No money MADISON, Wis. - A federal appeals court says universities can't use students’ mandatory activity fees to fund political groups students oppose. The 7th US Circuit Court of Appeals in Chicago ruled in favor of three Christian stu- dents who sued the University of Wisconsin—Madison for us- ing fees to fund 18 groups whose activities they opposed. The groups included those for women and gays. The court, which upheld most of a November 1996 de- cision by US District Judge John Shabaz, said UW~ Madison's practice violates the students’ First Amendment right to "freedom of belief." "Freedom of speech has a component where you're free not to speak, you're free not to support somebody. And that is what they based their decision on," said Jordan Lorence, a lawyer for the conservative Northstar Legal Center in Fairfax, Va., who represented the students. N0 Log Cabin Republican HONOLULU — The Republi- can candidate for governor of Hawaii says she's not gay and she's accusing her Democratic opponent of spreading that false rumor. .. Linda Lingle’s allegation was denied by‘ Democratic Gov. Ben Cayetano, who has been hurt in the polls because of Hawaii's slumping economy. Cayetano called the allegation a smear tactic from a "cheap—shot artist.” A crowd member asked Lingle during a campaign stop Wednesday whether she was gay. "No, I am not," replied Lingle, the mayor of Maui County. _ Lingle then told The Ho- nolulu Advertiser that a Democrat had given her a copy of a report from a Cayetano campaign committee that raised questions about her sexual orientation. Lingle cam-b paign chairman Bob Awana declined to release copies. ' N0 sex CAPE MAY COURT HOUSE, ‘NJ — Here's an odd policy: AIDS prevention apparently cannot include depictions of gay sex." An AIDS prevention educator has been charged with distributing obscenity to minors for showing them a gay sex video. Keith Carson, who works for the South Jersey AIDS Alli- ance, showed the video in Feb- ruary to seven youths aged 15 to 17 at a county youth shelter. Gay Men's Health Crisis in New York City, also urges viewers to use condoms to stop the spread of the virus that causes AIDS. A grand jury viewed parts of the video before indict- ing Carson on Tuesday. He faces up to 18 months in prison if convicted. The video was "clearly inappropriate for educational purposes for young teens,” Cape May County Prosecutor Stephen Moore said. However, the American Civil Liberties Union said the showing of the video is pro- tected by the First Amend- ment. South African gays JOHANNESBURG, South Af- rica - Gays in South Africa are testing the bounds of their newfound freedoms. And one of their goals is winning the right to marry. Two men were secretly mar- ried by an Anglican cleric and now plan to ask a magistrate to legalize it. "We put our hearts into this, and it wasn't a mock wedding," , Desmond Kleynhans shouted above the din at his wedding reception. "There's no reason why the state can't accept this as a normal wed- ding and make it legal." The revolutionary changes that have occurred in South Africa since apartheid’s demise have not been restricted to race re- lations. Gay rights also have flourished. Under apartheid, homo- sexual sex was a crime and two members of the same sex could not legally kiss or be intimate in other ways in public. Police frequently beat up gays, who led an underground social life. In 1996, South Africa be- came the first country to have a constitutional clause prevent- ing discrimination on the ba- sis of sexual orientation. Last May, a high court struck down apartheid-era laws against gay and lesbian sex. And earlier this year, several insurance companies allowed same-sex OUT IN THE MOUNTAINS — OCTOBER 1998 — 7 partners to be listed as depen- dents for insurance benefits. Zambia gays LUSAKA, Zambia — Gays in Zambia are standing up for themselves. An activist group has threatened to name govern- ment officials with links to gays if they try to arrest homo- sexuals. ”We don't want to dis- close names but if pushed too far, we'll do so,” Alfred Zulu, head of the Zambia Indepen- dent Monitoring Team, said. Earlier this month, the government said it would ar- rest gays and their supporters. Zulu acknowledged that sod- omy is an offense in Zambia, but said it is not illegal to de- clare one's sexual preference. President Frederick Chiluba, like President Robert Mugabe of neighboring Zim- babwe, says homosexuality is foreign to African culture and was brought to the continent from the West. wri-ts ..»ri «h~t- -here Vo.v_er th v ;:";;‘.cre2.¥ z.;s*armiv;:;'.-.*a.~.»;-2~'zv.‘-vi:-g. --’1“’—”‘—3l et t e r s OITM, P08 177, Burlington, IIT 05402-0177 or O ’Skeeter Really Bites Dear Editor, This newest columnist, is he also new to the movement? He does readers a great disser- vice in his last paragraph by inferring the cult is benign, "not worth...getting...worked up over." From all accounts, personal experience and all conventional wisdom on harmful groups I know to turn the other cheek is inadvisable. they are extremely pernicious especially when you're not looking. ' To illustrate, as a cult buster/deprogrammer I've ‘gone several. times incognito into the lion's den of the Island Ponders. If one ponders, "Si- lence equals Death” so goes our bumper sticker, then given the great damage done to in- dividuals by such groups how can we just live and let live? Or had we better learn to protect ourselves and help others ward off such religious evils? Especially given that they practice fanatical very vocal homophobia. As their invited quest one day posing as a curious person I was in- terviewing an elder when a youngman leaped up and said, "I remember you from our recruitment drive in Mass; you said you were a student from Northampton the home of the queers. I say let's slit his , .-,ii.i':_i',<-'.,»j.'-.n'*.:‘. ‘r..\'/v .~-':~-i kitchen sink and see if he has AIDS!” Hardly harmless. Youth who leave he cult are not allowed even to phone back in except to talk to an el- der for fear their new found freedoms may contaminate other youth. Since the 1980s they've marked 12 NE cities as conver- sion targets in which they've tried to raise 1000 new devo- tees each, thus totaling 12,000 fulfilling prophecy of the twelve tribes of Israel. So as Skeeter advises us to sleep on it they are laboring in fields of unsuspecting souls 24.5 hours per day_to gain headshrinking numbers, ro- bots in a world conversion ef- fort. As one elder harangued me, ”Someday everyone on earth will live our way—it is for everybody-to be better off?” I'd just told him his lifestyle being too hard ‘would attract only a few. Evenif, one eats their good food they've be- come an economic convert. I say, if the food is free, partake, but between bites tell ‘em their dogma sucks. The srnile.goes right off their faces. The Cultbuster Joel Stanley 9 Bashing in Jamaica Dear Editor, - At 4:00 PM on July 27, .12.9.§.. iny- P€i..Ft1?v'5..T..‘.?{!£7l..-..‘.1.;;§él?¥9.., , .-i._.-..-v..-.'.-..’u-.—‘_ ,..._ -~1‘n-L-—.~..- .. -—-L» brutally attacked with intent to kill and then stalked by five white mails at Hamilton falls in Jamaica State Park. By men who looked no more menacing than your next door neighbor. The Vermont State Police sent two cruisers and a police dog to investigate, but when they finally got there an hour later (they said they got lost), Trooper David Magdicz and his partner met us and saw that we are lesbians. Suddenly they had no interest in continuing the investigation, even though we furnished them with sev- eral leads and assured them we could identify the assailants in alineup and intend to pros- ecute to the fullest extent of the law. Repeated calls to both Trooper Magdicz and Deputy States Attorney Chris Cady havebeen to no avail. It took Trooper Magdicz three weeks just to return my calls, al— 9 though he had assured us at the time of the interview that he would call within two days of the attack. Not surprisingly, we have even been refused a copy of the poliice report, evi- . dently becausethere is‘ no re-= port! _ A c F . Jamaica is avery small community and these young men had a new dark green Ford pickup truck with Ver- mont Plates. We are convinced . ' they live locally by their knowledge of the country dirt _ x~_'»_‘ :;=‘.' - V fl For confidenfial HIV/AIDS Information Call 800-882-AIDS Measuring Success One Investor At A Time We kiinw lllzlt no ii'i;iI.ici' wlin jgnii :ii'c 01' \\’lI:Ii _\-‘nu (Iii liir .1 liviiig. )-‘(ill wuiil (0 «cc _\"t)lll' lliiiiily xv cure. /\"()Ul' cliildicii \‘(lI1c'2llC(l. your i'clii'ciiici'ii .'l‘~.\l.llL"Ll. \\"c'i'c i'c;id_\‘ [U hclp wiili ;i \‘~'lLlL‘ , l‘;lll_*_.!C ml‘ lIl\'L'\ll1'Ic‘lll.~. .‘.l|lLl .1 Pl‘\'i- I lC.\.\l(lll;!ll_\' ll';lillt.‘tl ,='\;:;«'1iiil l:\- cciiiiw'.-vli I 2' ' 2 . on the :5 52. -FWEB! I35 OITM is always interested in new contributors and volunteers. ‘ Call today and find out how you can help. (302) 865-9294