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Accolade Group Internet Publishing ~17: Business? ~ ‘Wfiy not join tfie gr:/are 802.859.8972 ofb@villagetrade.com www.villagetradecom/accolade IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII -— ’ .‘5..d.."’l°”9...Q£l.-. Com pfissist COMPUTER SOLUTIONS FOR EVERYONE! Call us: (802)362-5567 E-mail us: Support@CompAssistVt.com Our Web page: www.CompAssistVt.com GAY OWNED AND OPERATED - ALL WORK STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL LJOJ 98398 1.3 O} Order a two page astro . . personality crmse reading from Gay AstroIogy’s Website Madam L by sending thi d, $20 d A rt/ww.AccessNewAge.com/Stargayzer 30”, bins? .7 . date, time & for Lichtenstein '5 horoscopes Gay Love Signs, Closets in your Cha 1 Stonewall horoscope POB 1726, ' "*5 New York, NY 10011 MEL BY BAR] SHAMAS People are talking and listening around the state about the free- dom to marry for same- gender couples. In the past month there were five public forums. Three in the Barre and Montpelier area and two in Windham County. After attending the forum in Bellows Falls, one participant shared the following: "I experienced a change of heart after at- tending the panel discussion on the Freedom to Marry issues. I was already committed to equal treatment of homosexuals in my own mind. However, I did not fully grasp the pro- found unfairness and destructive "enforcement of inequality” which is imposed by denial of civil marriage to homosexual couples. After my participation in that one panel discussion, Inow have the deepest conviction that it is impossible to assert that homosexuals who are denied ac- cess to civil marriage are being treated equally before the law.” Nina Beck and Stacy Jolles, plaintiffs in Baker v State, along with Beth Robinson, their attorney and volunteer for VFMT F, were guests on WKDR's The Mark Johnson Show. This show, broadcast in the Burlington area, attracts a wide audience. There were so many calls that they were asked to stay an extra hour. Some callers gave the predictable negative feedback, but there were lots of very supportive comments from folks who identified themselves as other- wise ”conservative” people. Under the coordination of Chris Tebbits, volunteers at pride collected over 300 signatures to the resolution which says: "Because marriage is a basic human right and an individual choice, the state should not interfere with same gender couples who choose to marry and share fully and equally in the rights, responsibilities, and commitment of civil marriage.” On the same day in Putney, John Calvi and Marshall Brewer talked with the folks at the Putney Free For All (a community event sponsored by the Putney Food Coop). John and Marshall also collected signatures for the resolution and enjoyed watch- ing the faces of folks change as they illuminated how the present interpretation of marriage laws are discriminatory. With guidance from Beth Hughes and up- loading work by Oliver Beauchemin the Task Force has been busy expanding our web site. Now, you can go there to read the clearest ar- guments from many side of the discussion. Lots of legal briefs are loaded on. In particular, you can read the States Motion to Dismiss at the trial court level and the appeal briefs of the appel- lants (the plaintiffs). We also have amicus briefs from: Vermont NOW et al, VCLGR et al, Ver- mont HumanRights Commission, Vermont Or- ganization for Weddings‘ of the Same—Gender (Religious groups),Vermont Psychiatric Asso- ciation, Professors of Legislation and Statutory Interpretation ,Parents and Friends of Lesbian and Gay Men et al. We are trying to get all the opposition briefs online . So far, we have one brief from Til’. You can also go there to learn what events we are planning or see the list of where we have spoken And if you want a copy of the marriage resolution, that is there too. The Central Vermont group is meeting regularly in Montpelier. They are planning three forums for September and October. Tentatively in Waterbury, St. Johnsbury, and Montpelier. Another public forum is scheduled for Septem- ber 27 at The First Congregational Church, Burlington. Chittenden and Addison Counties are working together to staff a table at The Champlain Valley Fair ( 8/29 to 9/7). Volun- teers to help staff the booth are welcome. Un- like forums, which appeal to a small segment of society, this is an opportunity to be vis- ible to a wide array of our neighbors. And to help financially support our work, another fun fund-raiser is planned. BIKE FOR THE RIGHT TO MARRY! SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1998All experience levels welcome! Enjoy a scenic ride in the Champlain Val- ley, meet new people, and raise money for the Vermont Freedom to Marry Task Force as well. For more information about any of these events or how to become more involved, see the contact info below. In honor of this poetry issue of 01 TM, this month's column concludes with a poem writ- ten by Verandah Porche. She passed this on with the following note: ‘The anagram idea (the fact that the poem was composed of the letters of their names and no others) was my personal ritual-protest to the closet, if you see what I mean. A wedding, even a private one, is a dec- laration of unity within a community. R & T had no ceremony, so I wrote these for them as my personal gesture.” On the Marriage of Two Men: (composed of the mingled letters their two names and no others.) This hymn weds risk to rhyme the way the wind Orders snow-thick hemlocks to mark time; Demands they show their ransacked crowns as one Dark shadow. What rich ores shall I mine And smelt? I scale the scalded hill to claim New dialects. What heat, what hearts will melt Down antonyms? What riddle yields their names? Read the short hand destiny has dealt in minced words diced into mosaic. Listen: Cast into a caldron two like myths; Hear anathema and make an anthem, An oracle, a calendar, an oath. Rein in the close-knit distances, the skein II. The close-knit distances dream claims to skim Or scan: what I crystallize and chase in rhyme Demands new man-myths. Melt down the antonyms: Damned, hallowed; kindred, alien; Aroma, stench; sea, desert; swim and drown; Nadir, acme; mirth and woe. I trace Detail in air; stencil a talisman. Read these wrinkled hands that toss the dice in random strokes: how two men dared to come Collide, contend, consider, and console; How they marry and make arms a home, A winter shell, a mansion, citadel. Read their names in my mosaic code. Drink to their amity and chant their ode! We are grateful to all the folks who are mentioned in this column and those volunteers not mentioned for their efforts in maintaining visibility for the freedom to marry topic. If you would like more information about events or meetings or would like to invite representatives from VFMTF to speak at your workplace, com- munity of faith, civic organization or whatever; you can contact us by: calling Wendy Beinner 802-652-0723, Roberta Garr 802-223-7620 or Bari Shamas 802-387-5788, or email inf9@1 or visit our web site, _ www.vtfreetomarry.org F Death wears so chilled, so thin, and weld a chain.