\\\\lll .\\ /A 21/‘): Elll) §\\\ll,,\\t\l/d/ *“..l”..-4’ \\ =. _ 4 ’ " ’ ‘\\§ all ///fun \\‘ Celebrate The sensuous days of August by promising To wear as liTTle as possible; Let's show The world how beautiful we are inside and Out. Every personal planet (Sun, Mars, Mercury and Venus) spend a good portion oftheir Time in proudly confident Lea now. Move all plans on The front burner and bring To a boil, friends. Spice To Taste. ARIES (MARCH 21 ~APRlL 20) School is out, but The planets demand That you follow The Three “Rs” — romance, relaxation and revelry. (Try it with a Teacher....) Erjoy yourself gay Ram, but keep a beady eye on career shenanigans. Foggy Neptune re- gresses into Capricorn on The 24th which can make best laid professional plans as valuable as The paper its scribbled on. TAURUS (APRIL 21 ~ MAY 21) August is opportune To explore family issues. Although heart and mind may not be in sync ,, it's possible to make _ some headway in even The most irksame areas. Com- » promise is not in The cards, cousin, so don'T build bridges - ifthey have atoll. Concentrate instead on home enter- ? Taining or, even better, home redecorating. Proud Bulls » need a castle. Don't settle for a stable. GEMINI (MAY 22 ~ Jute 21) = Charming Venus, feisty Mars and optimistic Sun give proud Twins amazing schmooze power This month. You can sugarcaat ultimatums and get what you want and need. (Retro Mercury asks if you know what you want and need.) Choose lovers wisely after The 24th; delu— sional Neptune can send you a naked Trail on a silver platter. Are you that hungry?? CANCER (JLNE 22 ~ JULY 23) Pink Crabs can make a few bucks This month when fi- noncial matters are pleasantly highlighted. Do your homework and listen carefully To sound advice so you can sock some extra funds away for a rainy day. Avari— ciousness alone won't make the grade, however cousin; it is a wise gay Crab That always considers partners Their better half. Retro Neptune will remind youl LEO (JULY 24 ~AUGUST 23) ‘ Lions require very little in The way of self confi— dence so why fight fate? Strut your stuff This month sweetheart and show The world why you are soooo darn One word of caution; Don't become Too over- ‘.ii’l;,¢__2_aring and demanding. You often call ‘em as you see but is The wise Lion who uses Venus' velvety charm- :~rng-persuaslon To geT The iron point across. 9 ‘tin idea pops into your mind from out of nowhere, etltlértain it. But don'T follow IT off a cliff because Mer- after all, retrograde and sends some mixed gignals. Insure The good karma and channel The psychic static by volunteering for a worthy gay cause or by doing good gay deeds. Community service pays better Than cheap and Tawdry Times This month, sorry To say. LIBRA (SEPTEMBER 24 ~ OCTOBER 23) Rope a few friends in for a good Time and if They need a sawbuck or Two, what The hell. Sun, Venus and Mars conspire To put you in The center of The social set. I know that is exactly where you want To bel, Queer Li- bras may hit a few snags at home or with family after The 24th when daffy Neptune Turns The Tables upside down. Who cares as long as you have proud pols. SCORPIO (OCTOBER 24 ~ NOVEMBER 22) Politico proud Scorps have Their work cut out for Them This August as every personal planet impacts career plans. Thank The Sun, Mars and Venus for making every ball from Olympus a personal twist and shout. Retro Mercury coupled with retro Neptune makes you less Than eloquent. How about hiding in your cubicle until after The 23rd? Better still, hide on Fire island. SAGTTARIUS (NOVEMBER 23 - DECEMBER 22) itchy feet? Traveling gay Archers are Tempted To scratch Them in faraway locales This August with The Sun, Mars and Venus. Why fight fate? Plan your itin- erary, check it Twice (paying homage To retro Mer- cury) and only spend what you can afford. lfThaT means a weekend in Bayonne rather Than The beach so be it. You'll find a little biT of magic in every squalid corner. CAPRICORN (DECEMBER 23 -v JANUARY 20) Feisty proud Goats don'T know what hit ‘em This Au- gust when every personal planet is ready To heat The stove. Keep in mind that The urge To merge may Take precedence over such minor Things as your self re» spect. So if you find yourself baying at The moon and — dressed in drafiy lace, console yourselfthot as all Things, This Too shall pass. in The meantime, lie back and enjoy it. AQUARIUS (JANUARY 21 ~ FEBRUARY 19) Humanistic Aqueerians are always ready To embrace a good gay cause. Who could imagine That The next good gay cause would be your personal happiness? The Sun, Mars and Venus are such yenTas; Trying To match you up with just about everybody! Why fight IT? Let The pride parade beginl For Those lucky souls who are al- ready matched, start a raging fire. PISCES (F EBRUARY 20 — MARCH 20) Pink Fish don'T feel like Taking The summer off when prideful Sun, aggressive Mars and artful Venus hover in Lea. Whether you feel it's necessary to put your nose To The grindsTone aT work or workout like a ma- niac with some personal Trainer, it's up To you. Get This overzealousness out of your system before The 24th. Then become a lazy slob like The rest of us. (cl I998 LICHTENSTEIN All Rights Reserved. For Entertainment Purposes Only. For best res Sun sign and Ascendant. For a _ _ 1"” yherslrark by will a monthly look at the internet at the web Yes, yes, I know. I promised last month that I would have a column devoted to GLBT theater but I had problems finding any worthy web sites to review. What sites I did find were mostly promotional pieces for either theater troupes located in Los Angeles or New York or for books about gays in the theater. Unless someone wants to book a group, there wasn't much to report.‘ So, I decided to focus on the next best thing: film. _ \ As anyone familiar with Vito Russo’s seminal book, The Celluloid Closet, can tell you, for good and for bad (lots ofbad unfortunately) the GLBT community has been a huge presence in the . world of film and not b just in Hollywood ei- merneweborers uJuJuJ.gIbtFlLM.com plenty of resources ' _ for GLBT film buffs from fan sites to online catalogs. — Individual films often have web sites created as part of a promotional campaign by their studios. Such sites usually feature film stills, video and audio samples, plot synopses, cast and crew biographies, and in some cases, contests where often the prize is a trip to a location featured prominently in the film. Recent films on the web include The Incredibly True Adventures of Two Girls in Love ( ), In and Out ( mm, The Birdcage (m and the upcoming Billy’s Hollywood Screen Kiss lhttpi Arrww.bilMxiss.com). I Obviously, the studios are not interested in pushing older films with elaborate web sites. It takes time and money to create and maintain web pages for films they have out now. That is where the fan comes in. The web is chock full of fan sites devoted to favorite films and genres that are every bit as elaborate as anything a studio can put out. Though some sites focus on only one film, many fan sites are devoted to a particular genre or subject matter. One of the best I found of the latter type just happens to be about lesbians in film called Pink Movies ( ). The webmasters, Marina A. Kraeva and Elena G. llyina, have put together a listing of over 250 films that either are about lesbians or feature lesbian characters. Click on a film title and you get a synopsis of the film and an opportunity to give your two cents about it. You can also read what others feel about the film as well. As I worked my way through the site, I was amazed at the amount of work put into it. It is truly a labor of love. S Commercial sites often have entertainment features with interviews, film stills, and video and audio clips. Among the most elaborate sites I've encountered is PlanetOut’s PopcornQ(l1ttp1‘ Mumplanetoutccmlpopcompl). It has what it calls “The First Online Queer Digital Film Festival," a series of audio and video clips of commericals, short films and trailers, many of which are fasci- nating for their camp value. lt’s my opinion that one has not truly lived till one sees the clip ofAnita Bryant getting the pie in the face (it gets better with repeat viewing) or the trailer for one of my favorite Raquel Welch movies, Kansas City Bomber. However, you would need to download Realvideo to see and hear the clips. PopcornQ also has up to date movie news and a video catalog. However, if your taste is more esoteric, Frameline Online (http;/Anrlroictramelineorgll is the‘ site for you. Frameline is a non-profit organization that promotes, distributes, and funds GLBT films and videos. It is best known for its annual San Francisco International Lesbian & Gay Film Festival. Their site features two catalogs, one for film and video rentals and another for video sales. I do hope to someday write a column on GLBT theater resources on the web. But, I would need your help in, doing so. if you know of a noteworthy site, let me know at . I’m especially interested in those sites that have a Vermont or general New England connection. You have my heartfelt thanks! Editorial things in other locations people in Burlington will have a hard time getting there, many of whom do not have cars. Easy solutions include car pooling, and for those of us in Burlington to get out and see the rest of the state. Vermont is an awesome place with so many interesting places, those of us in the Burlington area are doing ourselves a disservice by not expanding our region of travel. ~ Race and ethnicity, of course, were the main area of conversation, but the issue only had its surfaced scratched. The issue is also one that the entire state needs to deal with. Political affiliation is an area we didn't discuss but that has been brought to my attention that everyone in the GLBT community is not a “Leftist” like myself. I welcome opposing points of view and I encourage any contin ued from page two _ person who wants to take on the issue of "Conservatism" in this paper. I certainly can't present conservative positions myself. I may not be conservative myself, but as you can tell by the writing about AlDSrlde, I do not censor people who's opinions I disagree with. Then there are people with kids. Barb Dozetos, who does more than anyone realizes around OITM talks about the difficulties that having a child imposes on her within the queer community. According to our own survey as many as a third of the respondents have kids. The easy solution is that we should provide child care at our meetings and events. There are a great many other differences we I share throughout this com- - - munity. The dialogue that xv the Plastic FEIIIIII) P993” 31 the SUmlTlll i5 an “The drag musical community spawns '5' exciting Onelhal llhlnk Will its most intriguing performer since Rul’aul‘r,~ 1-- continue through meetings like that and hopefully through OITM. lweloome as muchwriting on the sub- ject ot celebrating our di- versity as possible, the hardest part is getting over our fear of talking about it. Vermont-based tunesmith in the form of wildly charismatic YOLANDA." -Billboard Magazine, June 20,1998. . CONTACT: 802-865-0385 Yolandaman@aol.com http://membcrs.aol .com/yolandavt ~ r*—-r"“" __,_ ...j__._... _‘r_. ._.-_.s._ .. .. . . .. .. 1,. —_..,