STREET DANCE 81 FAMILY FUN Sunday, August 16th 0 1 pm—9 pm Help us celebrate twen C no » with a day of kid's activities, great food and dancing with Big /oe Burrell!' 1:00-3:30 2:00-3:00 3:00-5:00 5:00-7:00 7:00-9:00 5:00-9:00 ty-five years of Cooperation Skateboarding Demonstration by Cherry Bone Snowboard 81 Skate Shop of Williston and Stowe Spend an hour with the kids from Circus Smirkus; learn juggling, magic tricks, and balancing acts! Fun childrens activities organized and presented by the Vermont Association of Recyclers and the Re-Store of Montpelier Veggie and Chicken BBQ prepared by the Coop De|i’s chefs ($5.00/person) Dancing to Big Joe Burrell and the Unknown Blues Review with Sandra Wright Magic Hat Beer Garden Open Shuttle service will be provided by Wheels Transportation. Call the store for more information. Granite Street Extension, Montpelier——(on the river next to Allen Lumber) 223-8000 Everyone Welcome 7 days a week, 8 a.m.—8 p.m. o in all’! 01° queers Wong gay toui'ist’s city guide! avaiIaIrIe.................. NEW! The ACLU of Vermont has a limited number of copies of Lesbians, Gay Men and the Law, edited by William B. Rubenslein (Director of the National ACLU Gay and Lesbian Rights Project). Published by The New Press, New York,1993. It's a $30 book, but you can have a copy for the cost of mailing ($3). First come, first served. Call ACLU at 802- 2236304; email us at ‘‘‘;.''it', or write to 110 E. State St., Montpelier, VT 05602 Mlfm NEW! MAKE A DIFFERENCE. Beoonre a facilitator for Upper Valley Outright Youth Group. G/LEARN (Gay, Lesbian Education and Resource Network is sponsoring a training for new facilitators on Saturday, August 15. For information on this training session or to find out more about the youth group (all 802/296-3858. NEW! RELOCATION HELP WANTED Two professional worrien (desperate to live in Vermont!) are in need of assistance in relocating to the Burlington area from Virginia. Needed: phone books, newspapers, e-mail ‘buddy,’ job search resources, etc. Will pay expenses. Please e-mail Susan and Barbara at -real: 'll3l”I!'l «::r:-3 ~l'’-:. Forever grateful. VIOMEN TO JOIN INTENTIONAL COMMUNITY on 50 beautiful acres of land trust in Huntington. Law expenses, pond, fannhouse and bam, sauna. Land is paid for. Seeking mature, caring women of any race or age. Inclusive spiritrial orientation a plus. FMI: HOVIII. 434-3953 SEEKING RIGHT LIVELIHOOD: smart, organized, thoughtful, gentle lesbian needs gainiiil employment I can help you get organized. Which closet do you want to tackle first’? Reasonable rates. Local rets. Upper Valley preferred but will travel. ODYSEA 603- 298-824 email: odysea@quest-netcorn C1‘§§”§i£ieds Nil‘ NEW! For Sale: 1997 Terry “Symmetry” road bike (t9'). Low mileage. Excellent condition. Too small for me. Retails for $900. Asking ' $700. Call Diane at (802) 660-8396 for particulars regarding components etc. NEW! HOUSEKEEPING POSITION available for experienced cleaning person at a Residential Treatrrrent Facility. Position offers 3032 hrs! week, Mon-Thur, 7am-2:30pm. Must work inrtependentty with a positive and energetic attitude. Send resume and cover letter with references to Heidi Perkins, Spruce Mountain Inn, POB 153, Plainfield, VT 05667 NEW! OPENING FOR WHBW/WRCC NEWSLETTER COORDINATOR to work in feminist collective to coordinate production ofjoint educational newsletbr. Candidabs must have demonstrated abiity in writing, graphic design, and layout Knowledge of multicultural perspectives and issues of oppression are preferred. Send letter of intent and sample woni by July 24 kr: WHBW, POB 1525, Burlington VT 05402. EOE: People of color, lesbians, people with and fomierly batbred worrren are encouraged it apply. Women and minority owned businesses also encouraged to apply. NEW! Women Helpirg Battered Women, a feministcollective domesticviolence agency, is hiring an Educational Oureaclilvoluntaer Coordiiator it contribub to the direct, educational » and support sewices through the development and maintenance of a strong, well-lntcrmed volunteer rnembersliip and to ensure the provision of education and information about domestic violenceballwl-lBWmernbers andtlie Chittenden County community. Experience in aching/public speaking and volunteer management desirable. Resume and cover letter asap tcL VWIBW, POB, Burlington, VT 05402. EOE: People of color, lesbians, people with disabilities, and lcnnerly battered women are encouraged to apply. Women and minority owned businesses also encouraged to apply. Oil M is looking for ADVERTISING REPRESEN- TATIVES to sell ads for Vermont's fastest growing newspaper. Full or parttime, no experience neccesary. Must be self motivated, personable. Does not need to live in Burlington. FMI call 802 865 9294. Iivhm NEW! ARE YOU RENTING OUR DREAM APARTMENT? Young gay couple seeking 1 or 2 bedroom apartment under $600/month for rent in Burlington beginning September. Prefer close to downtown, laundry, big kitchen, lots of windows, and porch. Vile have a mature dog and many references. Leads also appreciated. Call Mike at 862-4416 or Don 388-0750 NEW! HOUSE FOR DOG LOVERS TO RENT. We own a small but comfortable’ Sbedioom house bya brookin VT. Itlsnextdoortoourown house, and we'd like to rent it to a couple or family with experience in caring tordogs. Helping take care oi our yellow lab will reduce the rent 20 minutes from Hanover. Call David or John at 802-295- 5824. . NEW! lamrelocafingIorajobNORTH OF BURLINGTON. I am seeking a clean, quiet transitional living sitrration in anticipation of purchasing a home in lab tafl. Until then, I am looking to rent or sublet space space in an apartinentorhcuse. I am a trustworthy, health conscious, and funny ’ rcommab. Please call Jacquie at (802) 425-3185 afbr 8/1/98 or erriail anytime at dragr.arr@br.nebom.corn APAFTIMENT SHARE IN NORWICH witti 40 yo gay professional. Yourorin large carpeted _ bedroornwiltihugecloset. Slrarelvrm, kiblien, bath, and garden. Non-srnoking a must Prefer ccnsiderab and communicative roommate. $275 + 12 utilities. Call Dan 802-649-2295 oremail at GAY MALE ROOMMATE NEEDED Share 2 bedroom, 6 room house in Shelbrrme. Secluded, large lot $450 + 1/2 utilities. Security deposit! credit checlrl 1yr. lease. Leave message at 985 9158 or speak ti Dick. BOULDER LESBIAN SEEKS BURLINGTON- AREA WRITING REIREAT. I'm looking to swap apartments or find an inexpensive one month sublet in the Burlington or Queen City Park area _ during late August, September or October 1998. Aparlrnent or home need not be fancy: just clean, quiet and safe. My aparlrnent is small but sunny, ..-In no nfieban neighbors! -. -. . near the mountains and pedestrian mall. Leave me (Ellen) a message at the computer lab where I work 3035463587 or email me at HOUSEMATE WANTED. Wonderful farmhouse Monkton. Dyke seeks some kinda queer to share home with me and my dog. Other pets or kids welcome it we all get along. Large room, semi- NEW! I am seeking connections with intellectrrally-endowed bi couples and , individuals, 16 and up, in the Rultand County '" area for some expanding conversations and intimate moments. Attn: Michael, do Matters of the Soul, R R 1 Box 3262, Rultand VI’ 05701 furnished. Beautiful setting, large yard. 30 mins to Burlington or Middlebury. $300 plus. Call 453- 5370 or email NEW! DISAPPEAR TO VERMONTS NE KINGDOM to your own 12.1 wooded acres of privacy and this unique, custom-built hideout hoirie with 2-sm. bedroorris, liv. nn witti central LP-gas heat and Irish wood-buming stove, kitchinette, bathette & lg. Iatticeenclosed oulsid deck Vlfith underground electric, phone and modem line buried LP-tank, Itiis 640 sq. ft sanctuary is self-contained and completely oulfitbd and expandable in all directions. Bountiful wildlite, uncomplicated local people, nearGreensboro,7mi.nortIiofHardwickand7 mi south of Glover's Bread & Puppet Theatre home. Owner of 28 yrs, will sell to qualified buyer with min. $12K down, and $350/rrio. on 7-yr. NEW! 27 yo VIM 5' fall brown hair, grey eyes, honest, caring, loving, looking fora friend who is not turned off about people in prison. I have no family or friends and needing one bad. Fred Luckenblll #108389, KSP 3-13-L- 8, POB 128, Eddyville, KY, 42038-0128 Passionate lesbian desiring to develop a lasting relationship with sharing, laughs, and love. I'm 38, creative and spontaneous, e searching for thatspecial someone to experience life's adventures with. If you have an energetic positive spirit, write to: Janice Lucey, 135 Maple Lane, West Danvile, VT 05873. Bane, 24 GF single attractive. Enjoys lauglinc. dancing. going out and spending quiet evenirgs at home. Seeks intelligent, attractive, outgoing 22-30 GF who likes kids. private contractdor sale. Creative, handy, Friendship and powbly more. CKK, 33 andheartyqueersoferthergenderaridpeopleof GreeItl\GT$.Batle.VT 05641- color with serious inbrest encouraged D call: Orant (802) 533-7425 and iv. message for more "."°--P"°'°‘v'““P“"°"‘°”"‘9- “'°"'“”“°"9’ O|TM's Classified secticnteatures CHARMING BUNGALOW WIPRIVACY OF items for sale, housing COUNTRY LNING butonly-tmilesIromBurl. 2c opponmflm “mum hep acreborderedbytgoaixasofprobctrrdwoods, . nealyrenovaad rquren,oakmm_hmdir.s_rp wanted and the ike.AsaseMce to W/Wsrdeck screen!" Porch. 1545911 lIin0l2M. our readers individuals may place lb, 1l2b, lr, dr, & fr. $125,000. Call Pamela or Chris at (802) 655-5424 HAND BUILT CABINIRUSTIC HOME on 10+ private acres in .lonesville....cnIy 19 miles from Burlington. Gas lights and fridge. No electric. Outrtoor plumbing. Two heat sources. Charming well insulated space for single person or couple. $54,000. Interested call Kris @ 862-9431 or Glo @ 434-3953Cabin and Land YEAR ROUND RUSTTC CABIN on 10.27 wooded acres in Guildhall, VT. 35 minus East of St. Johnsbury. Cabin is newly finished this tall, no electric, well insulated, on a year round well maintained gravel road. Has low taxes, very private, and sale. $28,900. call Teri Anderson (603) 788 5530 1, , . , . . . . . . . . . . . . I:IV1lV ads for free! Donations are welcome and encouraged. We reserve the right to refuse ads Responding or placing ads is done at an individual's own risk Ads must be received by the twentieth of the previous month. Mail ad copy and optional donation to PO Box 177. Burlington VT 05402 or email it to We must have full name, address and phone number to run ads, however . sintvrrnatirn will,be.k991.99rtld9rtl%'.-.. - x_’‘‘ ‘.1’: ‘