:j:—.—..—-..———.-.-—..._—.——..—..___._._.—...—.---——-.———-—.——-—---——...._—.—.-.-——-—.—-_—..u—---.————.—-.—...-—--—---——.—.-——u--u-----s-..—...—.-.--——-xi. THE VERMONT llnmeow lit’-LP $U?P°FT SUPPORTS YOU ! THE T.V. 3|-lO\N EV, FOIZ AND ABOUT VEIZMONTS L/61/9/T COMMUNITY AND OUR $UPP0I1Tt3lZ$ ! "Become a Sponsor and show your support !" call or write for rates and Sposorship/Donor information: , (zoz) 547-2737 Lavender Visions Productions, Inc. PO Box 307 $aint Albans, Vt. 05475 email: lavenderétogether. net Lavender Visions Productions, Inc. is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization and all contributions are tax deductible A&Ejune98 CALE_NDAR nunenw EATTLE ED. Lasso yourself some fun at Southern Vermont's only gay bar! Drink Specials, Great Shows, Latest Dance Music Route 5 Brattlebcro Between Exits 3 & 4, I91 (802) 254-9830 nnvnmstiv: The only GLBT newspaper serving all of Vermont. m WEDNESDAY Montpelier - 7 p.m., VT Cares offioe, 73 Main St. Meeting for people of Central Vermont who are interested in working towards civil marriage for same gender couples . FRIDAY Bellows Falls - Vermont Freedom to Marry Task Force is hosting The Freedom to Martyr, a Green Mountain View at 7pm at Immanuel Episcopal Church.The panel consists of Rev. Catherine Cadieux, minister at Christ’s Church Saxtons River; Michael Gigante, a long time Brattleboro resident, practitioner of psychotherapy and gay rigtts advocate; and Angie Dodd a BFUHS alumnus Also, as part » of this evening, a video titled THE FREEDOM TO MAFlHY,‘A Green Mountain View, pro- duced by VFMTF, will be shown and there will be an opportunity for the audience to engage in respectful dialogue with the pan- elists FMl 387-5788 SATURDAY Lebanon, NH - Amelia's Hiking Outing. Brunch and Amelia's meeting to follow. F Ml: Burlington - GLITTER film presentation: Be- fore Stonewall Film preceeded by a poetry reading by Bo Young. Rhombus Gallery, lo- The only Vermont newspaper serving the whole GLBT community The primary source for intonnation about Vermont businesses and resources for visitors and people moving to Vermont. Take PRIDE in Vermont! By advertising in OITM you visibly support an important and respected publication dedicated to sewing the needs of Vermont’s GLBT community. Every month OITM reaches 25,000 GLBT people-and supporters in Vermont and beyond. Call us today for more information on how you can advertise with us. (302)355-9294 oitm @together._r,'1‘e't-~ CLUB TOAST companion cated at the intersection of College & Church Streets in downtown Burlington, Vermont. Enter on College St and the gallery is on the 2nd floor. All events be- g‘n at 7:30 PM. For more information, call Steven Kopstein on 802-434-5653 or email:G|ittenrt@aol.com. Or contact the Rhombus Gallery at 186 College St., 865- 3144. 9 MONDAY Burlington - GLITTER film presentation: Me We En Hose. Rhombus Gallery, lo- cated at the intersection of College & Church Streets in downtown Burlington, Vermont. Enter on College St and the gallery is on the 2nd floor. All events he- g‘n at 7:30 PM. For more information,calI Steven Kopstein on 802-434-5653 or emall:G|itteNt@aol.com. Or contact the RhombusGdleryat186College St., 865- 3144. Putney - Lesbian Book Group: Meetsthe 4th Sunday of every month at 7 PM at Heartstone Books We read books in all genres, by women authors, usually with some lesbian content. Please join usl For more infonnation, Tatiana (802) 387-2781, or tatianas@sover.net. J u I Y THURSDAY Bethe! - Lisa McConnick in concert. Un- der the bandshell on the town green be- side The White Church. Free Admission. 7-9 p.m. Presented by the Bethel Coun- cil on the Arts . SUNDAY Putney - Lesbian Book Group: Meets the 4th Sunday of every month at 7 PM at Heartstone Books We read books in all genres, by women authors, usually with some lesbian content Please join usl For more information, Tatiana (802) 387- 2781 , or tatianas@sover.net. Author of Gay Metropolis visits VT continued from page fourteen a discussion of his book at Jeff's Maine Seafood on North Main Street in St. Albans, as part of a fundraiser for the Flanagan re-election cam- paign. The event, catered by Jeff’s Maine Seafood, gets underway at 6:00. For more information about Kaiser's appearance, call 524-6135. an i A BENEFIT FOR OUT IN THE MOUNTAINS JUNE 20*“ IOPM, $5 .' "STAR TP\E K THE MUSICAL PART Ill" oint ll Faer-y ,; ~22 .,;v.\.. K