\J yr - - -.- 1 Our IN THE MOUNTAINS —- SEPTEMBER 1998 —- 21 The VERMONT PEOPLE WITH AIDS COALITION is proud to sponsor A BUS TRIP TO BOSTON V on FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1998 for all people living with HIV, their families and friends, TO ATTEND THE ”POZ ” LIFE EXPO Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transndered, Questioning (GLBTQ Yfllllll Need V0ll! (so do their friends, teachers, families, clergy & communities) IIIIW IHIN Yllll Hill’? BY: I.-BEING A ROLE MODIELI& FACILITATING A GLBTQ YOUTH GROUP OR: 2. BEING A SPEAKER ON HOMOPHOBIA, HETEROSEXISM 8. GLBTQ YOUTH Outright Vermont invites you to attend %\“IM/7"/~ an Open House where you can tour our facilities, enjoy light refreshments, and meet with staff and current volunteers to learn more about these exciting volunteer opportunities. Please join us on Wednesday, September 9, from 5:00 - 8:30pm Outright is located at 109 South Winooski Ave in Burlington For more information call us @ 1.800.GLB.CHAT or E-mail us at Outrightvt@ao|.com A roundtrip excursion to the ]ohn Hancock Conference Center for a day of educational information and exhibits about living with HIV New treatment strategies, focus groups, health screenings and much more will be available at this one day events. Suggested contribution is $10/person, collected on the bus. Departs from Burlington at 5:15 AM SHARP!!! Stops in Colchester, Montpelier, Randolph, White River Iunction/Lebanon, NH and Brattleboro. Return departs Boston at 4:00pm SHARP!!! Call 1-800-698-9792 for pick up locations and times SPACE IS LIMITED!!! PLEASE CALL 1-800-698-8792 BY SEPIEMBER 25, 1998 T0 RESERVE A SEAT this event is co-sponsored by: AIDS Community Resource network (ACORN), The ALANA Health Care Organization, The Brattleboro AIDS Project, The Comprehensive Care Clinics of Vermont and Vermont CARES RSVP is encouraged but not required. Child care is available upon request. People of Color, Bisexual Women & Men, and Transender Peo le are encoura ed to attend. I- -. I‘}XflHR’ullIrI‘.I 2») Just a reminder to mark your calendar. The conference will be held October |0th at the University of Vermont in Billings Hall in Burlington. Registration from 8:30 to 9:30. This year's itinerary includes healing arts, non-profit organizations, vendors, workshops, videos, a guest speaker, and Our Town Meeting. ’ Points of information: We would like to offer those in _ _ , our Commmmywho are traveling Then, for your evening entertainment there WlII be a dance far ahousing alternative. sponsored by PRIDE & VGSA. From 7pm to 11pm at Contols Ifyou live in or near Burlington Auditorium City Hall. It's your community. Mark your calendar and you have room toshare and plan to come out and play! , please let us know. . Special Guest Speaker: Winnie Stachelberg. Winnie is the Political Director for the Human Rights Campaign. but you must pre-register. ,, Venders, healing arts and non-profits that would like a table to display information can Contact Karen Cayer @533-7482 or email kcayer@connriver.net |tI n for Lesbian and Gay Rights ,-'21 .5: it -II. 1; . - A5‘ fr‘; ug- l!L i . II‘ ‘ ‘.2 I I ll‘ ll 2 Call (toll free) I-800-454-7732, to pre-register and ‘ I I ASL interpreters can be made available but you must pre-register. I l I I I I I I I I I Childcare will be available I I I I I l I I I I I I I I find out more.