l l ———— —-letters--~ IIITM, run 177, nu:-linutoii‘,’ln 05402-0177 or oiun@togetner.net 9‘ ’’Community’’ or ”Ghetto ” for VT.-.? Kathleen Kalina must be a flatlander —-— in the old sense of the word. How else canyou explain her lune ”Voices From the Mountains” column suggest- ing that Vermont’s GLBT com- munity actually buy up a sec- tion of Burlington and create as ”gay-only domain?" Have you gone off your rocker, Ms. Kalina? I can't be- lieve that you'd suggest that we do the very thing that many of us GLBT Vermonters — whether Vermonters by birth or by choice — vowed we'd never do: ghettoize ourselves. As a Vermonter—by- choice, I moved here precisely to get away from the ”queer ghettoes” of San Francisco, New York, West Hollywood and other major cities. Born and raised in New York, I lived in San Francisco throughout the '80s and early '90s and in that time saw a vibrant GLBT community succumb to a “ghetto mentality” of isolation _ from the outside world. That ghetto mentality in San Francisco inevitably bred in some GLBT circles there a reactionary heterophobia and . racism as pernicious as the ho- mophobia and racism in the dominant straight society. San Francisco's Castro district, New York's West Vil- lage, West Hollywood's Boystown and other big—city gay ghettoes are not friendly places if you're bisexual or nonwhite — and I happen to be both. I grew up in one type of ghetto (The Bedford— Stuyvesant section of Brook- lyn) and I refuse to live in an- other. Years of bitter experience has taught me that ghettoization is, in the long run, highly destructive. What Ms. Kalina fails to mention is that besides the queer—separatist ghetto men- tality, the cost of living in the Castro, Provincetown, Key West and other gay ghettoes is too prohibitive for any GBLT person with an annual income of less than $30,000. I'm a witness to the gay gentrification in the early '80s of San Francisco's Fillmore dis- trict, once a working-class Af- rican—American neighborhood. This gentrification led to very bad blood between African- Americans and predominantly white gays, as rents skyrock- eted, forcing many longtime Fillmore residents to move across the San Francisco Bay to Oakland and Berkeley. Just what part of Burling- ton does Ms. Kalina propose for GLBTS to buy up? The Old North End? Or the Hill Section near the University of Vermont — better known nowadays as "Studentville,” the closest thing to a ghetto that Burling- ton has? Where will current residents of those neighbor- hoods live if either becomes the next Castro? I'm not a native Ver- monter, but after four years, I've lived here long enough to know that any attempt to cre- ate any type of ghetto in Burl- ington or anywhere else in Ver- mont will be as welcome as a blizzard in the middle of July. Sincerely, Skeeter Sanders Essex 0 Another Right-Win g Boycott Attempt As an avid film buff - I'm doing everything I can to let others know about an outra- geous boycott of a film. I am not connected with the movie in anyway, but I have seen a few of the scenes from the screenplay, and this is a movie I would like to see. My sister-in-law is in a religious censorship group run by Rev. Donald Wildmon. Members of the "American Family Association” (formerly called the "National Federa- tion for Decency"), have sent out thousands of emails asking for “people of faith” to send faxes calling for aboycott of the film, "Eye of the Beholder” (This is the working title and not to be confused with the Ashley Judd / Ian Magregor movie of the same name) Eye of the Beholder is based on the true story of how a young couple lost their family, a multi-rnillion dollar chain of video stores, and almost their lives - fighting Rev. Wildmon’s religious forces when the couple refused to remove Mar- tin Scorsese’s controversial film, The Last. Temptation of Christ, from their video stores. The religious group black- mailed the powerful City Pros- ecutor into ruining the couple ‘ with two court trials. (A former prostitute, that-was now in the NFD, gave the religious group information about the Prosecutor's hidden sex life) Although the couple won both cases, they lost everything else. A few years later, they learned about the Prosecutor's black- mailing and setup a successful "sting" that exposed the 16 year veteran Prosecutor, who plead guilty to solicitation and also to embezzlement from a ”Crime Victims Fund”. For more information about the film:http: / / www .moviefund.com/ beholder] home.htm For more informa- tion about Rev. Wildmon's ac- tivities: http: / /www.afa.net/ ” Here is one of the reli- gious emails that was inter- cepted - Subj: BOYCOTT THIS BLAS- PHEMOUS MOVIE People of fizith must come together as we did when we boy- cotted the blasphemous film, THE LAST TEMPTATION OF CHRIST. We were so successful that most movie theaters would not run it. Blockbuster Video has never carried the film, as well as most other video stores. It will also not be shown on TV That is proof of the power of the Lord !!! We pray that God loving, moral people will also boycott the film - IN THE EYES OF THE BEHOLDER. This film encour- ages homosexuality, and adultery while demeaning GOD!!! The time for action is now!!! This movie is being made by Gays and Athiests who want to control what we see and hear, while promoting their deviant lifestyles. Please contact the people below and BOYCOTT THIS TRASH I! Alec Baldwin (actor) Fax 310-244-2155 :9 818-347-4343 Wendy Bloom (producer)- Fax 310-841-5934 Email tpeg@aol.com William Morris Agency -. Fax 310-859-4462 Email cpott@wma.com Miramax Films NY - Fax 212-941-3949 Email brian_dickman@miramax.com Miramax Films LA - Fax 213-951-4218 Creative Arts - Fax 310- 288-4800 ‘ Email cparrish@caa.com May GOD BLESS You, and please forward this to all you can. http://www.afa.net The American Family Association ’ The 1st Amendment pro- tects us all, but when people start trying to stop a film, BE- FORE IS EVEN MADE, then that crosses the line into cen- sorship through religious ter- rorism. To get a good idea of where these religious zealots are coming from, take a look at their rantings at this site http: / /www.moviefund.com/ cgi— bin/ beholder It has been said that "the only way to fight censorship and intolerance, is by educa- tion”. A good way to educate people - is to make this movie. Another way, is to get the word out. Please send messages to the people above that only YOU — have the right to decide what you will or won't see. Thanks, Mark Dennison ILuvFilms@aol.com OUT IN THE MOUNTAINS — JULY 1998 — 3 Elizabeth Campbell CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT 15 E. Washington St.Rutland, VT 05701 (802) 773-4030 Elizabet@sover.net tbe Vermont COIIIIIlI0t8.l_)/ BETH ROBINSON LANGROCK SPERRY & WOOL ATTORNEYS AT LAW 15 SOUTH PLEASANT STREET MIDDLEBURY. VERMONT 05753 Burlington Ottice: 275 College Street Burlington. Vermont 05402 802-864-0217 Area Code: 802 Telephone: 388-6356 FAX#: 388-6149 ' BLACKWOOD AND Eileen M. Blackwood KRAYNAK P.C. Pamela Kraynak Town I D 1 year ($20) I [:1 Contribution $ ATTORNEYS AT LAW l3l Main Street PO. Box 875 Burlington, VT 05402 (802) 8(>3—25l7 - Employment law - Education law - Wills, Relationship Contracts - Commercial & Residential Real Estate - Small Business SUSAN M. MURRAY LANGROCK SPERRY 81. WOOL ATTORNEYS AT LAW 15 scum PLEASANT smear MIDDLEBURY. VERMONT ‘ 05753 Buauuarow OFFICE: Ann Coos: B02 275 COLLEGE Srnsrr TELEPHONE? 388-6356 Bunuucron. Vsnuom 05402 Home Po-cons: B77-3l65 802-864-O2 I 7 FAX 02 388-6149 Interest Rates AreAt A 20Year Law I. N0wIsAGood TlmeToBuyA House I" — Blackwood and Kraynak, P.C. ' Attorneys At Law *Ouer ten years of experience in real estate law 'Competiue rats to buyers and sellers of real estate in NW Vermont *Mostimportant1 , we know the special issues same sex cou s face when buying a home CONTACT [5 FOR MORE INFORMATION Mernberoftheflalnbow Busine.ssAssoclatlcn Telephone: 863-2517 final]: V'l‘Lawblr.@aol.com ll. ”“”UT"””1N MUNTAINS By subscribing now to Out in the Mountains, not only will you get delivery to your mailbox (in an envelope), but you also help underwrite the rising costs of publishing and distributing the newspaper. We welcome any additional contributions you can make to support this and other important publishing projects. Checks should be made payable to Mountain Pride Media, and sent, along with this card to: OHM, POB 177, Burlington, VT 05402-0177. Name Address State Zip Cl 2years~($35) D Low income ($10) jjjjjjjjjjjjq