FREEDOM To Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgendered, & Questioning (GLBTQ) v MARRY I out eed Youl .‘ . B"(E_A_-I-HON u! (so do their friends, teachers, families, clergy & communities) 7, 12, 25 and 50 mile loops. I begin at Kingsland Bay State Park, Ferrisburgh. 9 am BY_ I BEING A ROLE MODEL & FACILITATING A ' Saturday, September 12, 1998 GLBTQ YOUTH GROUP Come for the ride, or come for the day! Get friends and family ' ' to sponsor you -- they can pledge per mile you bike, or a flat fee. OR: 2- BEING A SPEAKER ON HOMOPHOBIA. Collect contributions beforehand, or send them in after the event. HETEROSEXISM 8: GLBTQ YOUTH Advance checks should be made payable to Vermont Freedom to Marry Task Force, or VFTMTF - mail to P.O. Box 1312, Middlebury VT 05753_ Outright Vermont invites you meet with staff and current volunteers to learn more about these exciting volunteer opportunities. firing your bike, water bottle, food, 81 $2 entrance fee; we’ll supply ma s and prizes! NAME ADDRESS/E-MAIL PLEDGE 2 Open houses I d Aug. 6 Sept. 9 5:00-8:30PM For more information call us @ 1.800.GLB.CHAT or E-mail us at FEEL FREE TO COPY THIS FORM FOR ADDITIONAL NAMES! For Questions, and to Pre-Register (PLEASE DO!), caH RSVP is encouraged bUl’ not required. Nancy (453-5420) or Susan (877-3165) ' All Expgrignce [£15315 welcgfngl People of Color, Bisexual Women & Men, and Transgender People are encouraged to apply. 10,, ERE:N‘C= _-MEI". I16 G9 53..., for I wants you to become involved. H@fi? Become a member, become a board member, help organize the annual V CLGR state-wide conference. I aria‘ VCLGR has been commited to social justice and " ' equality since it formed in 1986._ Through social outreach, educational opportunities, and political action, VCLGR strives to promote the civil rights, personal empowerment,~and social acceptance of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, ‘ ’ and questioning Vermonters. VCLGR has two liasons to state government officials and legislators to ensure that the interests of our community are considered when legislation or policy is developed in Vermont. V ,/ir,_,_-,3 Emu 1,5 343"? Call (toll free) |-888- , you can serve the ‘co , 0 find out how ty with VCLGR. .>. i