September w SUNDAY Putney - Lesbian Book Group: 7 PM at Heartstone Books. We read books in all genres, by women authors, usu- ally with some lesbian content. Please join us! For more information, Tatiana (802) 387-2781, or I MONDAY Burlington - BLT (bisexual, lesbian, transgender women's) Health Net- work will be meeting atthe Peace and Justice Centerat 7:00 PM. Come visit us. join us, participate in the develop- ment of health information and help for the health of BLT’s in the state of Vermont. For further info: phone: Lanny 899-4588, or Joy 848-7037. october 9 SATURDAY Johnson - Hiking and Fried Green Tomatoes Planning Meeting. FMl: 802-635-9770. D SUNDAY Burlington - UU CIRCLE: Full Moon ritual, potluck, and meeting. All who support the Covenant of UU Pagans’ mission are welcome. Wear garb it you like, and bring something for feast, a musical instrument, and a cushion to sit on. HC accessible. First UU Society of Burlington, 152 Pearl St., 6 pm. Donations. Info, 658-9689. MIDDLEBURY NATURAL Foobs CO-OP A full aervice, natural foogo ‘Ji['0i‘6i apecrkz/izing in /yealt/pry; W/JOZC, orgcznic fooéia zz/29 prokitrcto *1-9 IN THE HARVEST LIES OUR DELIGHT 1 WASHINGTON ST MIDDLEBURY 1-802-388-7276 L _J THE VERMONT lli\tNe~0w CONNECTION HELP SUPPORT THE $HO\N THAT $U17POl1T$ YOU ! THE T.V. SHOW B‘/. FOIZ AND ABOUT VEIZMONTS L/6:/9/T COMMUNITY AND OUR SUPPORTERS ! ‘Become a Sponsor and show your support I". call or write for rates and Sposorship/Donor information.- (302) 547-2737 Lavender Visions Productions, Inc. . _ _. 3 P0 501‘ 397 Tue 10pm, atmidnight,Su)n'11pm saint /Vbans, W. 05475 Adelphiachannel 15in Burlington, call entail: Iavenderfltogether. net l°°a' Adelphia. cable and request to see the show in your area Lavender Visions Productions, Inc. is a non-profit 501 (c)(3) organization and all contributions are tax deductible Cherie & Yolanda... The Vermont Rainbow Connection - Adelphia (Ch 15) (Greaer Burtington area) Fridays 9pm - Adelphia ( Ch 15) (Montpelier, Waterbury, Randolph) 2nd & 4th Fridays 7:30pm - Lake Champlain (Ch 2) (Colchester area) 1st & 2nd Mondays 11pm 1st & 2nd Wednesdays at 10pm - Helicon Cable (Ch 7) (Barre) 2nd & 4th Mondays 8:30pm - BCTV (Ch 8) (Brattleboro) call (802) 257-0888 for airing daysllimes - MMCTV (Ch 3) (Richmond, Jericho, Underhill) call (802) 434-2550 for airing daysltimes - WENO (Ch.15) (Enosburg, Berkshire, Richford) 1st & 3rd Sundays 8pm Questions About the Internet? We have answers. Call us to find out how you can get on-|ine.And feel free to take notes 802-L860-5 I 64 800-846-0542 L 329.9593; . Cfiurhside 5/S'lGH/1 NOTHtNG...'3'U5T FEELING A 811 "5T€VlE"a|= LATELY..... 7‘? Howirza You Com- - we ALONG on MY ~ -STORY ?Fuxnsi-rev Yer?“ w— 2 ( 7/ / » UH, NO,I UH.. BY ROBERT Kxnnv ‘$00. ‘ggV5’¥TwEVEN Lot‘>7l<€D I;/:r\sVYT$PA6e one ou N’ ANTTD em) TUFF ANY MORE THAN ANYONE ELSE Does. wHY Do 1: EVENTRY Am(MoP.t=.? _1ARv:ADL$Ew,DoN'T Bpeauuae 11-M1... 1- WANT TD awn-1' TI’ HP.st7Tl2ou8Leco~cEN'rP.A11N BU W’ '5Pe<.rAu>r AFTER SATURDAY '5 Bio _ Ftc-aHT WITH KEWN ATTfiE ggAc_H, . 1 ‘ LATELY.’ ->-’A w, IT'S NOT YOUR FAULT.’ PL-U5,YOL) TALK‘ EDHIM our OF l<\Cl c.BArLo COLE . - and