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The Washington Sisters, African - American lesbian musicians who ap- pear in the film with their mother, told Dee that lesbians faced different is- sues around homophobia in the Afri- can American church-going commu- nity. Dr. Mosbacher decided to col- laborate with Dr. Sylvia Rhue and Ms. Frances Reid to co-produce a film photo by Phyllis Christopher about Black churches and the gaylles- bian experience. Dr. Rhue came up with the new film's title, All Gods Children, a phrase that was used so often by the people they interviewed. As Jesse Jackson says in the film, “In the larger civil rights movement, we must see all people as God's children.” The Rev- erend Dr. Cecil Murray of the First AMC Church, the oldest Black church in Los Angeles declares: “The church exists for all God’s children." All God’s Children is a 26 minute documentary that explores the issues of homosexuality and ho- mophobia within the context of the Black church and its congregants. As African-America and the Church: n Lesbians An Interview with Filmmakers Dee Mosbacher and Sylvia Rhue by Esther Rothblum Senator Carol Mosely-Brown states: “...our diversity is,afler all, a strength and not a weakness." The film includes interviews with Black families who discuss hav- ing a gay or lesbian family member. is very important. The project itself, I think, was divinely led," she con- cludes. Dr. Mosbacher explained "We really try to use the film as an orga- nizing tool. Our efforts have been try- All God's Children Producers (l Reid, Dr. Dee Mosbacher . to r.) Dr. Sylvia Rhue, Frances Music plays an important role in All God's Children. Lavender Light: The Black and People of All Colors Les- bian and Gay Gospel Choir performs -the gospel music so familiar to Black Dr. Rhue -told me: “it was important to O « get church The first, long-awaited R S '°ade’5 ‘"3’ ’ paperback collection of I ?:;p::tretnrit: Robert Kirby's syndicated TI €39 “EU senio, ’pa5- comic strip, Curbside! 5 R? V tors. Marjorie Yes, relive the first half of these 7 Hi", Ph-D- oh-so- ay 90': with Rob, Tony, -. from the Na. Nathan an the rest of the gun in ... . this 80 page, super-de uxe V t'°“a| B°ad . spectacular! Unfly Feuow. ship Church Send $10 check, money order, says, m the 3 er well-oenoeuled «uh Ie: film‘ Gay and $55-;:.!_. Robert Kirby/Hobnob Press lesbia“ Am‘ possfl7l!3tl;l’);)r‘:I ‘ ' B0. Box 2368, Times Sq. Station can Ameri- rh: Xeric NEW Y0|'l(, "Y cans aye imey. Foundali°"- Checks payable to Robert firby . . Phase allawl-3 weelrs for delivery. twmed Wlth our commu- nity, and we need the church.” All Gods Children also includes inter- views with prominent people from the Black community such as Congress- woman Maxine Waters, Linda Villarosa, Executive Editor of Essence Magazine, and Cornet West, Profes- sor in Afro-American Studies and the Philosophy of Religion at the Harvard School of Divinity. in the film, US churchgoers. “You have to understand that music is pan of the message too; it’s not filler," explained Dr. Rhue, “be- cause even when we play the film to people who are resistant to the mes- sage they can’t resist the music." The three co-producers all have prior film-making experience, but that's where the similarities end. Dr. Mosbacher is a psychiatrist. Dr. Rhue has a Ph.D. in human sexuality and is a Bible scholar/student. She says: “Western society has kept sex and spirituality very separate and that shouldn’t be." Frances Reid is a pro- fessional film-maker whose work re- ceived two Oscar nominations in one year. The co-producers are now in- volved in getting the film shown across the country. “The bottom line is that lesbian, gay and bisexual people should see the film and feel better about themselves. it is impor- tant for them to see people, including leaders in the Black community, sup- port them as heterosexual allies, and to see the pioneers of the current Black gay movement on film," said Dr. Rhue. “This is also the first time that Black gay and heterosexual people have gone on record to this degree for an absolutely pro-gay stance. The film includes interviews with six Black ministers. Since the Black church is the strongest institution in the Black community, to have the ministers talk ing to get the film to as many people as possible who would take it to their community-—-whether the church community, the educational commu- nity, PFLAG [Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays], etc. We've tried to act creatively, and have gotten a number of people to subsidize oop- ies of the videos and accompanying materials so that the film can get out." After completing the film, Woman Vi- sion wrote a joint promotional letter with Phill Wilson, the founder of the National Black Lesbian and Gay Leadership Forum. Dr. Rhue contin- ues to travel all over the country pre- senting the film and lecturing about the issues it raises. Since its release. All God's Children has been screened in over thirty film festivals and has won six awards, including the Lambda Lib- erty Award and Best Documentary at the National Black Arts Festival. The film, All Gods Children, can be obtained from Woman Vision, clo Transit Media Film Library, 22-D Hollywood Avenue, Hohokus, NJ 07423, tel. 800-343- 5540, fax 201- 652-1973. The price is $99.95 for in- stitutions.. Esther Hothblum is a Professor of Psychology at the University of Ver- monf and Ediforofthe Journal ofLes- bian Studies. DYKE PS YCHE is a monthly column. copyright Esther Ffothblum