2 OUT IN THE MOUNTAINS -, SEPTEMBER 1998 — 19 6659677 - OutrlghtVT@aol.oom mont Rainbow Connection (TV program) do lavender visions productions, inc. POB 307 Saint Albans VT 05478 lavender@together.ne1 MEN ,5 AND RECREATION new listings/changesv ian/Straighffiducators oooooooooooooooooooooooooooo lnlitiriiir this month! POB 942 - Putney VT 05346 - 254-5150 - Juniper@sover.net w Business Association POB6345-Keene NH 03431- ) (603) 363-4961 ' Earhart ' I ' - c;.ai_'r bust and r am) 5 College ALLY Group ne'87I:|):l:‘:)ai:‘df>:¢‘)‘rll3f¢\z.l‘l-|ZiCh”0flap)‘e{ . . . . . . . . 7 . 7 7 . . oranizatbn'Tel;‘;(s)‘B!w8r:<‘i'::;- .pmess °/°T“° sludem R°9°lll°° Center. —‘ POB 743' Leba“°" NH 03755 B0,, Bland we 33, 3100, 0,9,; suppon Group Burlington, vr 05402 Wlnooski Park, Coichester 0544s- V oro Area Dykes (BAD Grrrls) ’ _ ' pm 379.4527 . ,),a@pw5o)u)lon5_oom Linda Holilngdale 654-2546 or 1 254-7721 iand@sover.net - POB234 Essex .lunctlonVT 05423 _E N" I 2 d Wed Lama Cm" 6542388 to“ womews council ‘ ""p”"’3"w'°"'"°"3'°'°’°""'°'"’ 8777883 - .1 nt.V§EAg W as) ' (1 College GLBA " POB 0533 - Builin o vr 05402-0503 Men s Reading Group uy Get Togethers in SE VT 1- H. "0 °l5 3" Me, Ha" M" on W 05401 . E F 9‘ “ 40 Meets monthly in the Braltleboro Cale? .3t254’3253 Ies Cy ' 91 ' ( or women over ) Bill Cavanaugh - POB 156 - West Pawlet, VT 05775 645-9630 itlruALIRELlcious . Vermont Sangha ea - FMl: Jonathan Campo (802) ; 258-2693 or Michael Fannon (802) , 54-0239 ‘*1 Fl (Gay & Lesbian Literature & ' tub of Burlington) ' Steven Kopsteln. 434-5653 - _ GLl'i‘l’ERvt@ao|.oom Meets at 730 every Mondayat rhombus ‘Meets 2nd and 4th Mondays en’s Ritual Group _ = 's discussion group) ’ '3rd Mondays, 7pm urilngton Fight Back! office, .Wino0slti (next to Coop), SUPPORT : U r: & E 2’: (Leather 81 Levis Club) POB 2141. Concord, NH 03302-2141 Minota.urBC@ao|.oom POB 517 ' Montpelier 05601 ' mellanlnel. Burllgnton 652-1103. 42o4111 or 533-2527 -800-639-1122 - briannhaf@a0i.oom mmsvmel VT 0566' _ 8884‘ 1 8 59° f°' °V°“‘9- - (603) 753-9059 ‘Meets Mondays 6:30-9pm at the Bisexual Men's Support ~ Th sad ~ er Visions Productions, inc. nock Gay Men (Men) Montpelier Unitarian Church. V 9 _ pog 307. st Mbans VT05470 . PCB 11 2 4 _ Keene NH 03431 _ M Church Presbyteriaw Keene NH . Shawn 1-8o0—639‘7903 I1 Contact PUb“C8tlO|1) 849 2739 ' ' 357.5544 . MmadGay@ao)_com church ' PCB 65 ' Rictiford VT 05478-0065 ' ) Meets at UU Church on ‘ 69 Washington 31. every Tue at 7pm { ions — Support group for ‘T Adults l1ttp'Jt1irirrw.togetller.nal-oiariender . it Book Group , - We read written work of various genres 848-7037 - goittentred@ aoiotlm E tiitpv/rnerrttiers.aol.ooml ‘ V mo" open w°men,s Land , l rnonadgaynndexhtml Ten Project UVM - Burlington VT 05401 - ' ' by worrten authors; (men but not always = - , cmfldem) )d;m_m) 5 1.) . . ‘ pen ior camping, events, day hikes, and lesbian authors or with lesbian content = 3 gm", 10, m.,,,) on Soc :23?‘ W was 13‘ weds ‘’f ‘’‘’‘"V '“°""' 5' 5 more. Pmentty open for new members ‘Meets 7pm last Sunday of every nlonth V gmn_ 1.300.539.7903 _ New Ham hire . ’3°pm’ 2nd Congregational Chum.’ r Oi’ Ihtemional oomrnunlty. ' 434-3953 at Heall*-We Books in Plllnelr. VT ' 1 ‘Meets monthly. Trinity Episcopal 9 P03 7 . ,.,,,,¢§,e, NH m,0_r,om7 l “"3"” °""°‘ B°""'"‘~"°" an Social/Support group for contirrn with radians. (802)387-2761. ‘ .5 Church, 120 Broad st. Claremont NH. (503) 647.0205. Last ‘ 40 and older. V 31075915 GTOUP _ . Gay Men's Support Group . orgnlryuuroaor rm, ll s""";’e"r’°‘;',’,"“'”‘9 '°' °"'°""’°“" rattleboro - 254-7345 NEW GROUP F°FlMlNG- All Pelmslolls “ ~ '= (800) 6397903 ‘Meets 2nd and 41h Mondays oreaolr $3513 3,?{:bo"",°” VST 05302 eginnings Women's Support for intelligent conversation, trips to nude ‘Meets Tuesdays. 7pm UU church. rrlonth in Mandiester. S In Addpfion ' Main Street - Springfield vr 05150 beaiches,~rlouse panbs, camping. hot tub. 69 Washlrigton 51., Keene, NH. Camp 44 Scum St _ POB ‘Z28 I . 355.2350 . 24 Hour Hmme; 035.2050 1 Faeries Yolanda, POB 012 - Burlington vr 05402 ~ 0050305 Stan a“cllur0ti"t"l’onlc Waters’ P036111 . Gay Females Group , Meet tor Pot luck and social gathering ery 2nd and 4th Wed eadl month 1 W Brattleboro, vr 05302 = 1 Gay Men’s Chorus Gabriel, POB 224 -Brattleboro VT ems 3"‘, F'i°"ds °' stanjng 9/95 13007503434 - fax: (302) 0332339 05302 - 257-4871 "5 3ll[¢’lWG:Y$ (P'Fl-AG) Mr; P03 139;), Bu)-Ilngmn‘ Vt 05402 robnyves@togetlrer.net B’‘'”‘'’ ‘’ ’°“ Vila Women’s Center J Cram-409 i“ V°''"°"t "'5 MVA) liilislhds - Brattieboro vr 05301 -Poi3a12-Burilng1onvT05402- jaesoass L NDING VIOLENCE n Comfy Women in Crisis. POB 07 - Middlebury VT 05753 - 3004205 — - Women’s Services, inc. ' POB828 - Montpelier VT05601- 24 Hour i-iothe: 23-6855 ‘ 6MalriSL -St.JoiinstluryVT058l9 ' 5 Sclioollive. - Montpelier VT 05602 - 229-6202 - n’s information Service (WISE) 79 Hanover St. - Lebanon NH 03766 - (603) 448-5922 - 24 Hour Hotlirle: (603) 448-5525 11 Outdoor Social Group Hlklrig, Biking, skiing. Kayaking, Climbing , Ongoing atatvlies in the Burlington! : Piatlsburgli area. Gay singles/couples. 51 8-562-5-1 42 unity Based Police ortioer . _ . 1 oi‘ the Woods (wow) Lieutenant all LaWare - 35570521 Mature Gay Men) - —- ve (Unitarian Unlversallsts) V Central VT- New Wm TBA FiFD 1 Box 5200 - Worcester vr 05002 - 1 Ian Victim Assistance _ (a social group for men 40 and older) 152 Pearl Street - Burlington VT '3'“ 3"ll¢3Y5- 1P"lr 3"“ F'- 290109 I 0001010 05401 - John Byer - 802-663-1818 Chapel. UU Ctiurcll. Montpelier 1 Gay Social Alternatives ' Mm 2"" S“"°ays for Brunch, . l3°'l°°‘ 5‘- °“‘"*“°°l- YOUTH l12:30pmatFlrstUUChurdl.B‘l0ll I lLa"‘c”‘i’:f\'7’"- zaaldmoodun oooooooooooooo _ _ , M 1 ' ) 30 ,1 enner - r e ~ ., f’g6”£7734§"v;v”9‘°(";;’.‘T fin” °237 hag en 5 spmm pp° - Burlington vr 05401 - 1 Vermont 0UTRlGHT . 95° - 3334205 (aoo)cl_Bcl1Ar(452-2420) ; 5 Flayrmnd Pl. - Burlington VT 05401 t Open Circle 01 ‘Meets 2nd Sundays, 2-4pm First Methodist Ctiuroh, Burlington (use the Bueii St. ‘Meets 1st and 3rd and 5th Thursdays in lllontpeiier. 9 Change .11 : Burlington. VTP5401 (African, Latino’ Asia"! ‘ P03 68, Vergennes, VT 05491-0068 . street |eivel er-man0e)_ .Meets way other week . 1-: ._ 1 k the Tfails DYBVI 759-2147 ' : Man0[)gsfefAfg3‘ 31 Umbmua Inc“ St Johnsbury, VT E Local Comad: Vfil 543-1700 m vTope"Ckde@h°3m3n-mm ' Mae and Jay M0l'I'OW ' P03 92 FM) can Low cauweg 748 3545 *1 -http'//llvww.prlnoeton.edu/~r0urtls/ lltlitwwww-aeocllles-eonvtalrltolest/l258 - Manchester vi 3) h) Alliance ’l aeetrall.litml 1.. ”2V;';':‘9°7"2S‘ '3"““°"°'° ‘"°53°‘ ) - lorganization for Weddings 05254 - 302-4400 vh Sgchool Stu in Ms ' ’s Crisis Center V I 5. r a Same.Gender(VOWS) ‘ /ivtltlllttrlfir d P t C New 3 7pm on wedmdays 3, ' POB 933 - Brattleboro VT 05302 - I ' .1 an organization of clergy, rellglolts ll 9 all 9 el °0P9l ' #3 2 d mo . 1 3 257-7304 P03 583 ' 3"’""9’°" VT °5‘°"’*’533 ' 11 North St. - Rutland vr ég';":’k:'g“;(')'n5“’,‘;°’ 1 " " H ‘ 1 . 24 Hm), Ham; 257,395.) of Color Alliance 05701 _- 773-7601 FM, use CAM" 3‘ “H007 . ..: Hdping Battered women POB 1534 - Burlington VT05402 - ‘ rents and Friends of POB 1535 - Burllrlgton vr os4o2- (302) "'°‘*°°°° ns and Gays (P-FLAG) an Education and 653.1996 ’ ‘ North country as Rape Crisis Caner 5 p03 3 . Jefmson M.) 03533 . . rce p03 92. 3.,,),,.g,.,,. VT 05402. 5 ° ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ‘ ’ ' ' ' ’ s.n"DEN.'. 0035355522, in NH 5007502524 ggggglglafiygggzg} _ 854-0555 - --1 0 Area Gays and Lesbians 0 0 o 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 ' 1 :?m:n:;f§:LUCc Church’ 802-296-3858 - newvic@aoi.com P03 375 ' B'3m°b°'° VT 05302 ' Z " ' ‘Support group for glbtq youth (14-22 . LEGAL 254-_5947 Vermont Law School M mus: °f GL8 Pamas 1st 11. 3rd Fridays, 7-9pm, 1 campt.-6-1;)“-.t. ' ' ' ° ° ' ° ' ' ' ' ' ' ° 0 Lille 01 NH ll South Flovaltonr VT05068- sm§m":Fa”s MA me Hams (the CCB, 01 the green) in Lebanon. l~.'.i - 26 South Main St - Box 181 - Concord, _, PLogsdon@VerrriontLaw.edu I " . ht Vgmom n cw" Llbemes NH 03301- (603) 224-1686 SA (413) 625-6033 - aharris@valinet.oom , 22 and undef) ACLU) . 110 E. State St. - Montpelier VT 05602 - 223-6304 - aciuvt@aol.oom - Pride ‘Meets every 3rd Tuesday at the UU 423-3 Amherst St. Suite 113, Nashua, 53316 C°"999 G31! Sllalghl POB 5235- Burlington VT 05402 - 865-9677 ' OutriglitVT@aoi.ooin ' Keane M'-f- Lucinda Nightingale httpdlmembers.aoi.coniiaciuvln1ome.html NH Q3063 ' G" (503) 8813522 yndon State College, LSC Box 7335 (503) 352.9337 httpJImembers.aol.t>o1rlIolltrighltl,‘ Like Us (newsletter) 73"‘ A'“'"°° '°‘ 5“ "“ l-°3”"" Llindonvllle VT 05851‘ 6266363 ‘Meets 4th Sundays a1A|DS Services for ‘Yoltlll llotllne: (600) GLBCHAT do BM” DOWRERTY the M0na_dnock Region. [452-2423) _ 0 NH AlDS Foundation - 1oa7 Elm st. #501 903 73° ' °°“°°"‘ N“ °33°2' 1 Lesbian and Gay Parents Diet» in Celllel.Tuesdays, 2.30 .n "Youth group. Fridays. 7-9pm. "Zine publishing group. lst Wednesday of every month, 7-Spm. ‘Women's group. 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of every niomh, 7-9pm. at Brattleboro Union High POB 59, Manchester, NH 03105 1300339-1122 briannhaf@aol.oom -. bian/Bisexual Legal ation 0/0 Biackwood and Kraynak - POB _ 675, Burlington 05402 - 863-2517 1 Human Rights Commission 133 State St. - Montpelier VT 050333301 - 3202400 131 Richardson Si. - Burlington VT 0540i- 860-1922 nt Bisexual Network (BiNet) POB 8124 - Burlington VT 05402 t _ Kim 2290112 or Grosvenor at 879-7883 - klmw@earth.goddard.edu or b'rwarrl0rs@hotmaii.oom ‘Meets Last Saturday of each rrlonth, 67pm, Muddy Waters. Burlington. ‘Bi Support group meets every Saturday, 56pm, Outright VTofiioes 7 11 Andrea Carlson at Youth Services . Goddard College - Plalrifield vr 05507 357'°'~‘5‘ °' Tl”! 3"‘ 3‘ ‘"9 H-3~ ' T State College LBG Alliance ‘ eerie State College - Keene NH 03431 i t Freedom to Marr Task - -15) San...) men 0,. Alliance ri State College GSA at ly M EMA ’l GLBQAA, c/0 Studem Association - - 3rd Saturday women only , ‘Drown hours Ttlesdav evenings. 0 I O 0 0'0 0 0 O O O O O O po01312.M)dd)e),u,yv-r05753 . °hns°n_v-M5658, T wlthasoclalactwity onceamorilh. 338.0356 FMi on upcoming events or getting 5 OUT 'Brattlebor0 area (location varies) )V)na@bad 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - .)sc.vsc.edu. POB 205 - Brattieboro VT 05302 ~ ,8, Wed , m°,,,,,> 9° 9°’ . . _ _ 257-0332 um, Ba,‘,’S?,:,°,,',y,s FM. 357.5758, 3"‘ Gay”-°5b'a"’B'5°""°' . (Transgenderxfiadicai Action. ' ain Pride Media, inc. 1 GLBT Pride '98 Committee rklng, & Support) POB 177 - Burlington VT 05402 POB 51,3 . Qumngron v)- 054042.503 POB 5687 - Burlington VT 05402 - the MOUI7t3iI7S . 0353734 or 355.1302 ‘.‘72‘3115 p00 177 . gumngton VT 05402 . Support Group meets Tuesdays in B'ton. 865-9294 ~ ollm@1ogelher.net - P llll9 W0? llall5Vl2@3°l-°°"l ' Meets ist Tuesdays, 7pm, lisley hltpd/www.vtpride.org 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W Library Meeting Room, Middiebury. -(_ ‘sm Newsletter (Northern NY) - — ' 2nd Frltlavs. 7:30pm, Movie F203 1307 . pmsdam’ NY 13570 . ‘ (IBM employees) _ 3l9llll'@5hUl;:]@P3li:::t|:bmW<:e1:bUlY-ed“ ' ' ' ° ' ' ' ' ' '__ ' ' ’ ' ° 0 at Star Mill over Ben & Jerry s 315 . _ m L ' 769 4835 (rnascllatz@us lbm com) or V "3008 Dan elm lllV- U " ' . .' 2 ‘ 4th Saturdays, 7:30pm Coffeehouse r$°u{f, Jim Leaveris (302) 709 4413- , tittlw/www.mlddleburv.edu/~nioaa ,. (Y9 L95b'3"5 °l the M°"3d"°°'‘ , or Field Trip. Meet at Star Mill or 9 9 . ‘Meets Sundays, 8pm, Cheills House ALMA) 0a“‘foy[‘in1‘0‘ _ POB 5235 ~ Burlirlgton VT 05402 - 1 J'°aV'"5“5"_‘{j°"'”'T'_‘°9'" ' ,_ .