of life. I do not have the luxury‘to pick and choose who I will save in an emergency. Such blatant dis- respect for human life appalls me. Apparently some lives are worth more than others when you are a Deputy States Attor- ney or a Vermont State Trooper. Elisabeth C. Werner Farmington, Connecticut.