OUT IN THE MOUNTAINS — JUNE 1998 —- 27 , l l>J ‘'‘“3- 20.8 Cv_,‘P.~ uh 0:’, The National Coalition of A Violence Programs (NCAVP) re A” ported an 8% increase in an gay violence since 1995. This figure includes a 36% increase in serial incidents of anti-gay violence. hate and fear. Their desire to destroy their own homo- sexual feelings can mani- fest as violence against other GLBT people. This is not to say that being in the closet leads to one to commit anti-gay violence or that all gay bashers are closeted GLBT people, rather that the dy- namic of the closet has this effect on some people. Additionally, not all vic- tims of anti—GLBT violence are members of the GLBT commu- nity themselves. The NCAVP reports that 17% of victims of anti—GLBT violence identify themselves as heterosexual, a 36% increase from the previous year. This statistic suggests that anti-GLBT violence is moti- vated by the perception of the perpetrator, not the actual sexual orientation of the vic- tim. StoppingAnti-GLBTViolence Unlike AIDS, Breast Can- __ ce_r,_or other health issues that GLBT communities face, stop- ping anti—GLBT violence is not as simple as changing behav- ior or getting more informa- tion. Anti—GLBT violence is a product of societal homopho- bia and heterosexism. Fighting these diseases is perhaps that only permanent solution. In the mean time, GLBT communities can work with their local police to develop , strong anti-violence initiatives such as policies and proce- dures for handling anti-gay violence incidents and involv- ing the GLBT community in ' those efforts. There is also a need for victim assistance and advocacy programs to assist men and women who are victims of anti—GLBT vi 0 l e n c e . Lastly, com- munities can ward the in- clusion of Aa n t i — h o - m 0 p h 0 b i a a n d heterosexism messages in community education pro- grams. Individuals can protect themselves in a variety of ways. Be aware of areas where anti—GLBT violence has oc- curred and avoid them if pos- sible. When cruising, take a friend of let others know where you are going. If you pick up someone at the bar, introduce the person to at least one other person before you leave with them. And finally, when out and about, keep an eye out for people acting strange and let other GLBT know around you to avoid such aperson. also work to— _ Susan McKenzie MS. Licensed Psychologist—Master 1:'.1'pert'eiit:ed rlirzrapm specializirig in the individual and retariryttyhip lA.\‘Su€5 of Lesbitirz. Women and Gay Men Quechee 802 295,s533 {iit;ui'az-ice Ac4ccp{c»d-Si-Edi-ng Fee trait: RllCl< RIECCHHO, l\/l.|D., F.A.A.P. _~"pcc‘1Atil1':tAizg IAII tido/t'st‘vi1fr7iid pL’tTlA(lll'IA(‘ llI(’t"/IACITI CITH’ POB 806. 184 Rt. 7 South Milton, VT 05468 (888) 527-8189 rrecchio@together.net If... ”health 8: wellbeing” is what you know, you should be advertising with us. OITM, your community forum (802) 865-9294 A A Brattleboro Area" AIDS Proiect ‘ ‘PO BOX6033 ' Rutland, VT 05601' I ..~ . . ,~ _ . I . . g ._ _. Pot3i4ae-s7Mainst.,4tnti.- 775533“ VT 1_ oovoooo__‘py‘ogc.‘o_0‘g yoeriouooooooonoonooooooooooooooooooJU'NE 1998 BrattleboroVT05302-254-8263ot POB°"275'M°'"P°"°' °56° A ' A A‘ A ,A A iA. A V A A ‘ AA A ' V A ._ V A , A. A I A AA A A VA A §%9A§e5f§oe.er.ronnseuw VT058t9 . 2 I ' ’ ‘ V “ ‘ _ ' 748-9061 ‘ A I V S n e A ' - y t " gorzggmi ‘~ |:iSIgZg|(l:)rtsg;irnoupstar people living with ' ‘ V’ ‘A ' " ‘A " A i ‘ Saturdays, 7-A8A:3OpmACall for ‘ Mason County AIDAS Networl_t(ACAN) A [um 2nd and Am‘ Sundays “pm AA ’ A A A -Washington County. » ‘ » A ‘ A location - A « Maureen 853-2437 s A ‘- sum“ gm” M HM women Melanie 229 4560 HEA LTH Marrctrester, NH _ M AIDS cmmugigéiggmgfi :roLect (£33319 9“;::';:‘:,‘: Z'§6__5._3°pm, — Rutland county, ALANA Health Care Organization Ufi;:d§¥" 7'3°”"" W C""'°"‘ 669 .748_,,,,9 ' ° "5 W . V Call (413) 773-3338. _ '_ mifiggz” 775553“ P03 357 ' ‘79 5- W‘"°°5'‘‘ 3“ ' Nashua,‘NH AlDS Community Resource Network (ACORN) C0mPT9he"5|Ve C379 Cl"'"°$ Mme. 35312437 Burlington VT 05401 ' _ : , POB 2057 - L b NH 03766 - Hotline: (300) 763-2460 - 85“‘9°3"3"“"2°32 Ur'lll°alli"a?ly(S.‘:h7lJr?il)m Nashua (603) 44a~222eti/gdiisiszzzo - Brattieboro: 257-8860 Vemmm 0:3; Sgrgzgggw 05302, Dflwnland Centel (Name American) vennam vegetarian Network aoorn@valley.net Burlington: e5e4594 (800) 2574123, (rm . POB 1358 Barre St. - Montpelier VT - , A|Ds sgvices for the Monadnock Region Flutland: 747-1831 _ 05601 229 mm Patrick 849 6359 (800) 6397903 St Johnsbury,mm61 (soc) 253-0t95/ tax 257 2013 _ ' ' . ' ‘ VT D of Health AIDS Pr ram office Lesbian cancer support group H I V / A IDS ‘Coffee Clatch meetsTuesdays from Franklin County AlDS Network wt‘ we Chem, st , P3: 70 , Bumngm 550.5335 — . Cricket B63-2437 . 05402 _ 8537245 Mafs Proixt ‘ . _ 1‘2-30'-2'03‘ zli Hoxbury stv Keene NIEOTICI A$ocintion TOT Venn e Coalition p03 5243 . Eimwood Ave. . flgflmes NDSHVICBS Of Ill western (202) 888-0414 FOB “_ Mompefienw. 05601 _ Bumngmn VT 05401 . 5532437 . Vermont (300) 882-2437 Vermont Nl-WT HIV lnfonnation Network on The Web 2296754 0, (800) BWTPWA _ (800)649-2437 NH (800) 752-2437 108 Union Street '"‘P=”WWW«“a'“"°"'“»°“"’~“""‘~’” vtimac@sover.net- A North Star Holistic Health Care NY State (800) 5414437 Bennlngton 05201 Ruualld coumy AIDS Netwofk http://www.sover.net/~vlpwacI anaaoxazss-vomsviiie vtoseei mggtgfggg 447-8007 V tcigegégthwnflsw Washington county Aios Network 88&2858 ' - 9l‘||'|0|l Meianieat22s45eo ltlhul Remedies , $":::I"1[?_Y°9)(83:(f)"‘;f;Z7B89 B°""l"9tg$'BA1o';a. sggggzlfovlreogzm . vermorn.cAnEs@sie.net (“MM °°“'““"“V °'9'"'1‘“°“l Teen Hotline:A(800) 234-TEEN 442-4431 or (soc) 845-2437 ~ POE 5248 A B"'“"9“’" VT 05402 ' 8 Wllllston - Braltleboro VT 05301 - ' 8532437 °' (8°°’ “H437 2542972 Twin State Women’s Network ‘ POB 3 - Cavendish VT 05142-0003 . PUTNEY A '225-7507 ' M3I9°°@"l31'-W5-"El ' BBAWLEBOHO C]. . - Thomas Hoskins, M.D. htlpv/www.dartmouth.edu/~hlVnetl Comprehensive Care '"'° 337.5531 iiiii Pituvinrn asmeo 472-3300 ~ vroept or H°rgfls]1nw$‘::Am:|fl Mi rlty i-teem; Brattleboro Memorial Hospital High SW99‘ P0 50* 535 Mam St" R0” Box 247 -A 33- W W - Ptn,VT05346 108 Cherry St. - P03 70 - 9 Belmont A\i;erng§3m HaldW|0k. VT 05843 U ey Burlington VT 05402 - 863-7273 Brattleboro, Ru-I-LAND Vermont Women’s Health Center &'TE8TlllG SITES }f|;$1N(§> POND Comprehensive Cm CW 336 North Ave - Burlington vr 0540t- N ufnmmfl EERUNSLOSJM C E 72eM3o(<)anter Rufland Regional Medical center 333.1335 mmuni e an r _ 7474831 Alcoholics Anonymous 35"r5§*°9 , , '“:I""":PS"‘:f‘w 05846 ’ 3,,,,,,,g,,,,,, 655.4221. poi; 5553, 617'Fliverside Ave., Suite 200 . an On , . SI ALBANS Burlington VT 05402 Burlington, VT 05401 MIDDLEBUBY Robert Zelazoy MD ‘Sundays, 5pm, Christchurch _ _ 524_9553 Presbyterian, Redstone Camp.. UVM. COLCHESTEH Open Door Clinic ‘A2 Crest Road ‘Thursdays, 7pm. st. Paul's BAHRE-MONTPEUEB Family Health 38&0t37 _ St Albans VT 05478 Cathedral, Cherry Street,658-4221. Berlin Health Center 355.2055 / PQ Box 95 \ ’ ’ concord, NH6o3-3574300 371-4342 311 Mallatts Bay Avenue Middlebury, VT 05753 ST JOHNSBURY , fwwrmaysl 7:30pm! #4, BOX BOX 35 00. h V ' C ' ~. Congregational Church. North Main Montpelier, vr 05602 Colchester, VT 05445 NEWPORT 74;“l’4"7*6°"5‘V° 3”’ "?'° and Washington st. — ’ _ Northeast Kingdom Health Center . . ' Saturdays m 7pm (call for location). BENMNG-I-ON DANVILLE 334.5003 :l.°Tlh_9t;5l1)Y9Y "Will R99l°"31 H0SP'l3l Hanove, NH 4 r - _ ' °5P' "V9 — _ 'Thurst‘la s at 6:30 . Dartmouth B°""'"9‘°" Ff"T"'V P'a°“°° Ass“ ”°“‘"*‘ °°"‘°" '"°- - 3° °°"°'“'y S“°°' 4 _ _St. Johnsbu ,y_r__o5s19__, A y mi Ne VT 5 . . . . . , JY . ,. .. .W\°°'$li « ~ -~. i—~ 19.1.9-'f»'a_\>'wItlr \ ‘rr'\?"A _. , 42"!‘-1}.‘ .‘¢.~c~¢-wk t _ y. 44 o _ . i r;;‘2.\“,l-_,: I U Q‘. $3 » _ E62 43:4 §‘¥‘:*:§‘:.;—¥$‘h$&l g _ ...:.-.,._...;;.fLZ;...,.-.L. 1...’ .....-,.. ..‘.— - - .;-i "1' i 2“? t‘_‘_..‘._....i__. - — — --»~¢-- ireene,-~rrieosi« , . ~ , - teary rinoiieoeti‘ inte;s74=2i93 ;irv:'.a~’I~:~.o,W.ririlr.w'ev5‘.~.'a*‘T’.\-W‘ r-’ )