photography by Scot Applegate 1 Clockwise from Left - Yolanda greets patrons at a g \ 9 Youth Provider Network ‘ K ' ‘ ‘ benefit called Pride Ball @ City Hall which provided a “Chem-tree” alternative for the evening. - Festivities on the Waterfront threatened rain and some came prepared to protect their festive pride garb. - What would a Pride parade be without bikes and leather‘? - Samadhi Singers sang as they marched, entertaining onlookers. - The Radical Faeries sat atop the most fragrant float in the parade - “Dykes on Trikes” was a new addition to this year’s pride parade. OUT IN THE MOUNTAINS -— JULY 1998 — 9 fi For confidenfial HIV/AIDS Information Call 800-882-AIDS J Measuring Success One Investor At A Time We know that no ll1£|(lL‘l‘Wh(\ y_nu ; . . . 1 are or ulizil you do I01‘ :1 il\'Il'1_‘__'. _ you want in sec _\-‘our I'zm1il_y sv- tzurc. your children ciluczncil. your l‘C1iI'Clll‘L‘.l‘li :is.~;ui‘cti. We‘rc ready to help with it wide rzmgc rrl‘ii1vc.s'liiTciils zuitl a pro- lcssimmlly ll“.iil1C(i Account l:'x- <.‘CLll.i\‘C who can tailor‘ it pr'o5_vi’arn In _\;nur nectls. .-\t l) \‘\’iuci’. we mcu.~;ur'c siicucss one lt1\-"L‘!~£- lur til :1 limr-.. Ginger Williamson 30 Main St. Burlington, VT 05401 (802) 869-9660 (802) 865-2137 0) DEAN wrrrm @1994 Dean \’lu'rctr.=r Reynolds inc. Member SP!C OITM is always interested in new contributors and volunteers. Call today and find out how you can help. (302) 865-9294 1-it-l:f;:;-/:v-v\-7-vx:.\'7-ti:-)-r.i-cI-e._()'1:g-