s AND RECREATION on a Shoestring http1/www.theatreshoe.com Mountain Club - VT Chapter ‘Meets at 7:30 every Monday at rhombus »' gaIerylArt space, 188 college , er Visions Productions, Inc. V, _ POB307-St.AlbarisVl'05476- 3 httpj/lNwvi.together.net/-lavender ,n Book Group 1 ‘Meet: 7pm last Sunday of every month . . faiHeansione3ooirsinPuiney,VT- FMI Tatiana, (802) 387-2781. “ , aturists Group § NEW enoup FOF1‘MlNG. All persuasions for intelligent conversation, hips to nude :§ beacties, house parties, camping, hot tub. Stan a "churcti'?"Tonlc Waters‘ POB 8111 I NDING VioLENcE OB 07 - Middiebury VT 05753 - leutenant Bill Laware - 858-7858 ian Victim Assistance ocal Contact: Mel (603) 543-1700 :POB933-BrattleboroVT05302- = ~ ;257-7354 POB 177 - Burlington VT 05402 the Mountains _ 315) 2353305 - wwwmorthnetorg/prism Ving Out (Outright Youth Zine) ' POB5235-BurlhgtonVTO5402~ ‘ (TV Pt'°9|'3"'|) clo lavender visions productions, inc. POB 307 Saint Albans VT 05478 lavender@together.net MEN thers Support Group POB 234 - Essex Junction VT 05423 - V 3757333 Huy Get Togethers in SE VT 5 3 Carey at 254-8263 ' ‘Meets 2nd and 4th Mondays en's Ritual Group POB 423 - Burlington VT 05402 - 865-2247 urs Brotherhood Club (Leather 8 Levi’s Club) POB 2141, Concord, NH‘ 03302-2141 MinotaurBC@aoLcom - (603) 753-9059 nock Gay Men (MGM) POB 1124 - Keene NH 03431- (603) 357-5544 - MonadGay@aoi.com http'//rnembers.aol.c0m./ monadgayfindexhtml Ten Protect (corrtldertial discussion & social group tor men) Brian, 1-800-639-7903 ‘Meets monthty, Trinity Episcopal Churcti, 120 Broad St, Ciarernont NH. , Gay Men’s Support Group (800) 639-7903 ‘Meets Tuesdays, 7pm UU Church, 09 Washington St, Keene, NH. I Faeries Yohnda, POB 812 - Burlington VT 05402 - 885-0385 Gabriel. POB 224 - Brattleboro VT 05302 - 257-4871 he for gay men over forty) POB 863 - Burlington VT 05402 - 3001310 1 Gay Social Alternatives POB 237 - Burlington VT 05402-0237 - 865-3734 - Vivgsa@aol.com (Atrin, Latino, Asian, American) Community in 3 Witllston St - Brattleboro VT 05301 - 2542972 : a POB 533 - Buriirigton vr 054020533 ot Color Alliance F03 1534 - Burhgton VT 05402 - (302) 330-0303 PoLiTic'Ai. - Area Gays and Lesbians POB875 - Brattleboro VT 05302- 2545947 _ 0 Line of NH zssoumuainsi-aox131 -Concord. NH 03ao1- (003) 224-1666 : Pride 423-3Airtierst St Sule 113, Nashua, NH 00033 - Gil (303) 3315522 'Alllancetor Gay and Lesbian POB730-ConcordNH03302- .. 21 Church St. - Burlington VT 05401 - 863-8326 2 t Coalition for Lesbian and _ ghts (VCLGR) POB 1125 - Montpelier VT OM02 - 1-888-825-4989 . Go-liaisons to the government: Virginia Flentrew - 4964333. Keith Goslant - 454-8552 1 Freedom to Marry Task POB 1312 - Middiebury VT 05753 - 388-8356 ‘Brattleboro area (loration varies). 1st Wed 01 every month. 7pm Bari Sharnas FMI 387-5788. tGLBT Pride '98 Committee POB 5113 - Burflngton VT 05402-5113 - 865-3734 or 658-1602 Piioi=EssioNAL (IBM employees) 89 4835 (rnaschatz@us.ibm.com) or Jim Leavens (302) 739 4413 - Jleavins@us.ibm.com - 05346 - 254-5150 - Juniper@sover.net - w Business Association BLT business owner and professional ranlzation. POB 8335 - . M1879-4527 - rba@pwsolutions.com 3 ‘Evening mixers every 2nd Wed. _ t-NEA GLB Educators and . llies niTuALIRELioious ‘Meets Mondays 6:30-9pm at the Montpelier Unitarian Church. PO BOX 61 Wlnooskl VT 5404 - 655 8706 O|TM's DEFli~iITlVE VERMONT AREA COM ‘Meets 2nd Sundays for Brunch, 12:30pm at First UU Church, B'ton V nt Gay Men's Spiritual Support 1 ood POB 68, Vergennes. VT 05491-0068 - Drew 759-2147 - VT0penCircie@li0tman.corn mp-Jiviv7w.geoetiesooiiVraiiroresi/1253 t Organization for Weddings 1 e Gender an organization of clergy, relglous leaders, and retgloiis organizations in favor otsarnegender rmrriage ‘ Rev.BrendanHadash-RR3-Box134B. West Glover VT 05675 - 525-3875 - www.geodiesc0nvwesti-loIywood/ Heights/3936 STuoENT - Vermont Law School South Floyalion, VT 05068 - sPALogsdon@VermontLaw.edu State College Gay Straight Lyndon State Colege, LSC Box 7335 - Lyndonvllle VT 0585t- 626-6363 - ‘Nleets Wednesday at 5.30 pm in the Vail Conference room. artmouth Rainbow Alliance) Hanover NH 03755 - (603) 646-3636 Be: GLBTA at UVM 85 S. Prosped St. Burlington VT 05405 - 656-0699 ‘Meets Thursdays, 7:30pm d GayIl.esbian/Bisexual Alliance Goddard College - Piaintield VT 05667 State College LBG Alliance Keene State College - Keene NH 03431 e n State College GSA GLBOAA, clo Student Association - Johnson, VT 05656 - thomps0a@badger.pc.vsc.edu potvina@badger.)sc.vsc.edu. ark GayILesbianIBisexual fl .- .OUT. iN .THE.MOUNTAlNS ; ‘Meets Sundays. 8pm, Chellls House Ten (Castleton State College) Castleton VT 05735 - 468-5611 x392 ,, _ ‘s College ALLY Group 802) 8580337 extension 371 - Guys Like Us - c/0 Brian Dougherty NH AiDS Foundation - 1087 Elm st. #501 PCB 59. Manchester, NH 03105 1-800-639-1122 - brlanntiat@ao|.com tions - Support group for Adults ‘Meets ist Weds otevery rriomh at 6:30pm, 2nd Congregational Church, Support/Counseling for ex-cultlcult members, all persuasions CTORY or ITY RESOURCES. and Friends 01 257-5409 Central VT, New contact TBA ‘3rd Sundays, ipm, 2nd Fl. Chapel, UU Church, Montpelier (School St. entrance). Lil Venner - 23 Blrctiwood Lane - Burlington VT 05401 - 863-4285 ‘Meets 2nd Sundays, 2-4pm First Methodist church, Burthgton (use the Bus! st areet level emrance). HiittandAre£. 3 Jule and Peter Cooper - 11 North St - Rulland VT (5701 - 7737301 Spouses of GLB Partners Network Sliebume Fats MA - Jane Harris (413) 825-6033 - aharrls@vailnet.com ‘Meets every 3rd Tuwday at the UU Church. Keene NH - Lucinda Nightingale (608) 352-9337 ‘Meets 4th Sundays atAiDs Services for the Monadnock 79-7883 - klnrN@earth.goddard.edu r bMarrlors@hotmail.com Meets Last Saturday of each month, 67pm, Muddy Waters, Burlington. ' Bi Support group rrieets every atuiday, 58pm, Outright VT otiices 1st Saturday men only 3rd Saturday women only TRANSGENDER - AUGUST 1998 — 21 WoMEN Lesbians oi the Monadnock LMA) POB 6345 - Keene NH 03431 - _( (603) 363-4961 Earhart POB 746 - Lebanon NH 03766 boro Area Dykes (BAD Grrrls) 2547721 ton Women’s Council City Hall - Burlington VT 05401 - 3557200 S (For women over 40) 143 Rollin lrlsh Road - Milton VT 05433 TALK n's discussion group) ‘3rd Mondays, 7pm Burlington Fight Back! ottice, N.Win0oskl (next to Coop), FMI Crow 864-5595 reen Tomatoes Vermont WinIrln’s Social Group) Fi.R.1 Box6845. Morrisville, VT 05661 - 3337113 ~ , Threads ‘ < it Contact Publication) POB 35 - Flichtord VT 05476-0065 - 848-7037 - goldentred@a0i.com 1- , gton Open Women’s Land ~ ) Open tor camping, events. day hikes, and rriore. Presentty open for new members for intentional oomrriunlty. - 434-3953 n Sociallsuppott group for 40 and older. Brattieboro - 254-7345 - innings Women’s Support 5 Main Street - Springfield VT 05156 - 3352333 - 24 Hour Hotllne: 3352050 Ila Women’s Center 16 Main St. - St. Johnsbury VT 05819 - 748-8845 5 School Ave. ' Morrtpeller VT 05602 ' 229-6202 ’ n's lntormation Service (WISE) 79 Hanover St. - Lebanon NH 03766 - (o0a)4-135922 - 24 Hour Hotline: (603) 4465525 n of the Woods (WOW) RFD 1 Box 5260 - Worcester VT 05682 - 229-0109 YouTii 1 Vermont OUTRIGHT (800) GLB-CHAT (452-2428) ‘Meets 1st and 3rd and 5th 1 Thursdays in Montpelier. g Change ‘Meets every other week at Umbrella Inc, St Johnsbury, VT FMi call Lore Caldwell 748 8645 ‘Meets at 7pm on Wednesdays at 108 Union Street #3, 2nd iioor. Bennlngton, VT FMI Lisa Canon at 447-8007 n Upper Valley Outright Vermont - POB 27 - Norwich VT- 649-5297 - 802-296-3858 - newvlc@aol.com ‘Support group for gbtq youth (14-2), 1st&3rdFrideys,7-9pm, 1 campiietist (the CCB, otthe green) in Lebanon, NH _ ii; mipvmiemqsaoiouivunigmvv ii-' “Youth Home: (300) GLB-CHAT (452-2423) V ‘Drop It Center: Tmdays, 2:30—530pm ‘ ‘Youth group. Fridays, 7-9pm .. “Zine publshhg group. 1st Wednesday 01 every month, 7-9pm. ‘Women’: group. 2nd and 4th Tuesdays at every month. 7-9pm. at Brattteboro Union High ‘Drop-in hours Tuesday evenings, with a social activly once a rnonth. FMI on upcorring events or getting involved, cal Outright Vermont at 1-800-GLB-CHAT. clo POB 646 - Mlddietiury VT 05753 - (800) 452-2428 (Outright VT) - www.geoclties.com/WestHoiiywood/ Village/1415 - YouthAware@usa.net ‘ Meets 1 st Tuesdays, 7pm, lisley Library Meeting Room, Middlebury. ' 2nd Fridays, 7:30pm, Movie at Star Mill over Ben & Jerry's ‘ 4th Saturdays, 7:30pm Coffeehouse or Field Trip. Meet at Star Mill or call for into ,.:r.-.-