Gay bishop WASHINGTON —Rainbow- colored flags could be flying over Congress after this fall's elections. Voters in seven congres- sional districts around the country will have an opportu- nity to vote for an out lesbian or gay man. None of the can- didates appears to be relying heavily on her or his sexual orientation to win votes, but no one can or is ignoring it, either. Congressional candidate Christine Kehoe, 47, insists voters in California's 49th Dis- trict care more about those is- sues than her homosexuality. ”When people understand what I am about, my sexual orientation doesn't matter," said Kehoe, 47, a San Diego councilwornan and the only Democrat in the race. ”My record shows I work for every- one.” Still, Kehoe’s sexuality could make history: If elected, she would be one of the first openly lesbian candidate to be elected to national office. Kehoe is one of four lesbians running for Congress this year, as well as three gay men. That number represents the largest group of openly gay candi- dates to run for national office. Rep. Barney Frank, D- Mass., and Rep. Jim Kolbe, R- Ariz., did not reveal their ho- mosexuality until after they were in-office, but the other Congressional candidates dis- closed their sexual orientation prior to this year's elections. They are Wisconsin legislator Tammy Baldwin; former Mas- ‘ sachusetts legislator Susan Tracy; retired Army Col. Margarethe Cammermeyer, who was discharged from the military in 1992 after revealing her homosexuality; and rancher and oil man Paul Barby. Giving up money SAN FRANCISCO — The Sal- vation Army apparently thinks money from the city of San Francisco is gay tainted. The organization says it will no longer take city money and will cut back on some pro- grams because of San Francisco's domestic partners law. The organization said the year-old ordinance conflicts with its Christian beliefs on the importance of family. Under the ordinance, any ' business that holds city con- tracts and provides spousal health insurance to married couples must do the same for the gay or unmarried partners of its employees. "We simply cannot agree to be in compli- ance,” Salvation Arrny Lt. Col. Richard Love said. The Salvation Army, with an $18 million annual budget for services in San Francisco, holds $3.5 million in city con- tracts, Love said. The organi- zation said it will scale back programs for senior citizens and the homeless. or sex addiction or MORRISTOWN, N .J. — An openly gay man was one of the finalists for bishop of the Epis- copal Diocese of New Jersey. On the fourth ballot for the post of bishop coadjutor, who will succeed Bishop John S. Spong when he retires in 2000, delegates chose the Rev. John Croneberger, rector of the Church of the Atonement in Tenafly. He was one of six can- didates in a field that included the Rev. Canon Gene Robinson, who would have been the first openly gay Epis- copal bishop in the nation. Robinson, 51, an assistant to Bishop Douglas Theuner of the Diocese of New Hampshire and a coordinating leader of the New England dioceses, was once married and has two daughters, but now lives with a man. Conservatives within the church had opposed the possible election of Robinson. Hurricane gay VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. — Tired of blaming El Nino for lousy weather? Now we can take credit. Just ask Pat Robertson. The religious broadcaster says Orlando, Fla., should be- ware of hurricanes after allow- ing Gay Days to be held there last month. Robertson also said the widespread practice of ho- mosexuality ”will bring about terrorist bombs, it'll bring earthquakes, tornadoes and possibly a meteor.” On "T he 700 Club,” the Christian Broadcasting Net—~. work talk show, Robertson said: ”I would warn Orlando that you're right in the way of some serious hurricanes, and I don't think I'd be waving those flags in God's face if I were you.” Gay organizations spon- sor the annual Gay Days in Orlando, where rainbow flags flew from downtown” utility poles. Senator Hate WASHINGTON —- Shall we just call him Senator Hate? The most powerful leader in the US Senate has outed himself as a bigoted homophobe. Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott of Mississippi told an interviewer that homosexu- ality was morally wrong. Dur- ing an interview on "The Armstrong Williams Show” on the America's Voice television network, Williams asked Lott whether he considers homo- sexuality a sin and Lott replied, "Yeah, it ed 34“ RAKERE addictions, difficulties, experi- ences of things that are wrong, but you should try to work with that person to learn to MEIAFE ! control that problem," he said. Bridge Street Hormel for Ambassador Richmond 434-3 143, WASHINGTON — Debate continues to rage everywhere but the US Senate floor over whether James Hormel should be the US ambassador to Lux- embourg. His nomination has been held up’ by conservative Re- publicans who object to his homosexuality. Even some Re- publicansarecomplaining that I they're embarrassed by the | debacle that has been created. - I In a letter to Majority Leader Trent Lott, Sen. Alfonse I D’Amato of New York said he feared James Horrnel’s nomi- nation to be ambassador to Luxembourg "is being ob- structed for one reason and one reason only: the fact he is gay.” ”On a personal level, I am embarrassed that our Re- publican Party, the party of Lincoln, is seen to be the force behind this injustice,” V- OuT IN THE MOUNTAINS — JULY 1998 — 7 Every batch made from scratch... I | NATURAL FOODS, ORGANIC PRODUCE, SUPPLEMENTS I . I -U|”.l.”EE -it Wltll .1... - open to the public - "Monday-Saturday 9-7 Sunday 11-5 - 49.N. Main Street, WRJ,VT I " A Community Owned Natural Foods Market &Deli specializing in Organic Choices! BRATTLEBORO FO0D©C0°0P Sweet Rolls ° Muffins ° Granola Bars Cakes ° Cookies— including low-fat, naturally sweetened & vegan selections BAKERY OPEN: M-F 6-6 Sat & Sun 6-4 Breakfast Mon - Fri 6-11 Brunch Sat 8: Sun 8-1 Lunch Mon — Sun 11-4 D’Amato wrote. » Supporters of Hormel say they have the 60 votes needed to break the hold on the nomination if Lott will al- low it to come to the floor. AIDS’notification NEW YORK —— There are new fears in New York now that the Open Legislature has approved a bill requiring doctors to report the names of people with AIDS or HIV. - Activists condemned the J bill as a "a return to the dark ages” of the disease. The mea- sure, passed by the Legislature calls for the Health Depart- ment to inform the patients’ lovers and drug needle part- ners. Supporters contend the notification saves lives and that research shows people won't stop seeking help. The bill goes to Republican Gov. George Pataki, who has said he generally supports the con- cept. AIDS activists asked Pataki to veto the bill, saying it could curtail testing because of the stigma attached to the disease. "T he New York State Assembly seems poised to re- turn to the dark ages of the AIDS epidemic, when igno- ’ rance, fear and discrimination surrounding the disease were rife,” said Ronald Johnson of» . the city's Gay Men's Health A ' Crisis, one of the nation's larg- . est nonprofit AIDS organiza- tions. Lott added:_”You should still love that per- son. You should not try to mistreat them or treat them as outcasts. You should try to show them a way to deal with that problem, just like alcohol kleptomaniacs. ”There are all kinds of problems, . _..x 4- 9 _rj_" tell them you found if at THAT BOOK STORE... 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