What your college or university has to offer continued from page six and flyers. The group held a drag ball and took a field trip to the AIDS quilt memorial, as well as distributing ribbons for World AIDS day. The GSA co-sponsored a welcoming reception for new students in the fall with activi- ties centering around accep- V tance events. In the future they hope to bring more speakers to campus, and assist in planning a benefit concert by Noel and Yolanda on October 17. For additional informa- tion contact Trish Turnerseadlea. She is the advi- sor of the GSA and the director of student activities at Lyndon State. Her e-mail address is seadalet@mail.1sc.vsc.edu. Her phone is (802)626-6344 Marlboro College: "GLBT 8: F organization” sponsors activities such as out- ings and dances throughout the ' academic year. They are an in- formal bunch, but nonetheless five to ten students are actively involved.” Carolyn Conrad, a contact person for GLBT G: F says ”their goal is to connect new students to the commu- nity and show them that there POB 357 - 179 S. Winooski St. - Burlington VT 05401 - 864-2631/864-2632 POB 1358 Barre St. - Mompeiier VT 05001 - 2200301 :1 1- Cancer Support group . x Ith Project 1 POB 5248 - Elmwood Ave. - J Burlington VT 05401 - 0032437 - , (eoo)s4e24a7 V r Holistic Health Care ‘ r; HFI2Box3255-MonisviIieVT05661 ~ 888-2858 ‘ ' * B Wiiliston - Braitieboro VT 05301 - 2542972 POB 3 - Cavendish VT 05142-0003 ‘ -226-7807 - Maigoc@imII.tds.ne1 - 1 .3 g hltp1/www.dartmouIh.edu/~hivnet/ orgsrtwsn1.htmI Health, Ofllce of Minority Health 100 Cherry St. - P08 70 - Burlhgton VT 05402 - 863-7273 women’s Health Center 336 Northltve - Burlington VT05401- 863-1386 Anonymous Burhglon, 658-4221- POB 5653, Burlington VT 05402 ' Sundays, Spin, Christ Church Presbyterian. Hedstone Carnp., UVM. ‘Thursdays, 7pm, St Paul's ca11ia1roi,,c1iorry Street,858-4221.. Concord, NH 603-357-4300 ‘ Wednesdays, 7:30pm, First Congregational Church, North Main and Washingtonst ' '1 " Saturdays at 7pm (ml for Iomtion). ‘ : Hanover, NH ‘ Thursdays at 830pm, Dartmouth ’ Hltdioocir Mediml Center. 3% ‘ Women only. is support and guidance avail- able.” According to Conrad, Marlboro College has a "very accepting student body and community as a whole to- wards GLBT issues. On Sep- tember 3, the GLBT & F orga- nization will have a table at the Marlboro activities fair. For more information contact Carolyn Conrad at cconrad@marlboro.edu or Jenny Karstad through admis- sions. Middlebury College: The Middlebury Open Queer Alliance (MOQA) is very active at Middlebury. MOQA’s approximately twenty active members meet weekly at 8 PM in the Chellis house. These meetings are open to anyone and are confi- dential. Many parties and so- cial events are also apart of the calendar. MOQA sponsors lec- tures and dinners that are aca- demically oriented, especially during national coming out week in October and gay/ les- bian history month in April. they held a retreat on Middlebury’s Broadleaf cam- pus last September and eight area schools attended. In addition, MOQA is excited to announce that a gen- der studies academic interest house has been approved for Middlebury’s campus. Stephanie Hunt, the mistress of publicity and co—convenor of MOQA, said, ”the gender studies house will focus on peer training and mentorship and queer/ gender / gay & les- bian studies, hosting a faculty dinner/discussion series, a reading discussion group (in which people read an article or a short work of fiction or non fiction and meet once every couple of weeks to discuss the reading), and a number of co- sponsored events with aca- demic departments and other campus groups.” More information about the Middlebury group is avail- able at www.middlebury.edu / -moqa Saint Michael’s College: An Ally group is avail- able on Saint Mike's campus. Linda Hollingdale, a Contact for SMC’s GLBT support group, explains that Ally is "a student group that is under the umbrella of the Student Asso- ciation. It is funded by the SA and works throughout the year to offer support to GLBT stu- dents and their allies. The group sponsors workshops, training programs, speakers, and educational projects. The GLBT support groups is also available, how- ever, it’s for GLBT students only. Lina Hollingdale and Laura Crain can be contacted for further information. Hollingdale can be reached at (802)654-2546 and Cain can be reached at lcrain@smcvt.edu. SMC’s counseling web page maintains "resources for GLBT students and their allies to look up in pursuit of more information, ”Hollingdale ex- plains. The site is at www.stmvt.edu Trinity college: The GLBA at Trinity was started a couple of years ago. Although the organization par- ticipates in activities together, there are separate meetings for the allies and the alliance. Due to homophobic outbursts on campus, there became a need for two separate groups. The ally group has twenty to thirty member and the alliance main- tains six to fifteen. The gay, les- bian, bisexual alliance has dis- played posters concerning gay rights in the past, provided in- formative speakers and panel discussions, attended Visibility on Area AIDS Protect POB 1066 - Benniiigton VT 05201 - OUT IN THE MOUNTAINS — SEPTEMBER 1998 -— 25 Day in Montpelier, and held outreach activities for fi’r_st year students in September. University of Vermont: Free to be: GLBT Alliance is advised by Jackie Weinstock The organization holds weekly meetings on Thursdays at 7:30p in Billings student cen- ter (656-0699) and hosts a pot- luck dinner for GLBT students, faculty, and allies during the fall and the Spring. ”A Room of Our Own” is another program for GLBT stu- dents on UVM’s campus It is located in the Living and‘ Learning Center. Anita Lang and Jackie Weinstock are the advisors of the organization and Kerri M_cAllister is the pro- gram director of the suite. UVM offers courses in sexual identities as well. In or- der to take "Sexual Identities,” a student must be at least a sophomore and to take the ad- vanced seminar in Sexual Iden- tities one must be a junior or senior. ‘ For additional informa- tion Jackie Weinstock can be reached via phone at (802)656- 2058 Vermont Law School: The Vermont law school as a GLBT alliance but no in- formation was available about 4 it at press time. Vemiont.CAFIES@Giene1 POB 5248 - Burlington VT 05402 - ° ° ° ' J U '-Y 1 9 9 3 442-4401 or (300) 845-2437 g‘(’J’l§:x3;o°;3f§°.;":t°|:':?v‘§r7o56o1 _ 0 Area AIDS Proiect 775588,, e POB 1486 - 67 Main st, 4111 11,- Po Box 275 . ,,,,,,,,,e,re, VT 05601 . Brattieboro VT 05302 -254-8263 or 2294560 r 25‘r4444 ‘ 8b°“@S°V°ir"°I PO Box 503 - St. Johnsbury VT 05519 Keene, NH (603) 357-4300 ounty AIDS Network (ACAN) ‘Support group for PLWA, Iriends. 7439061 ' Saturdays, 7-8.30pm Call for - ’ Maureen 863-2437 and families. Wednesdays 1-2pm rsuppon gmups fa, peopie wing Wm, location. nlty Awareness Project (ACAP) 'SupportIdiscussion group tor gayibi HMMDS W ' Manchester, NH POB608 - St. Johnsliuiy VT 05819 - men. 2nd and 4th Sundays 3-5pm _ wasmngmn Coumm ’ Sundays, 7:30pm, UU Church, 669 7431149 ‘Support group for H lV+ Women Merame 59,4530 Union St. nity Resource Network (ACoRN) Greenfield MA., _ mmam county‘ 3 Nashua, NH POB 2057 - Lebanon NH 03766 - ‘Mondays. 3:i05:30pm. Maw Kaimyn 775.5334 1 — Mondays, 7:30pm, Nashua (603) 4432220/r000)31s2220 - Call (413) 7730330. _ _ ,3,,,,,,,,_,,°,,, i “WWI 0I“"°I\- a°°i“@VaII°v-net ensive Care Clinics Michael 21032437 Veilelaiian N91W0|'k 1°’ "'9 M°“'d“°°“ "°9l°“ Ho1|Ine: (300) 7032450 Deaf AIDS Project PaIiI°k'8496359 (°°°l539'79°3 Brattleboroz 25743860 POB 172 - BrattieboroVT05302- I .co'tiee Ciatoh rneetsTuesdays trom Bumnggonz 5564594 2574123] (T-I-Y) H I V / A I D S 1-2.30pm at 25 Floxbury St, Keene R rand: 747.1331 (800) 2530195,“ 2572013 ices of Southwestern s . Jotinsbury: 7437301 vi Hem. Alps pmmm omge ' County AIDS Network 108Cherry s1. - POB 70- Burlington 103 union sirea #3 Cricket 863-2437 05402 - 863-7245 Vermont (800) 882-2437 Bennington 05201 ~ association for People with AIDS People With AIDS Coalition NH (500) 752-2437 Alice Mazur 44743007 '(202) 3930414 _ P03 11. Mompeije,-_ tn’ 05501 . ‘ ' ‘Support group for persons Infected niormetion Network on The Web 229-5754 or (800) 69VTPWA - ME (800) 851-2437 ' and affected by the HIV virus hItp1/WWW.dartmoulh.edu/~hivnet/ vtpwac@sover.net - National’ (300) 342 2437 1st and 3rd Tuwdays 7pm c°"mV “D5 N°t"’°"‘ mW”'w‘s°V°""°"""p"ad ,; Teen Hotllne: (800)234-TEEN CARES “'°““‘°°‘22“5°° ‘BBATTLEBOHO HABDWICK PUTNEY Comprehensive Care Clinic Health Center Thomas Hoskins, M.D. 257-8860 472-3300 387-5581 mu pmwmfl] Brattieboro Memorial Hospital High Street, R0. Box 535 Main St, no. Box 247 9 Belmont Avenue I Hardwick, VT 05843 Putriey, VT 05346 IIIIINYMIIIIS CIIIIISELIIE Brauiebom. vi 06301 ISLAND POND _ BUTLAND & BURLINGTON Health Center ’- Comprehensive Care Clinic 1 Community Health Center 723-4300 J Flulland Hagbnai Medical Cenbr II UHIMNIT 864-6309 Middle Street 747-1331 617 Riverside Ava., Suib 200 Island Pond, Vt 05846 . ' BurIington,VTO5401 sT.ALBANs MIDDLEBUFIY Robert zetazo, M.D. COLCHESTEB Open Door Clinic 524-9553 BAFIBE-MONTPEI-IE-H Family Health 3330137 2CrestRoad Berlin Health Center 655-2055 PO Box 95 st. Aibans,VT05478 3714342 311 Malletts Bay Avenue Middlebury, VT 05753 RD #4. Box 1370 Po. Box as , ~ S1‘. JOHNSBUBY _ M0nIi>e|ier.VT05602 CoIchesIer,VT05446 NEWPORT Comprehensive Care Clinic Northeast Kingdom Health Center 748-7476 BENNINGTON DANVILLE 3345003 NorIheastVermont Regional Hospital Bennineion Family Practice Assoc Health Center, Inc. 30Covantry Street Hospital Drive 447-1191 " 684-2275 Newport, VT 05855 St. Johnsbury, VT 05819 140Hosi>iia| Drive Box 185, Hill Street . Bennin9ion.VT05201 , DanviIIe,VT05828 WINDSOR Leahy Hitchcock Clinic, 674-2193