24 — OUT IN THE MoUNTA1Ns — AUGUST 1998 PRJMARY CARE IN FRANKLIN COUNTY _ Mara Vijups, M.D. Family Practice Specialist NMC Rural Health Services Caring for Adults 8: Children Enosburg Swanton East Fairlield 933-5831 868-2454 827-3032 WOMENKB CHOICE Cheryl A. Gibson M.D. Susan F. Smith M.D. GYNECOLOGIC ASSOCIATES 23 Mansfield Avenue Burlington, Vermont 05401 C 802-863-9001 Fax: 802-862-9637 2 v-. no experience neccesary. Become a Part of Out In The Mountains, Help your community, and get paid _for it! OITM is looking for advertising representatives to sell ads for Vermont’s fastest growing Newspaper. Full or part time, Must be self motivated, personable. Do not need to live in Burlington. FMl call 802 865 9294. POB 357 - 179 s. Winooski s1. - Burlington VT 05401 - 864-26311864-2632 Center (Native American) POB 1358 Barre S1. - Montpelier VT 05601 - 2290601 lth Project POB 5248 - Elrnwood Ave. - Burlington VT 05401 - 8&3-2437 - (800)649-2437 7 r Holistic Health Care RR2 Box 3255 - Monisville VT 05661 aaczase , lee nmunlty Organization) a Willlston - Brattleboro VT 05301 - 2542972 ‘te Women’s Network POB 3 ' Cavendish VT 05142-0003 -226-7807 - Margoc@maiI.tds.net - http://www.dar1mouth.edu/~hivnet/ ‘ orgs/twsn1.html of Health, Office of Minority Health " 108 Cherry St. - POB 70 - Burlington VT 05402 - 663-7273 1 Women’s Health Center 336 North Ave - Burlington VT 05401- : 863-1386 C ' :_ Anonymous '' ‘ Bullhgton, 658-4221 - POB 5653, Burlington VT 05402 ' Sundays, 5pm, Christ Church " Presbyterian, Redstone Camp, UVM. A. ‘ Thursdays, 7pm, s1. Paul's _ Cathedral, Cheny Slreel,65&4221. concord. NH 603-357-4300 ' Wednesdays, 7:30pm, First Congregational Church, North Main and Washington St. ‘ Saturdays at 7pm (call for location). Hanover. NH ‘ Thursdays at 6:30pm, Dartmouth ; Hitchcock Medical Center. Keene, NH (603) 357-4300 ' Saturdays, 7-8:30pm Call for location. Manchester, NH ‘ Sundays, 7:30pm, UU Church, 669 , Vegetarian Network Patrldr - 849 6359 HI V/A IDS { Vermont (600)682-2437 J. NH (800)752-2437 2 NYState(800)541-2437 MA(617)522-1090 ME(800)851-2437 ,2 Natlonal:(800)342-2437 ellbeing "pf". Marijuana IS IIIIBIIIBIIIZI, ' IIIIII IIIIIBIIECB A Marijuana, the plant re- sponsible for thousands being arrested, is not the evil weed many people believe it is, and in fact been shown to have medically beneficial uses. This plant has been shown to re- lieve arthritis pain, migraine headaches, and nausea. Mari- juana has also been shown to help people with HIV and AIDS in a variety of ways. It helps to re- lieve stress, depres- sion, and eliminates nausea from anti—vi- ral treatments. It also reduces pain and fights the ”wasting syn- drome” by stimulat- ing the appetite. Because of these benefits, and in spite of the legal sanctions on this plant, Medical Marijuana Buy- ers’ Clubs have sprung up in the last five years. The most well—known ones are in Cali- fornia which passed Proposi- tion 215, the initiative that made possession of marijuana ounty AIDS Network (ACAN) Maureen 863-2437 ntty Awareness Project (ACAP) POB 608 - St. Johnsbury VT 05819 - 748-1149 nity Resource Network (ACoRN) POB 2057 - Lebanon NH 03766 - (603) 448-2220/(800)816-2220 - acorn@valley.net ces tor the Monadnock Region (800)639-7903 ‘Coffee Clatch meetsTuesdays from 1-2.30pm at 25 Roxbury S1, Keene ces of Southwestern 108 Union Street #3 Bennlngton 05201 - Alice Mazur 447-8007 ‘Support group tor persons lnfeded and atlected by the HIV virus 1st and 3rd Tuesdays, 7pm legal with a doctor's recom- mendation. There are Buyers’ Clubs in New York City, and one that formed 6 months ago in Elmira, NY.. According to Johann Moore, coordinator of the New York City Medical Marijuana Buyers’ Club, there are numer- ous benefits to people who be- long to a buyers’ club. There is lower risk of arrest as opposed on Area AIDS Project POB 1066 - Bennlngton VT 05201 - 442-4431 or (am) 3452437 ro Area AIDS Project POB 1486 - 67 Main St, 4th 11. - Brattleboro VT 05302 -254-8263 or 254-4444 - sbell@sover. net ‘Support group for PLWA, friends, and families. Wednesdays 1-2pm ‘Support/dbcusslon group for gay/bl men. 2nd and 4th Sundays 35pm ‘Support group for HIV+ Women Greenfield MA., ‘Mondays, 3:30-5:30pm. Call (413)773-8888. Hotllnez (800) 7632460 Brattleboro: 2576860 Burlington: 656-4594 Flullandi 747-1831 St. Johnsbury: 748-7361 County AIDS Network Cricket 8&3-2437 ssoclatlon for People With AIDS (202) 898-0414 ntonnation Network on The web httpJNVWW.dartrnou1h.edu/~hlvne1/ to buying it marijuana off the streets. If arrested, members have a strong case for a medi- cal necessity defense since in California a written recom- mendation for using marijuana signed by a physician is re- quired, and in New York City, a signed diagnosis of their medical condition is re- quired. Also, meetings are! rotated to different location each week to further lower the risk of arrest. Another ben- efit that Johann mentions is that the Clubs are able to [provide medical grade marijuana to members, instead of the varying qualities found on the streets. The New City Buyers’ Club also claims to be able to provide marijuana at the lowest prices in the country. The buyers’ clubs recog- nize the need for their mem- bers medical records to remain confidential. Although there is Vem1ont.cAFlEs@Gtene1 POB 5248 - Burlington VT 05402 - 863-2437 or (800) 649-2437 PO Box 6033 - Rutland, VT 05601 - 775-5884 PO Box 275 4 Mompelier VT 05601 - 2294560 PO Box 503 - St Johnsbury VT 05819 748-9061 ‘Support groups tor people living with HIV/AlDs in: — Washington County, Melanie 229-4560 — Rutland County, Mary Kathryn 775-5884 — Burlington, Michael 8632437 1 Deal AIDS Project ' POB 172 - Brattleboro VT 05302 - (300) 257- 1 1 23/ (TTY) (800) 253-0195! lax 257-2013 ' Health AIDS Program office 1 108 Cherry St. - POB 70 - Burlington _;V» o54o2~aes7245 ' ya, I People With AIDS Coalition ” POB11-Montpelier,VT05601- ' 229-5754 or (600) 69VTPWA - vtpwac@sover.ne1 - http1Mww.sover.net/~vlpwac/ n County AIDS Network Meianle at 229-4560 IIESIENATEII HIII PIIIIIIIIEII IWIINYMIIIIS BIIIINSELIIIS 81 TESTIIIS SITES Ill UEIIMIINT BARFIE-MONTPEUEH Berlin Health Center 371-4342 RD #4, Box 1370 Montpelier, VT 05602 BENNINGTON Bennington Family Practice Assoc. 447-1191 140 Hospital Drive Bennington, VT 05201 2 BHATTLEBOHO Comprehensive Care Clinic 257-8860 Braltleboro Memorial Hospital 9 Belmont Avenue Bratlleboro, VT 05301 BURLINGTON Community Health Center 864-6309 617 Riverside Ave., Suite 200 Burlington, VT 05401 COLCHESTER Family Health 655-2055 311 Malletts Bay Avenue PO. Box 35 Colchesler, VT 05446 DANVILLE Health Center, Inc. 684-2275 Box 185, Hill Street Danville, VT 05828 HABDWICK Health Center 472-3300 High Street, PO. Box 535 Hardwiok, VT 05843 ISLAND POND Health Center 7234300 Middle Street Island Pond, Vt. 05846 MIDDLEBUFIY Open Door Clinic 388-0137 PO Box 95 Middlebury, VT 05753 NEWPORT Northeast Kingdom Health Center 334-5008 30 Coventry Street Newport, VT 05855 PUTNEY Thomas Hoskins, M.D. 387-5581 Main $1., PO. Box 247 Putney, VT 05346 HUTLAND Comprehensive Care Clinic Rutland Regional Medical Center 747-1831 ST. ALBANS Robert Zelazo, M . D. 524-9553 2 Crest Road St. Albans, VT 05478 ST. JOHNSBUFIY Comprehensive Care Clinic 748-7476 Northeast Vermont Regional Hospital Hospital Drive St. Johnsbury, VT 05819 WINDSOR Leahy Hitchcock Clinic, 674-2193