5 2 — OUT IN THEIMOUNTAINS — JULY 1998 Our IN nus Mounnuns Established in 1986 - Emron 1N CHIEF - Christopher Moos - Am 8: ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR - Cathy Fiesmer — HEALTH & Wrurrrsss Enrron - Ric Kadour —You"rrr EDITOR - Andrew Campbell — Corr EDITOR - Barbara Dozetos -— Busuvrsss MANAGER - Steven West — DESIGN MANAGER - Donaid Eggert — CIRCULATION MANAGER‘ - , David Grist - Omce MANAGER - Tracy Komons . — Wrsosrre MANAGER - Lenna Cumberbatch ' - INTERN - Jessica Steel Colunnlsts: Crow Cohen, Barbara Dozetos, Keith Goslant, John Hannah, Haw. Christina Leslie, Susan Murray, Bath Robinson, Esther- Flothblum, Bari Shamae, lliliki Thomas, Kimberly A. Ward. conB'lbutlors:.Micheel C. Albero, Jennifer Dzurie Joy Gritfith, Bonnet Law, DD Taylor- Garcia. Photogwtters: SootApple¢_pta,’Man'-Beth Delucia Moumnrn PRIDEIVIEDIA BOARD or Dmecroxs Joy Griitilh, Bennett Lew, Larry Rudiger, Steve Kopstein, Lanny Jones, Cheryl Carmi, Roger Mapes, Kevin Mcitteer. Barbara Dozetos STATEMENT or PURPOSE The purpose of 0utln:he.Mauntabrs is to serve as a voice tor lesbians. day men. bisexuals, transgendered peopie. and our supporters in Vermont; we wtslrttie newspapeto be a some or intonnation.‘ insight. and atiimration. seeOiTM asavetricletortlaeeelet7rationo¥tiie,crrltg;rre andrfiversity of the lesbian. gay. bisexual. and transgendered communities here in Vermont and elsevrtrere. ’ Eprronm. Poucv we wit consider for publication any material which broadens our understanding of our lifestyles and oi each other. Views and opinions appearing in the paper do not necessarily represent those of Out in the Mountains. This paper cannot and will not endorse any candidates or actions or pubic otlicialson issues at importance tolesblans. gay men, bisexuals, and transgendered persons. We reserve the right not_to publish any material deemed to be overtly racist; sexist, anti-Semitic, ageist, olassist. xenophobic. or homophobic. ~ Writers’ guidelines are available on request All materials submitted must include a name and a contact number. However. within the pages of the newspaper, articles may appear anonymously upon request, and strict confidentially will be observed. Articles, letters, and artwork should besent tousby theaorlhofttiemonlltpriortothe month of publiuitton (re. February 20th for the Marchissltele Weenoourage andimplore our readers to do what they can to ‘make OITM a paper which truly represents the many voices of our oornrnunities. ' ourhirreNbrmralrrs(iSsNiaB1-ssezltspwllshed monthly by Mountain Pride Media, inc. The newspaper maintahs nitbesat 109 South Wltioostri Avenue in Burlington, Vermont. Our mailing address is PO Box 177, Burlington, VT 05402- 0177. Ouremal addresslsoltrn@llogether.netend ourwebslelslocdedat trttp1ltvwvt.vtplide.org. the subsorhtion rate is $20 per year within the tinted States ofltmerlca. . @1998, our In the Mountains Out in the Mountains PO ‘Box 177 Burlington VT05402-0177 phone; (302) 365-9294 email: oitm@together.net _. ‘.0.-3 .134. Ii’-hi. his 37.2415 ‘-.».'.» nfirciv ‘$3. 32:. 3. EDITORIAL Verrrrprrt Must Prepare for Attack from the Right magine if you-will for a moment, turning on the television and see__2ing"°an ad abou_-tghbw a group of out—of—state homo sexuals are taking advantage of a liberal supreme court to further their agenda of getting special rights at the expense of hardworking Vermonters with families to support. Asvhafid as that is to imagine it is not that impossible. If the marriagelbattle moves from the courts to the legislature or the "T he People” this is the type of attack that will become a main- stay in the Vermont media. In Hawaii and Alaska, the right wing has been funneling money in to amend state con- stitutions to make same sex marriage unconstitutional. The money is being spent on adver- tising and PR to show gay people as seeking special rights, as outsiders, as less than human, as the cause of the breakdown of the family. This is The same attack that was used successfully in Maine to repeal the hard won gay rights ~ . _ law. In Vermont, Take It To The People has already spent ’ "I a great deal of money despite the very small number of people who will actually admit to being a member of this group. TTP has been tutored by experts on fighting ”the homo- sexual agenda” from the Catholic and Mormon churches, two of the big play- ers in the fight against gay marriage in Hawaii. Right now, this fight is just barely getting started and TIP will be getting a great deal of money as this issue heats up and be- comes one of swaying the opinion of Vermonter’s against GLBT people. In Maine, the right was able to hone its message and to figure out how to exploit the fears of the voters. Vermonters will need to pay very close attention to Maine, because the question was overwhelmingly defeated in Portland, but in the rural parts of the state, enough people came out to carry the repeal state- wide. The HRC and the NGLTF which helped in that battle proved that the national GLBT movement doesn't have a clue‘ when it comes to organizing in rural areas. Vermont has a few things that Maine did not have. We have a generally progressive population which is interested in pre- serving rights. We have a statewide nonprofit paper which strives to be the forum of its community. We have a strong community and strong organizations. But these groups, Outright, Ver- mont Freedom to Marry Task Force, Vermont Coalition for Lesbian and Gay Rights and Out In the Mountains are going to need as much support and participation as we can get in the next few years. When the . right—wing steps up its activity in an area, violence increases. and this means that the Work for safe schools and for safety in general will become more difficult and will further stretch our already limited re- sources. Now, more than ever, our community needs our or- ganizations and our organiza- tions need our community. I want to take a minute to respond to the AIDSride is- sue that I addressed last month. While I think Dan Palotta is an opportunist, the people who expend their time and energy raising money for the Fenway Community Health Center are acting beau- tifully and with their hearts in the right place. All acts that are done to help people in our community should be com- mended and I apologize if my editorials had made anyone with this goal feel attacked. I would hate to think that any- one gave up volunteering or fundraising for a cause because of anything I said.