CALECNDAR september Q} MONDAY Burlington - BLT (bisexual, lesbian, transgender women’s) Health Net- workwill be meeting at the Peace and Justice Center at 7:00 PM. Come visit us. join us, participate in the develop- ment of health information and help for the health of BLT‘s in the state of Vermont. For further info: phone: Lanny 899-4588, or Joy 848-7037. B} WEDNESDAY Albany, NY - Albany Pride Event: 5-8 pm, Community Breaking of the Fast for Yom Kippur. FMI: CDGLCC, PO Box 131,Albany, NY 12201 516-462- 6138, ext. 32. october 9 FRIDAY Albany, NY - Albany-Pride Event: Casswood Cup Golf Tournament at Sycamore Golf Course. FMI CDGLCC, PO Box 131, Albany, NY 12201 516-462-6138, ext. 32. Albany, NY - Albany Pride Event: Entertainment Extravaganza with MEN OUT LOUD and comedian Michele Balon at the Egg. FMI CDGLCC, PO Box 131, Albany, NY 12201 516-462-6138, ext. 32. B SATURDAY Albany, NY -Albany Pride Event: One Dance, Dance of the Proud. FMI CDGLCC, PO Box 131, Albany, NY 12201 516-462-6138, ext. 32. Albany, NY - Albany Pride Event :AIternative Dance Event for out 21 and under at Le Cole Encore. FMI CDGLCC, PO Box 131, Albany, NY 12201 516-462-6138, ext. 32. Johnson - Hiking and Fried Green Tomatoes Planning Meeting. FMI: 802-635-9770. Putney - Gender Role-Free Contra Dance for gay men’, lesbians, bisexu- als & allies will be held Saturday, 8- 11pm at the Putney Community Cen- ter, with Rick Frank calling. Sliding- scale admission $5-$7. Take Inter- state 91 to Exit 4 (Putney) and follow signs to Putney Village. Park at Town Hall parking lot on the left, cross Main Street to Christian Square (the Internet Cafe is on the corner) and walk 1/2 blockto the Community Cen- ter. Beginners welcome, all dances taught. Please bring light-soled shoes to dance in. FMI Howie (603) 357- 2200. D SUNDAY Albany, NY - Albany Pride Event: March and Rally beginning at the Lake House in Washington Park. Gather at 10 am, march at 11 am. Grand Mar- shal, Kate Clinton. FMI CDGLCC, PO Box 131, Albany, NY 12201 516462- 6138, ext. 32. THE VEFMONT I1i\IN60w CONNECTION THE T.V. $H0\N BY, FOIZ AND VElZMONT'$ L/61/5/T LOMMUNlT‘I AND OUIZ $UPP0lZTEl1$ ! "Become a Sponsor and show your call or write for rafes and Sposorship/Donor information: (502) 5474737 Lavender Visions Productions, PO Box 307 Sainf Albans, V2‘. 05475 email: Ia venderéiogelher. nef Lavender Visions Productions, Inc. is-a non organization and all contributions are tax deductible THE $HOW THAT $U??Ol1T$ YOU ! HELP SUPPORT ABOUT support‘ !” Inc. -profit 501(c)(3) . Tue 10pm, at midnight, Sun 11pm Adelphia channel 15 in Buriington, call local Adelphia cable and request to see the show in your area The Vermont Rainbow Connection M -Adelphia (Ch 15) (Greater Burlington area) Fridays 9pm - Adelphia ( Ch 15) (Montpelier, Waterbury, Randolph) 2nd & 4th Fridays 7:30pm . - Lake Champlain (Ch 2) (CoIchester area) 1st 8: 2nd Mondays 11pm 1st & 2nd Wednesdays at 10pm - Helicon Cable (Ch 7) (Barre) 2nd & I 4th Mondays 8:30pm - BCTV (Ch 8) (Brattleboro) call (802) 257-0888 for airing daysltimes - MMCTV (Ch 3) (Richmond, Jericho, Underhill) call (802) 434-2550 for airing daysltimes - WENO (Ch.15) (Enosburg, Berkshire, Richford) 1st & 3rd Sundays 8pm Questions About the Internet? We have answers. Call us to find out can get on-line.And feel free to take notes F L "I;cE>gvether ORKS info@toget 802-860-5 I 64 800-846-0542 how you hennet N THE LATEST FASI-\loLl.§\L5o MAKES A exem- GIFT.’ from Hie §H@(llEgr< wrri-r THESE Mui:rr- I-IuED"FREEDoM BANDS" IT HE PE&FEc1' RUBBER BAND ForzYouiz LIFESTYLE. IMPoRT'€l> Nm—l PRIDE, $1 (02 Fok BAG of 100. THE SToMEv~lALLT" TOENAIL CLIPPEK You'LL CEKTAINLY GRAB Tharp. ATrENT|oM wrru Tins SLEEK Gaoomwe ACCESSORY. Youk choice or LAVENDER out PINK §/0//V R //% /%,m..,////II.rIl\\\\\ 3 I LAMBDA - S HAPED SALT AND PEPPER 5nAi