Sandra Scoppettone have new myster‘ : collection of gay and lesbian trivia, and ‘ _ brings readers the fascinating true story est woman on water." ; Giving credit where it is due, Bro: nine companion and co-author Sneaky ful episode in the life of canine sleuth Mrs in cozy Crozet Virginia. Murder on the i have come to hope for from the little furr to plague the faculty, staff, and students; naturally, the incompetence of humans but doesn't prevent their successful unr; One of St. Martin’s’ treasures is . the Tom & Scott and the Paul Turner _, , Scott mystery, Are You Nuts? is a welc ,' and a great read for Zubro fans and mysf, » author. Gay teachers in the public school; equal time as high school teacher Torn with national publicity about his lover, b ing out. Dirty politics and dirty pool worl<_ reputations of Tom and one straight col_‘ of Zubro’s series are well worth the time Nuts? is no exception. Gonna Take a Homicidal Journey author Sandra Scoppettone. In a battle , eager developers," dyke dick Laura Laur‘ der and mayhem. A working vacation to and her partner Kip plan to work on a fr" V turns into anything but a problem solvi two women had planned—and Laurano into delving into the town's past, its secr own. Fans definitely will not be disappoi The world of entertainment get arvoski, Jr. of rot last year’s A Fu CA L£ MONDAY WEDNESDAY Brattleboro - 6:30 pm Potluck on the Belle oi Bratlleboro, launching from the Marina Restaurant 7 pm SHARP. The Marina Brattleboro - Vermont Freedom to Marry Force, Organizational meeting at the home of Mark Herman, 21 Belmont Ave, Restaurant is on Putney Road across from 7pm. F Ml 387-5788 the Connecticut River Safari Canoe Rent- als, Brattleboro. Atwo-hour tour on a pon— FRIDAY toon up & down the scenic Connecticut River. Please bring a dish to share and a Middlemwn springs _ Solanest’ a week_ beverage of your choice. The cost of rental end of music dance meayen puppetry’ '3 $235’ so We "eed at ‘east 20 pe°p'e story-telling, clowning, games, bonfires, registered by Tuesday‘ ‘MY 7"‘ t° make it children's activites, astronomy and renew- happe” P'e?5e RSVP t° Cam (802) 254‘ able energy workshops on a 40-acre site, g‘g49‘:'3g'a'g (802) all powered entirely by the sun. Featuring Stanley Jordan, Dar Williams, Michael Manring, the New Nile Ochestra, and the June Rich banc. Weekend pass, $35. daily tickets $20, free camping available, no dogs or glass bottles. Tickets available at the Flynn Theatre Box Office, 86-FLYNN or at the gate. FMI Middlebury - Addison County Rainbow Families inagural gathering at the Festi- val on the Green concert. Lisa McCormick is the 7:00 show. Bring your picnic and look for the rainbow windsock. Queer families from anywhere are welcome. You dont have to bring your kids, but they'll have. a great time7it~you do. FMI - Barb 388-8298 ' “" ‘ " ' 5.-_. ., , , _!._ -_qf., ._y_. ; . ..-.gv:‘ \-,._-,o_. r,_y, ,A,, ~. V I v v I-. » CATHERINE RESMER rNTERvrEws KATHERINE QUINN The first time I saw Katherine Quinn play was during UVM’s Free To m Be: GLBT Visibility Week. After the 5 first song, ltumed to the woman I was 3 with and said, “I’m never missing an- 9- other show she does.” Two nights 9 later, I saw Katherine play at the *3 Rhombus Gallery. it was my first date with the woman l’ve been seeing ever since. I got a chance to tell Katherine my date story when we sat down for an interview and a couple beers at The Other Place. "That's a pretty com- mon thing, “ she says, “women using my shows as first dates."And no won- der—Katherine Quinn is clever, tal- ented, and articulate, and she writes and performs her own songs. She writes about loving men, about loving women. about telling off men (and women), about telling off her boss. And she’s not shy about her sexual- ity. Quinn identifies as bisexual, and says that one of the reasons she’s so open about it is that she doesn’t remember seeing positive images of queer people when she was growing up. She says she’s out because, “be- ing in the closet makes young girls who are drawn to women have no role models.“ in “Give Your Name Away,” she sings about a relationship with a child- hood girl friend. In the song, the girls shave with their father’s razors, play on the Little League team, and kiss in the backyard. She wrote the song af- ter receiving an invitation to the friends wedding, and the refrain asks, “Girl, why you gonna give your name away? Why you gonna let them give you away?" We talked for a while about being young, queer, and Catholic- wanting to fit in. “i wanted to be an “I wanted to be an altar boy” altar boy," she says. She told her priest, who said, “‘if you want to be an altar boy, why don’t you write to the bishop.’ So basically, he was say- ing, ‘why don’t you just kiss off.’ I was ten years old, and I went home and told my mother. She rolled her eyes and said, ‘he's such an asshole!” Katherine laughs. “So I wrote to the bishop, and I got this letter back that said I should serve the way women SATURDAY Manchester — Vermont Symphony Or- chestra Gala. An evening of romantic music under the stars features Grant Johannesen performing Chopin's Piano Concerto No. 2 with the VSO. Kate Tamarkin conducts. 7:30 at Hunter Park Call for more information at 1-800-876- 9293. Wrightsville Reservoir - Women of the Woods canoeing srvimming,and floating party. Meet at the boat launch at 11 am. Bring your own canoe or flotation device. Rain date is July 19. FMI 299-0109 WEDNESDAY Brattleboro - 7 pm GaylBi Men's Movie & Pizza Night at Michael Gigante’s 15 Myrtle St. Brattteboro. Please join us for “It's My Party,” the 1996 drama starring Eric Roberts & Gregory Harrison-as a West’ Hollywood couple coming-to terms ' were supposed to serve, in the back with Sr. Doris, sewing coffee." After that, she says, she gave up her reli- gious aspirations. “That was the end. The romance was dead.” Quinn, who grew up in Provi- dence, Rhode Island, went to Brown University, and graduated in 1992 with a Bachelor of Arts in Education. She taught high school for a short time before moving to Burlington in Janu- & Bisexual Men's Program. FMI Michael (802) 254-8032, Ron (603) 876-4825 or Carey (802) 254-4444 Burlington - Jennifer Bloomfield presents her one-woman spoken-word cabaret, “Blood,White, and Blue" during the Rhom- bus Gallery summer theater festival. Sec- ond performance on Thursday, July 23. Blocrnfield, whose play “Escaping War- saw” premiered off-Broadway this spring, will take on 15 characters, from the Strip- per to the Accountant, all of whom struggle to maintain their individuality in corporate America. 8 pm, admission $5-$10 sliding scale. Rhombus Gallery is located at 186 College St., 2nd floor. Call 865-3144 for info. SATURDAY Manchester - The Glenn Miller Orches- tra performs at Hunter Park in Manches- ter VT. Nostalgic big band tunes. 7:30. Call 1-800-876-9293 for more information. ' \ I, ‘ M Iylwiflj ‘PiZ‘Z§’CQmpi'Unems Quhg Gal W [SOUTH ROVBITOR - Christmas.i VJLIIVTRT the’ 71:1 ~i.'-J‘ ‘.~"J«. unit fay. ~51‘ V I} 3 Crossroads Bar and Grille. Co-sponsored by members of the Upper Valley Gay com- munity, Tunbridge Quality Ales, and the Crossroads. This is a toys for tots fundraiser. Cover chg will be a new toy unwrapped or three dollars at the door. Festivities will be starting at 7:30. Dinner will be available from 4 till 9 for those wish- ing to come early and would like to get good food. , SUNDAY Putney - Lesbian Book Group: 7 PM at Heartstone Books. We read books in all genres, by women authors, usually with some lesbian content. Please join us! For more information, Tatiana (802) 387-2781, or . SATURDAY Agawan, MA - Gay Day at Riverside » Amusement Park, August .1st.1998rfor.the=- I gay/l.eshianltIisexualttransgender.oommiL- .45». mi -v i