32 - OUT IN THE MOUNTAINS — JUNE 1998 ~ + wonirsnop av An Ex—oAvnrnisrRv sonrounso ATMA ivuouo men sonoor IN vtniuonr. thisis whyOutrightvermontneeds yourhelpnw morethanever! Outright Vermontworking to end homophobia and heterosexism,and create safe spaces for gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgenderand questioning youth. ’’All it took was get- _ ting up enough _cour’- — ageto A and from point p * mylife changed. I no __ . longer hated myself; .. stoppej:;I:co1item‘p15ati;ngA suioiple, and I__f:ou_;‘1d-1. ' at Ht:it— all the ‘55i1ig*i'j55gay just " H ._ _ .. ' s.,;3t‘.‘ .I'ies.’,I « ’ ii — YES! I want to support Outright Vermont! ""°”g“ 3 '"°5figi°”5 Gm c,,,,m,,E: _Checkenc|osedpayabletooutrightvermont Foundation challenge grant, a Adm gems $20-$50 mvl/tlrsllll/MCt(ttl5tmi"i"1“"l) gifts to Outright Vermont \\\a;,,/ my Bfiflijnte “p.e§'§§b?..§§§l§br£§0Z32&'£ofi{uior= above a minimum level may State/Zip Terrific $201_$9g9 :$5o :$75 :$1oo be matched. Quintessential $1,000+ My Card # is __;______ P5°55=5av—————— ,,mH,,,,,,,,,m E§virationvate______ Please call 802/865-9677 for “"''“5_——?— gg5gg;;;;;5°55 more information about how E""“"“““"*“—————— Burfiwonvvi 05452-5255 Wneasecanumetoaiscussopponinmes. you can take advantage of Contributions to Outright Vermont are tax deductible. Gifts in any amount are always welcome. Contributors will receive our quarterly newsletter. S e C I r 0 r a m Residents of Chittenden and Addison counties: Did you know that you can designatlle Outright Vermont through the United Way Donor Choice option? p p g '