jjjjjjjj——-MjT:__———:1..j.j.:.—::_j-.———--———————j——————-—-———.—:j.:-—:--—-—..-.-.-...:——------—.-—-ain-—jjié¢jjjj ll/” s\\\l .\\ 7//11'? ll /K.////Ill. ‘ar A&Ejune98 § , V /liA\:%///(ll. \ ; How much pride can you pack into one rriorrth? Evidently enough to get folks to notice this Pride month. Several planets travel through amiable and sociable Gemini which means that anv endeavor becornes a corurnu nity ailair. Cro tor the gusto this lune corupadres and don't spare the sauce. ARIES (MARCH 21 - APRIL 20) Gay Rams can ta ‘e advantage oi all these planets in Gemini by getting more involved in our community efforts. Tliiuk locally cousin and let the immediate world know what you think. The pen is mightier than the sword, but this lune, with both l-hiuleiug Mercury and actionable Mars setting the course, any weapon of choice will do. The importaut thing is to eniorce irecesmry changes. TAURUS (APRIL 21- MAY 2i) liverything has a price clear, queer Bull. I low much are you willing to pay’.’ This Pride Mouth, when personal planets traverse Gemini you may be forced to choose between liigh minded principles and earthly pleasirres. kiee...which will you choose? They say that money canil’ buy happiness, but those tools are wrong. kiharupague flllytllll‘? G€N\N| (MAY 22 — JUNE 21) Iiappy Birthday Uerninii these personal plants in your own sign crown you grarul g.i_v marshall of the pride p.'irad(-. Grab your baton and start twirling. You are e.\r1cl'ly where you love to he; riglrt in the center oi- attention and in the hub oli all the social interaction. Are you ready to rneetaml greeti.’ Cret a haircut iirst. You'll want to he ship shape for a certain ilrearrrboat. CANCER (IUNE 22 — JULY 2 3) Iiriendships are important, but as Pride month gets hilly underway, the planets teach you the importance oi inner harmony and P(‘l'SOIh'1iL3.rlnd RiJOV(’ YOU ilflV(‘I\ii.' Li0ll(’ so already, let the lmtivities of this month inspire you to come out and greet the world proudly. Pink Crabs cannot be hilly aliirrned hiding in their shells. Show your true colors . — the entire rainbow oi ‘ernl L50 « (JULY 24- — AUGUST 2 3) Wliat begins as a friendship can evolve into something quite trausliorining this month so hold onto your manes proud Lions and give outan aifirming roar. Pals pour on the good times and it is possible that the only pride parade you'll join is one that marches into the nearest slag and drag‘ party. they still respectyou in fi1('ll1\7rl)il1g? IIelI, why should '7 you care. VBGO (AUGUST 24« — St.7IYI‘I:‘MI3ER 2 3) Gay Virgins can maize some necessary inroads into corporate culture this Pride Month. Plan a strategic course oi: action and make your best move. The important cornbination oi expressive Venus, mentally acute Mercury and aggressive Mars talzes no pinstripped prisoners and good thing too; \l(’e want partnership Ireneliits and we want them now! LBBA (5I3I’TIiMI3IiR 24 -» O("I‘Ol3IiR 2 3) lune is a wonderhrl month to expand your global perspective and maneuver in uncharted territory. Pink Libras are social birds so think of the world as your oyster and slurp it up. these personal planets in gay Uernini enhance your ample charm and innate grace. I crown you Miss Congeniality but use this title wisely; put a little sugar in every radical political recipe. SCOKHO (k\"I‘Ol3l3R 24 — NOVl5MBHR 22) Lovely Venus, chatty Mercury and ieisly Mars all in Gemini stir the sleeping embers of your passion this Pride Month. Cray Scorps are tickled pink‘ and raring‘ to go, go, go. You will have more than a iew opportunities to prove why scorpions are considered the sexiest signs oi. the zodiac. kiln-clc the price tag before you buy and then assurne the position (proneif). SAGTITANUS (NOVlSMl3l'Elx‘ 23 — INECEMBIER 22) Ki-et worle out ol. the way early this lune so you can use lH0.~i' of the month tor sharing and cocooning with your signilicaut other. llroncl Archers can talee advantage of all these personal planets in Gemini to find the Iralance between their independent selves and the interdependence oi a happy partnership. It you are still on the prowl, check a iew wild places to bag your quarry. CAHKICOKN (l)liCliMBI3I\’ 23 — lANUAI\’Y_20) Cray Croats find that all work and no play rnaiees them very contented souls this Pride Month. \l(’ho knows what can be brewing at work besides a rancid cup oi coitee? Charnring Venus, chatty Mercury and aggressive Mars in Crernini conspire to put you in the right cubicle at the right time. I7(-rhaps you should push that pencil a little more oiten.... AQUANUS (JANUARY 21 — FEBRUARY 19) Party hearty Aqueerian and don't spare the fun this month. these personal planets in Liernini heat up the latter part oi lune with all sorts of happy and creative opportunities. Be careful of stepping on a few friendly toes during the heated dance sequence. Iiriends may want to get in the act, so let em. Pride is a community efiort, _V0\) ill) 0\\’. PISCES (FEBRUARY 20 — MARCH 20) Pinlz Fish have a good opportunity to get something off their chests with iamily. All these personal planets in chatty Gemini practically mandates that you have to be proudly out with everyone, not just your closest friends. June is a time of rejuvenation and rebirth to many of us. ‘loin the pride parade and carry the banner proudly. Maybe your folles will march with _Vl7ll. (cr 1.998 LlCH'lENS'rElN . Rrghts Reserved. For Enlsrrarnrnent Purposes Only. For best results Dad both your r a tree ' Sun sign and Ascendant F0 publrcarron and s.a se to: LICHTENSTEIN. PO 8 1 36 calculation of your ascendant. send brrthdate trme. place name Old Chelsea Station. NY 10011 Check out rny ner.’ rebsrte ~r‘essl~lewAgecorn/Stargayzer v '-‘the ybershark .. a monthly look at the internet & the web ’ve been busy visiting the many sites that readers have given me the URL’s for and I am excited by the diversity and creativity I've seen so far. It is also exciting to see Vermont's GLBT community take advantage of the web and its capabilities. The fol- lowing are a few of the sites that have come to may attention. The newest site (39 visitors so far and growing) is the one for Lavender Pro- d uctions, Inc. (http:// weekend stuffing myself with house specialty, raspberry waffles. The site was designed by Practical Web Solu- tions, another member of the Rainbow Business Association, which can be reached at its web site http:// www.pwsoIutions. com/ paperwork/ . To find out what Take it to the People (or as I like to call them, Take it to the intellectually Challenged) are up in arms about, check out the Vermont homepages. together.net/ ~lavender), the organization be- hind the cable access program The Vermont Rainbow Connection. Since February of this year, this half—hour program has reached the GLBT community through several cable outlets in northern Ver— mont. Comprised of both news and in- terviews, The Vermont Rainbow Con— nection seeks to inform viewers of the many resources available to the Ver— mont GLBT community. The web page features lists of days and times you can watch the program and past and future guests. It also offers an opportunity for groups and individuals to be a ”Rain- bow” sponsor. My favorite part of the site is the old television set that flashes both a Rainbow Connection logo and a photograph of the co—anchors, Barry Mitchell and Sharon Randall. Another cable access regular, ' Yolanda, has a web site that’ s every bit as flamboyant as the diva herself. Called ”YoIanda CyberWorId” (http:/ _ /www.sover.net/ ~asp/ y/ top.htm), it is hosted by Crotchie (the name says it all) who takes the visitor on a wild romp through the site. The graphics are great and so are the sound clips of YoIanda’s band The Plastic Family. You can read Yo1anda’s work in progress, under “T he Script,” as well as press re- leases and press clippings. It is defi- nitely a don't miss site. Local businesses within the com- munity have also taken advantage of the web. Rainbow Business Asso- ciation member, Allyn McDonald, has a tasteful site promoting the Allyn House Bed & Breakfast ( h t t p : / / members.aoI.com/ aIIynhouse/ index.htm). The photographs alone make me want to rush over there and spend a :wr.- - 1:13.: r V 9 ;'i ri.r..r'_ lvul Freedom to Marry Task Force web site (http: / / vtfreetomarry.org/ ). It is a bare bones site but it is packed with information concerning the fight for same—sex mar— WWW. riage rights as it pertains to the state of . Vermont including the backgrounds of the two couples who filed suit for the right to marry, the Marriage Resolution itself,,updates, and relevant links. Another advocacy organization whose web page I've come across is the Vermont's Gay/Straight Alliances (http:/ /homepages. together.net/ ~ekenyon/ gsa/home.htm). This group, made up of both gay and straight members, seeks to create a welcoming atmosphere for GLBTQ youth and to educate students and teachers about homophobia and homo- sexuality. Clicking on ”Contacts” gives you a list of advocates from different schools across the state. It is certainly heartening to see two names as contacts from my home town of St. Albans, VT. The page also features links to Out in the Mountains and Outright VT. If you or your organization has a web page, by all means let me know. I promise to feature your page in a fu- ture column. Call it free publicity! Anyway, you can reach me at gossamer@together.net. larol Readings by /loim‘menl 802.865.0385 3lie's Psychic’. 11jjjjjjjjjjjjjjj-I1j1j?:.F?i¥‘t1" .... ...x«:-... :r\i\:gIra:v'~$1:':.'$it‘it*2'}'.-5"“