2. - QUT. JN I.HE. MOUNT/W5, -..AUcusT. .1_99,8v in THE Mounnms 1986 -- EDITOR IN CHIEF -- . Christopher Moes - ARTS S: ENTERTAINMENT Ecrroit - Cathy Resmer — HEALTH & WELLNESS EDITOR - Ric Kadour --YOUTH EoiToR - Andrew Campbell — Corv EDITOR - Barbara Dozetos - BUSINESS MANAGER — Steven West — DESIGN MANAGER - Donald Eggert - CIRCULATION MANAGER — David Grist — WEBSITE MANAGER — Lenna Cumberbatch - - INTERN - Jessica Steel Coluinnists: Crow Cohen. Barbara Dozetos Keith Goslant, John Hannah, Rev. Christine Leslie, Susan Murray, Beth Robinson, Esther Fiothblum, Bari Shamas, Miki Thomas, Kimberly A. Ward. ‘ . contributors: Michael C. Aibero, Jennifer Dzuria, Joy Griihth, Bennat Law, DD Taylor Garcia. Photographers: Sccmpplegaia, Mart—Beth Delucia MOUNTAIN PRIDE MEDIA BOARD or-‘ DIRECTORS Joy Grittith. Bennett Law. Margrit Dutla. Larry Fludiger, Steve Kopstein, Lanny Jones. Cheryl Carmi, Roger Mapes, Kevin llowxteer, Barbara Dozetos, Rettha Rcsha, Joseph Fiyan STATEMENT or Purwose The purpose of Out in the Mounmlns is to serve as a voice for lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, transgendered people, and our supporters in Vermont. We wish the newspaper to be a source at inlcnnaticn, insight, and attirrnation. We also see OITM as a vehicle for the celebration of the culture and diversity at the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered communities here in Vermont and elsewhere. EDITORIAL Poucv We will consider for publication any material which broadens our understanding of our lifestyles and of each other. Views and opinions appearing in the paper do not necessarily represent those of Out in the .‘.4c:.-ntai‘r-.s. pa rcanrict and fit not endorse any candidates oraclions ct pubic otticialsonissuesotirnportancetolestiians, gay bimzu.-.!s, and transgendered persons; ‘ ’ material deemed to be overtly raoist,sexist, Writers’ guidelines are available on request All materials submitted must include a name and a contact number. However, within the pages or the newspaper, articles may appear anonymously upon request, and strict confidentially will be observed. Articles, letters, and artwork should be sent iousbylhezottiotttremonthpricrtolhe month of pubtcation he February 20th for the March issue). we encourage and implore our readers to do what they-can to make OITM a paper which truly represents the many voices of our communities. ' monthly by Mountain Pride Media. Inc. The newspaper rnahiahs ohioesat 109 South Wlnooslrt Avenue in Burlington, Vermont. Our mailing. address is PO Box 177, Burlington. VT 05402- 0177. Ouremal addrewlsoflmfetogetliemnelarid ourwebsitels iccatedathtur1Mrur.vtprlde.org, The subscription rate is $20 per year wllhh the Unled States ofhmerica. ©1998, 0utr'IIiheMaunialns Out in the Mountains PO Box 177 Burlington VT05402-0177 phone: (802) 865-9294 email: oitm@together.net We reserve the right not to publish any . anti-Semitic, ageist, clawist, xenophobic, or 0u!r'I1lheMDrJr1!a1'7ts(lSSNtIlBt-5582)lspt.It|lshed EDITORIAL Diversity Discussion Begun I am really excited by what was achieved at the community organizers summit this past week- end. There wore many highlights including a desire to have dia- logues like this continue either under a revitalized VCLGR or oth- erwise. The Coalition also said that they were wanting to have differ- ent groups have a representative on the VCLGR board, which would signify a more organized better communicating board. I look forward to these develop- ments and feel really optimistic as our communication grows and there is so much we can do. What really excites me, though, is what we really only started —- a dialogue about diver- sity. This issue is one that we need to focus some serious attention on within our community and be- yond. Diversity is an issue that scares a great many people but also tends to anger a great many others. For example, if one were just to look at the debate over af- firmative action, it is very clear that few people actually know what affirmative action means. The anti-affirmative action forces have been able to color the issue as one of forcing quotas. Not sur- prisingly lqines Dobson of focus on the Family radio show, spoke of a gay rights law that would force Christian book stores and ra- dio stations to hire a quota of ho- moscxuals. Diversity in Vermont also brings up a host of issues, consid- ering that we still are 98% white. This does not mean however that we should not deal with this ques- tion. I believe our own place in the diversity of Vermont relates to our recognizing the diversity in our own community. Numbers are not the issue. Within ourown community there are issues of diversity that we need to address, the most ob- vious one is gender. There is a level at which men who have re- lotions with men have little in common with women who have sex with women. In general what we often share is laws that target ”homosexuals.” As a community ....L. ..... ..[A.._.. ....._..I. ..-..--..I,..I-I.. t|IUlJ5llWt,'UllUllVVU1I\|UlllcllI\dUIy ’ well together. At the Summit there was nearly an equal number of men and women. Age is the, other factonwe‘ probably still end up with a mil- lion questions. This issue is one that needs to be addressed on the most per- are confronted with: The media,7-",,.sonal level, asl think ageism hap- gay and "main stream tends to fill itself up with images of ha_irl‘ess young buffed men, while making;_ older men invisible. I can't say’ much about the lesbian commu- nity, but I am always a little put off by the images of what we are supposed to be according to Out and the Advocate. These images . oppress us all the same way that images of starved female models do. This issue is one that we could write a million articles about and pens on a day to day basis and in so many ways that we are not aware of. On the other hand, by 3,-igtature of the size of our commu- nity organizers old and young get to work together. I know that my -life has been incredibly enriched by people like Joy Griffith and oth- ers who are willing to work on the issues for aging people and age diversity. Disability is an area for which there are some concrete ways in which to be inclusive, .make sure events are wheelchair accessible. Look into having ASL interpreters available for events. Braille copies of information, voice websites. Geography is a big issue for us as well. I'm sure everyone is familiar with the debate about our Chitnocentric community in Ver- mont, and this is an issue for which there is a bit of a conun- drum. If we hold events in Burlington we will make it diffi- cult for people throughout the rest of the state to go, and if we hold EDITORIAL, p18 iOITMneu/5. . . I OITM would like to thank the following businesses and organizations for donating food and supplies for last month’s Organizers’ Summit in Plainfield. Please show your appreciation to these supporters of Gayl Lesbianl Bisexuall Transgender organizing in Vermont: MOUNTAIN PRIDE MEDIA FRESH SEAFOOD. LUNCHES, DINNEHS, SPEGIALW Fooos, CATERING 65 NORTH MAIN Smear ST. ALBANS, VT 05478 KLINGER’s BREAD COMPANY Ve O Q) IJIIRAB Luis I ‘Z ‘(W5 E‘? .8’ G 0 ‘I98 Main St. ' Burlington, VT 05401 ' (802) 658-3074 Zabbxfs Stone Soup 21 ’l College Street FINE BREADS 0 PASTRIES 0 DESSERTS 10 Farrell Street, South Burlington, VT, 05403 Phone (802) 860-6322 0 Fax (802) 860-1062 ADAMANT COOP CHRIS DIANI AND GODDARD GLBTA rmont C RES sandwiches Burlington, Vermont 05401 802 0 862 0 7616 astfles .9 -83 '0» Got 60 6‘ Whatever, talk, along. for; pleasure, consider this; _‘nf,' but we're not immurt lyntransmitted diseases; ' ance...