;WILB 75 figsvl T 1 . \ V Vermont artists exhibit their work in (MTWA "" “‘ t children of gays “Real Lesbian—vi|le” HEALTH 8; WELLBEING V 20.5 — New Column by Thomas Henning VOLUME Xlll, NUMBER 7 . , O V , Queer Léaders V BY BARBARA Dozrsros ;_ ”This is it; this is our history. It's our responsibility to take this back to our com- rmunity," exhorted Tim Palmer as he spoke to the group of nearly forty of Verrnont’s GLBT leaders. The occasion was the Orga- nizers’ Summit sponsored by Out in the Mountains and held at Goddard College on Saturday, July 18. Palmer's gift for facilitation was called "°'°E'5 "W" iL‘§?.i§'§§°Z.agif.?§§§i'iL“}§i§.‘§f eill §‘3§."i’r‘f; THE MTs- state gathered to discuss the strengths and % V A-historicaj jock meaktnesses of Vernginfskqueler co:nm1r)1n_ilt‘y, E at GLBT Pride en rainstorm an ma e p ans or m — -5 _ ing on the strengths and shoring up the weak ‘Li spots. ‘ T g The list of strengths was long. Bob °‘ ‘ V out and proud Bolyard led Off. "The dedication the people Above: Organizers at the Statewide Community In this 1'00m have to thelr Causes 15 tremen- Summit broke up into smaller groups such as this dous." Bari Shamas spoke of the people who are not queer, ”Some of our greatest support- I ARTS AND ers ar: straigljit/'1 f h d d d great 93 0 I 6? ay Was evote to Right: Tami Eldridge, Executive Director of 2 ENTER‘? INMENT an examination Of the Community's-diversity Outright VT. and Jane VanBuren, Board President 3 V Montfea '3 35 both 3 Strength and 3 Weakness-The gmup of Vermont Cares were active participants at the acknowledged and applauded the wide range of ages and backgrounds that make up gay Vermont. The group discussed the possibility of building alliances with other minority organizations in Vermont, such as ALANA. Peggy Luhrs of the Burlington Women's Council said, "Our en- emies group us together; we must join together to combat them." The original agenda for the clay included a panel discussion on $— i11H(¢‘:liiePh there was one) and it wasn't that my principles of inclusivity had changed, I just needed to know there was someone else out there like me. A Unfortunately that’ s not with a Women of Color and Allies Conference in DC spon- sored by NOW. I wanted to go to Maine but I knew that I .,99T%zP?7. usual 80-hour weeks he puts in there to allow time for cam- paigning. If he wins the election, he will resign from the post of Executive Director. ’‘I think Vermonters living with HIV * _ V PALMER, p27 tracing the grooves to make sound. — Cathy Resmer . (more beginning on page