H ermont’s Pride day this year is shap ing up to the big gest and best ever as a number of new events join the celebration. Pride or- . ganizers expect it to be im- pressive at its new waterfront site. “We’re really excited about the change in venue, and think it will open it up to enormous possibilities for the future” said Bob Bolyard of the planning committee. Pride Highlights Pre Pride kickoff con- cert featuring Vermont Born Dave Hall and Vermont Resi- dent Katherine Quinn, at 8 at St. Paul’s Cathedral. $7 Interfaith Worship ser- vice at 10:00 am at the Uni- tarian church at the top of church Street. Featuring the voices-of the Samadhi sing- ers.An opportunity for people to start out Pride on a spiri- tual note, with an affirmation and celebration of gay people by the many churches wor- shipping together. The Second Annual . Dyke March, starts at City Hall at 10:30 and will end up at the rally to the rally. March it you are a dyke, come sup- port them from the sidelines if you are not. .1 a-waves. Iocaltlsarlumsdallltal-oldulearrlnlunat photo Jeffrey Garrant A&Ejune98 14 armor-. ctla-lesltmel-cIm1osmvtmsumII'tedll:lli;zI| The Rally. From 11 :30 un- til 1, speakers will include Ed Flannigan, Steve Howard, OutRight Kids, a member of Freedom to Marry task force and many others. The Parade, featuring The Bread and Puppet Domestic Resurrection Circus from Glover Vermont, as well as floats for the Drag‘ King And, Queen of Vermont, The Rain- bow Cattle Company, The Samba Drummers, the Green Mountain Marching Band, and groups such asYouth For Pride, V Mountain Pride Media, The Rainbow Business Association, BiNet, and many others. The festival happens down at the waterfront around three after the parade. Enter- tainers include Noel, Cherrie Tartt, Steph Pappas, Katherine Quinn, Yolanda, Chin Hot, The LeMay sisters, Mary McGinnis and The Green Mountain Girls, and the TRANSically Hip. Pride Ball at City Hall, from 6-10 PM, a Chem Free all ages Event including cameo appearances Cherrie Tartt, Yolanda and Endora and the Awesome house DJ’s Alan Perry and Rob Douglas. Tick- ets are $ 3-5 on a sliding scale. Sponsored by the Queer youth Provider network, including Out- ’ right Vermont, GlLearn, Outright Central Vermont, and youth Aware of Addison County, as well as Burlington city Arts, Champlain Drug and Alcohol Services, Vermont chapters of PFLAG, BiNet, Peace and jus- tice Center, and VT high School GIS Alliances. VGSA Boat Cruise, 7-9 PM continued on page 17 .._._.____..____—__—._—...___..__....—..—.—___.a._.__..——_._..______ .—.._........_.....__.._...—.._...—._...._...__........._...___.—...._.._.......___........__._. PBIE ursrrnnrr... Clockwise from left: - Yolanda and the Plastic Family will perform their hits once again, but this time at a ben- efit for Out In The Mountains at ClubToast, 10pm on Pride Night o The second annual DYKE MARCH will leave from City Hall at 10:30, all women arewelcome. - Youth came out in force at last year's Pride parade, look for the Out- right booth at the Waterfront and support GLBT Youth. M «qr. D MONDAY Burlington - GLITTER film presentation: Lilies. Rhombus Gallery, located at the intersection of College & Church Streets in downtown Burlington, Vemfont. Enter on College St and the gallery is on the 2nd floor. All events begin at 7:30 PM. For more information, call Steven Kopstein on 802-434-5653 or email:Glittervt@aol.com. Or contact the Rhombus Gallery at 186 College St., 865-3144. ‘ Burlington — 6 to 8 pm Cash bar, hors d'oeuvre buffet with a mellow jazz accompaniment, you can enjoy spectacular views of great Lake Champlain from the panoramic windows of the enclosed deck or out in the open breezes. One person: $30, two or more together: $25 each. For more information: 283-6304 (Montpelier) or 658-1343 (Burlington) TUESDAY State Wide - Beth Robinson, one of the lawyers representing Baker in State, will be appearing on Jeff Kaufman's Talk of Vermont TV show on ETV 11am. FRIDAY Ogunquit, ME - Annual Spring Soiree at Clay Hill Farm. FMI: 207-646- 6661. - ' D SATURDAY Putney - Gender Role-Free Contra Dance for gayllesbianlbil transgenders and friends - all welcome Live music, Linda Leslie calling, 8:00-11 :00 pm, sliding scale admission $5-7 Putney Community Center, Christian Square, Putney, Vermont All dances taught - no experience or partners necessary: Smoke/drug/alcohol free space. Beginner's introduction at 8:00 pm. Please bring light-soled shoes to dance in. For more information call Sam at 802-387-2066 or Mike at 802-257-8984. '. GMENDAR 00|llTll|llE8, [I14 _ ._.._ .._.._. ___. L. _' -, _.._....,.._.....