28 = OUT lN THE MOUNTAINS - SEPTEMBER 1998 ’~.‘x=.i v Worllslloll and Iinrunis V SIIGIII IVOIIIS V Ton llancos V Events All lliior llortllorn ill‘ We‘ve been bu». this year... I OiTM is distributed to 130 more locations across Vermont and New England. ' I OITM has increased to include 16 more pages of news, features, and community events. A I Our readership has doubled while our ad rates have remained constant. I We will continue to grow over the next year to better serve our community. Hel us grow and your business grow at t e same time. YOUR GAY MEN'S HEALTH PROJECT AT WORK FOR YOU k to aff I -Perso day! 800 6 243 7 A Projec of Vermont CARES. Call to 5 an JOIN THE PARTNERSHIP THAT PAYS. By advertising in Out in the Mountains, yo V support an important and respected publicati dedicated to serving the needs of Venn community. I OITM readers notice the businesses who upport their community forum. Make a commitment today. ( ,UT IN THE MOUNTAINS PO Box 177, Burlington, VT 05402 (802)865-9294 - oitm@together.net http://vvww.vtpride.org