6 — OUT IN THE MouNTAiNs 4 SEPTEMBER 1998 What Your College or University Has to Offer in 212 Collis. All of these gath- erings last for approximately one hour. Goddard College: Goddard connects stu- f "l hm" all niy .s‘tuft' at the l‘c;n'v &_l1isticc .8‘!-our. \\.-‘l1Cl'c‘ clsc';"' -Lois. ('1'l'\&’Q‘r‘ GLBT issuesintheKeeneState ‘ community, overcome fear and prejudice through information and positive examples, pro- vide community services to the Can you smell that? Fall is in the air, and we all know what that means: back to school. Colleges and universi- ties across Vermont are prepar- ing for their students’ return, and for the gay, lesbian, bi- sexual, and transgender orga- nizations are making plans, as well. Listed below is an over- view of what colleges and uni- versities all over Vermont of-‘ ‘ — = - v Ti-ital» R"-:ttit.’r'ii|‘«3t".‘Ntz‘-‘ 5“~l'.l”¥E=’t'3tI%\*0.”.‘;n'E . is Dartmouth college‘: Laahtan. Gay, ‘ Bison ual, Tmnsgunrlor. Questioning. Friondty, and other . uuniirn 1| Churth St. Bufllngttnl 863-8326 Open ':'D:\'.I i WW'mm%lfilllflmI..« s d - 0 ii 1* - . fer their GLBT students: 1"‘ em mm in mm -P‘;;‘" & mm“ spore 335350" “"9931 An excerpt from the Dartmouth Rainbow Alliance Home Page: Jewelry Repairs‘ Custom Design Fine Handcrafted Jewelry Patricia Palumbo Designer ~ Jeweler 260 North Main Street Barre, VT 05 64 1 phone: 802-4 79-1496 vt toll free: 877-55 7- 7236 email: pat@/ewelers-bench.com web: hrtp.'//jewelers—bench.com 162 south main street rutlcind, Vermont 05701 (802) 775-291 l Quite Simply... The finest collection of Furniture, Carpeting 8: Accessories in Vermont Rutland House Ltd. rtes l1/30 ~ in the heart of mcinchester center, Vermont (802) 362-2001 from on over Vermont: (800) 649-2911 it * phoenix rising * , - spirited iewelry & gifts - ‘k lll‘l'illllS ill‘l' necessary lll lllfl. - rlllills Nil! 104 main street, one flight up montpelier 802.229.0522 The ”One in Ten—Gay, Lesbian, and bisexual Alli- ‘ ance” is in the process of fig- uring out what they want to accomplish this‘ year. For up dates call (802) 468-5611. Dartmouth College: The office of GLBT Pro- gramming, which can be found on the internet, is plan- ning to continue its ”weekly organizational meetings, dances, receptions, public lec- tu res, films, and regular perfor- mances." , Dartmouth also offers courses in GLBT history, criti- cism, and culture. The school provides a lot of support to its queer stu- dents, including the Dartmouth Rainbow Alliance (DRA), Coalition of GLB Con- cerns (for faculty, staff, and administrators), Counseling and Human Development, and D-GALA (an alumni orga- nization). Additionally, there are many regularly scheduled meetings: Women's meetings — Monday at 9 PM in Women's Resource Center, Men's meet- ings — Monday at 8 PM in Tucker Foundation Lounge, Bi- sexual meetings — Wednesday at 8 PM in Tucker Foundation Lounge, Co-ed meetings - Thursday at 9 PM in Tucker Foundation Lounge, CGLBC (coalition) - second ‘Friday of each month at 12 PM dents with LGBT Resources on the internet with links pro- vided. For example, connec- tions to Pride net, Net Queery, and GBLO Services are pos- sible through their web site, www.goddard.edu. The Womyn's Center is hosting a Community Day Panel Discussion in Novem- ber: "Queer Theory and the Crisis of Sexual Identity.” It will be held on Wednesday, November 12 at 1:00 PM in the Haybam. Womyn's Center weekly meetings are held on Wednes- days at 7 PM in the Womyn's Center. Johnson State College: . The ”Gay ~ Straight Alli- ance (GSA)" at Johnson spon- sors a drag ball at" the coffee house in the fall, an Ally din-l ner in the Spring, and they go book shopping a lot and to places like Pearls. There are eight active students and an- other twenty who participate in the organization. Burt Th- ompson, the Vice President of the "G—S Alliance" says they have a ”strong support group.” Keene State College: The KSC Pride web page lists many goals and ambitions for the upcoming year, www.keene.edu. The group hopes "to raise awareness of www.dartmouth.edu/~dra Keene community, provide a safe environment for ALL people to share ideas, and TO HAVE ONE ROCKIN’ TIME” The member of the E- 7 board (executive board) for '98 / '99 are: President: Kirsten McKerley, Vice President: Lynn Dupre, Secretary: Heather Smith, Treasurer: Amy Foss, and Public Relations: Tom Streinkaus. Landmark College: The "GLB and Friends Alliance” at Landmark College can be reached by mail. Land- mark College, Putney, VT 05346. No information about their plans for fall activities was available at press time. Lyndon State College: Twelve active members compose the Gay—Straight Al- liance (GSA) at Lyndon. How- ever, there is a larger group of students that participate in the activities that the GSA spon- sors and organizes. In past years, the GSA has sponsored a film and panel discussion by Outright Ver- mont. The film was ”It’s el- ementary.” They also created Ally cards and utilized passive programming to reach stu- dents through bulletin boards WHAT, p25 ETHAN GREEN... FIRST-TIME ‘NT-A‘ GAY ' BAR‘ FLASHBACK- A BEAUTIFUL GUY WAS - : pmxcm e wmiau-r HIS SHIRT. You FIGURE!) THAT GWEN : sEvE;zAL LIFETIMES You , " MIGHT wank up THE NERVE < To ASK SOMEONE our... ‘ Elm: OF same RECOG- NIZED COMPELLEDYOUI To Luau BEHIND THE CIGARETTE MACHINE. .. HEY! Dom-r 1 Know You? v5UREl.You’KE 1AN..No.. vlMTM»\\NvTE-- ETHAN,r.Nc~r SINATRA KEPT ASKINGYOU To I>ANcE.. C"N\ON.. JUST ONE DANCE‘, You ow: YOURSELF _r HEY- How’ bou'r u: Elomzrniue ABOUT ma , Looks GWEN You BY THE BouNcER’s CLIQUE MADE You FEEL GEEKY AND INADEGNATE... g on DRoVE av THE Pm: Fonz WEEKS WlTHOU.T Acrumw some IN... -c»\vu-wy — xx a new ARE‘; ' - gvrwsmoan Ii\I\I.‘.\‘\t\\I\\‘\\\~‘\\‘\\.\\xx‘\~ _ \L\