on the tube...AA Here are a few Vermont Public Television programs of note for September 1998: IN THE LIFE 3rd Annual “Lights, Camera, Activism” Epi- sode Monday, August 31, 11 p.m. to midnight. 7 Repeat broadcast on Saturday. Sept. 5, 12:30 a.m. Iatenight In the Life celebrates its third annual “Lights, Camera, Activism!” episode with a look at gay and lesbian independent film and video. From docu- mentaries to experimental works to independent films, gay men and lesbians are producing work that is vastly different in scope and style. In each project, however, the mission to provide visibility and insight about the gay and lesbian community remains constant. In this episode, In the Life rec- ognizes that mission with a look at these efforts. BY TIM MENK On Sunday, July 19, an enthu- siastic, intrepid band of gay men from all over Vermont met in ‘Montpelier to formally launch a new State-wide gay men’s singing group. Men hailing from Montpelier, St. Johnsbury, Jericho, Duxbury, Ryegate, MclnDoe Falls and Holland form the core group at this time. some of the organizers include the Miami Gay Men's Chorus, The Handel and Haydn Society of Dartmouth Col- lege, The North Coast Gay Men's Chorus (Cleveland) and The Chatham Chorale (Cape Cod). Prospective members from all over Vermont have indicated an interest in joining the new chorus. As was well said in a recent edition of Seven Days, the Burlington- based weekly, “Hallelujah! Vermont finally has enough harmonious homes to start a chorus." A Board of Directors has been formed, and non-profit corporate sta- tus is being sought for the new orga- nization. The name chosen for the Former musical affiliations of A BRIDESHEAD REVISITED Encore of the classic starring Jeremy Irons and AnthonyAndrews. Fridays at 10 p.m. from August 28 through October. ALSO... Be sure to check out the GAY TV Guide on page 18 of A&E in OITM for a full listing of times, dates, and channels for the CHERIE & YOLANDA SHOW and... . VERMONT RAINBOW CONNECTION SATURDAY Ferrisburgh - BIKE FOR THE RIGHT TO MARRY. Fundraiser for Vermont Freedom to Marry Task Force. Ride in scenic Champlain Valley. All expe- rience levels welcome. FM! Call Nancy, 453-5420, or Susan, 877-3165 Plainfield, NH - 4pm, Cook-out, games and Bonfire at Kim & Carolyn’s: 603-675-6865. Williamstown - Dusk Women of the Woods End-of-Summer Bonfire. Bring the usual snacks and something to drink. Hot dogs, buns and fixings pro- vided. Bring a lawn chair.’FMl 229- 0109 SUNDAY Brattleboro - 5 pm Gay/B! Men’s Discussion Group at Brattleboro Area AIDS Project's mtg room, 67 Main St. 4th Fl, downtown. FM! Carey (802) 254-4444 Burlington - Congressman Barney Frank will speak out against the cur- rent Congressional attacks on the human rights of the glbt community in America at a fundraising event is State Auditor Edward Flanagan in t% Lake Champlain Room of f’ e Radisson Hotel in downtown Burlington, at 1:00 pm. Suggested donation to the Flanagan re-election campaign is $25. Call (802)862-3203 for ticket information. Montpelier - Vermont Gay Men’s Chorus general meeting. UU Church, 4 - 7pm, This will be an informal meet- ing to talk about music, make sugges- tions, have a professional there to lis- new group is “A Vocal Minority-The Vermont Gay Men’s Chorus” The shared goal of the organizers is to form a highouality, auditioned chorus consisting of 20-plus voices. It is an- ticipated that at the outset, the group will be made up of eight to ten per- forming members. Further plans in- clude initial performances during the 1998 holiday season in St. Johnsbury, Montpelier, Burlington and other ven- ues by request. On Sunday, August 16, an open Board meeting was held in Montpelier, and Tim Tavcar, was elected asthe Director of the new chorus. A resident of Montpelier, Tim obtained a Bachelor’s of Music/Opera ten and make recommendations and actually sing!!! TUESDAY DEADLINE for October 0/TM WEDNESDAY "1 Brattleboro - Vermont Freedom to .:lf/larry Task Force meeting. Planning for future panels and Gay Bingo. 7pm Brattleboro Savings and Loan Assoc. Community Room, 221 Main St. FM! Bari Shamas 387-5788 Fairlee - 8:30 am - 4 pm, 7th Annual VT HlV/AlDS Educators Training Con- ference Lake Morey Inn. FM! Jonathan (802)862-1668 South Burlington - 16 and 17 from 7-9pm. Audtitions for Theatre on a Shoestring’s fall production of “P.S. \ Vermont Gay Men’s Chorus —(left to right) Mark Violette, Noel Benoit, Tim Tavcar (director), Bill Pelton, Philip Springer, Rob Larabee, Yves Morrissette, Tim Fenk, Paul Amell, Charles Martin Direction from Northwestern Univer- sity, and earned a certificate in choral directing from Kent State University Tim has been involved in cho- ral music and’ musical theater for many years, most recently as both a performer and director with the Lost Nation Theater in Montpelier and The Vermont Opera Theater. He has a prior affiliation with The North Coast Gay Men's Chorus in Cleveland. ‘Fm brings a host of talents, experience and enthusiasm to the new endeavor. Among other honors, Tim won the Bessie Award presented by Burlington City Arts, honoring his Outstanding Di- rection of Side by Side by Sondheim. During a discussion of a pos- sible performance by the new chorus on the steps ofthe Capitol Building in Montpelier, Tim commented that he thought this would be a particularly appropriate venue, because “our very existence is a political statement.” The Board of Directors and organizers heartily concur with this view. ’ Your Cat is Dead", by James Kirkwood Wednesday and Thursday, at the Holiday Inn, 1068 Williston Road. Need three men 30-40 years of age and one woman in her early 30’s. This play contains some strong language and male nudity. Tentative production dates are mid- to late No- vember. Rehearsals will be Wednes- days-Fridays from 7-9pm beginning September 23. Serious actors with a strong theatrical background strongly encouraged to audition. Behind-the- scenes crew are also desperately needed. if you are interested in audi- tioning or-helping out backstage, please contact TOAS at 1-888-212- 5884 or www.theatreshoe.com. St. Johnsbury - 7:00pm, Public Fo- rum on the Right To Marry at the Uni- tarian Church. Call 223-7620 for more info. The steady growth of the gay and lesbian choral movement has played an integral role in the coming out process for the gay community intothe broadersociety. Since the first concert by the Anna Crusis Women's Choir in Philadelphia in 1975, in per- formances throughout the world, gay and lesbian choral groups continue to demonstrate the extraordinarily di- verse talents, broad musical tastes and wild senses of humor found within our vital (and increasing vocal) minor- fly. The most successful gay and lesbian choruses combine an eclec- tic mix of entertainment, whimsy, and serious subjects in their repertoires. Underlying all of these elements, the movement also provides a vehicle for increasing political awareness and visibility of g/I/b/t issues and sensibili- ties to the greater community in which we live and work. From the outset, the ever-growing, world-wide gay and les- bian choral movement has been at the THURSDAY - St. Johnsbury - 4 - 6:30pm OPEN HOUSE, St. Johnsbury VT CARES office, 77 Eastern Avenue (above AJA Pizza). 7 B} MONDAY Burlington - Dyke Talk at the Fight Back office, starts at 7, this month’s subject, Dyke's and health. TUEsDAY St. Albans - Vermont Freedom to Marry Task Force representatives will be guests for their The Rotary Club meeting at noon.