Photos this page by Scot Applegate ‘ Pride ‘98 _ G I've spent years afraid of it, but today my body makes sense. We wake from an afternoon nap——5 pm——the sun behind the post office across the street. Still dreamy, I watch her rise, stretch. She steps to the window, looks down. I move toward her, stop at her back, slip hands around her waist, lips on her neck. She holds out her palms- I fill them with my fingers. Outside the twilight is peopled with grotesques, children in masks, in capes, candy bags at their sides, their bloody faces bobbing down the sidewalk. The moon hangs itself- fat, yellow, zero. —Cathy Resmer .-.AI 0:; I am holding your hand. I am touching your face. I am conscious of their stares. But I never doubt this. I never regard their words as more than the rain that pelts our faces; as more than the mosquitoes that we bat away and squash, that draw blood and interrupt our courting. We dodge the puddles. We get wet all the same. We hide out with the straight couples under the canopies. You are smiling. Raindrops kiss your freckled cheeks and I finally realize, no look or words or sneer or stare could ever be greater than this truth. —Kerry Slora we're not the kind they'll clone: tongue studs tattoos, florid hair — daughters of anomaly stepping out together _/ under flags that spell our dissidence we are the Bic people, a nation's shame: don't ask ' don't tell. first to be jettisoned in a contrary wind: - juden raus niggerspic kikedyke our teens forced to cut their eyes at selves seen in mirrors silvered by an acid bath of hate. a monster tlinches ’” back at them. no wonder they'll carve self —portraits on skin, gouge channels that slice, release pain impacted as a wisdom tooth bursting against bone grown, some scourge with too much vigour. pick at their own wounds. many, too many suck poisons stuff blood soak lungs snort swallow shoot powders potions pills any: thing that dilutes mood. anything to feel anything to feel good some will succumb but the lucky or the perverse refuse to fold b4 the fact of the jack —boot. the straight jacket parents who slam doors then change the locks. the lock downs. the surgical instruments that snip, clip mow broad swathes of mayhem into the matter of their minds a curettage on wrongthink daddy tries to fuck her out of it Viv, inviolate now in black leather will permit no strange touch touch shocks shoots napalm down scarlines - Jess, avatar of gender was birthed at a midpoint in a bipolar world. persistent insistent she's excised the extraneous given self a body that makes a better match with mind here, there, hand-in-hand . I in summertime promenade women reconstitute self. hammer new codes. sing songs to honor our war dead, those gravely wounded. keepers, sharers, we're mid-wives we give each other suck touch‘ the untouchables ‘til one day readied, a woman picks up a drum beat mounts ~ a bike & steps out ~ to lead the whole damn parade