ARTS AND RECREATION MEN E PROFESSIONAL Theater on a Shoestring Gay F thers Support Group EAGLE (IBM employees) POB 1°12 ' B”"'"9l°" VT 05402 ' POB 234 ' Essex J“"“l°" VT 05423 ' ‘ 769 4835 (mascha.1z@us lbm corn) or (act!) 21_2-580-1 - e7e7aea Jim Leavens (802) 769 4413 3 Chiite n Mountain Club - VT Chapter Gay uy Get Togethers in SE VT Jieavins@us.l“ (say all Lesbian Outdoor Organization) Carer at 2548263 Bob gland, 353 331 3100 . . ‘Meets 2nd and 4111 Mondays htti):// - Men live! - Ieaaieiiimi , h1tp‘ POB 423 . 3.,,yng,,,,, VT 05402 . yA. ianrstraight Educators Network Gay/Bl Men’s Reading Group 3552247 G‘-SE ‘Meets monthly in the Brattleboro Momdnock Gay Men (MGM) Vermont POB 1124- Keene NH 00431 - POB 942 - Putnev VT 2'-.°§;e§‘3"£,?‘ii"£."....T“ml$§l <°°°>357-5544' "*"'~““"'2“"""*"°' 2546239 _ _ htt wmernoe .aol / aurlran (Gay 3. Lesbian Literature 8. " M: W?“ ''‘’°'’“'' ""'’°’ ._ i-“lim Club 01 Burlington) . M3793’ X l”’"‘‘- “"51 """° P"°""°"°'“-°‘°-’ srmr. xopsrein, 4345553. 0"“ 7°“ P'°l°°t FM1 Elizaiier1i,a647aoe GL”TE”"‘@“°l°°'" loo ‘I dmmlm & mm “MP W mm) in W Business Association ‘Mew 31 mo eve” Monday at man’ 1-800-639-7903 ‘ GBLT business owner and '"°"*":,g“,';',{,{;;‘, M 1 ci"‘f.?Zr‘1"£“o'“ra'¥;.7.'r""s".’ gm NH space, mezzan , ; r ' _ Bumgmon 352.1103, Gay Men S SUDDOIT GTOUP seecalendartoreverlts. (a0o)cae79oo FM, 87“g27_ Laverl lter Visions Productions, Inc. ‘M9915 T"°°d8Y9- 7P'" W Chum ,.,,,@ s,,,,,,,,,,,s_,,,,,,, cow 9"‘ POB 307- St. Albans vt 05475 - , I _;"""9‘°" St» "°°"°» "”- fvenhg "MS may M wed 8492739 ~ Flfidlcii Fae" ' ‘ B°m:,”|:"éw""°9°t"°""°"'4aV°"°°' :;f2m8P65mw88152 ' B'"M°" VT {mam Their Allies I“ 0’ GL3 l-355'?" "°“P . ' Contact R Marie at 442-we 'Mee1s7pmm1sunrlay otevery figgéfij ' ',5”'“'°"°'°VT M. month SAGE (for gay men over torty) - “”°“'?“°"°“°°““”'"‘"°“”~ PoBeoa-BurllngtonvTo54o2- SPIRITUAL/FiELIGIOUs FMl Tatiana, (502) 387-2761. 860,310 “SW1 1" Ve""°“t Ans (VIVA) Social iternatlves for Gay Men (SAM) POB 012 - BurlingtonVT05402- F POB 479 - Norwich VT05055- mmc"°”“ 0650005 '- 0103133 - edsmedly@aolcom _ was Tuesdays’ 7:30_9pm PCB 68, Vergennes, VT 05491-0068 ermorit Gay Social Alternatives (VGSA) ' Dm’ 7592147 ' ._ POB 237 _ B rm VT 05402 0237 l'_'NDING VIOLENCE ‘" 9'°" ' http://VIww.geocitles.oorrllralntorestJ 1250 ddtson County Women in Crisis. POB67-MiddieburyVT05753- 388-4205 urii : m Women’s Services, inc. POB 628 ~ Montpelier VT 05601- 24 Hour Hotiine: 223-6655 on Police Department unity Based Police Otticer Lieutenant Bill Laware - 658-7658 ian Wctim Assistance (800)259-1536 24 Hour - AVPro) Sex Domestic Violence mittee 31 Eirrrwood Ave Burtirlgton, VT 05401 iiaire Back the Trails Local Contact: Mel (603) 543-1700 - httpJ/www.princeton.eduI~rcurtis/ aeetrailhtml Women’s Crisis Center POB 933 - Brattleboro VT 05302 - 257-7364 - 24 Hour Hotline: 254- 6954 Woman Helping Battered Women POB1535-Bur11ngtonVT05402- 658-1996 Women’s Rape Crisis Center POB 92 - Burlington VT 05402 - 864-0555 - 865-3734 - vtvgsa@aotcom MULTIOULTURAL ALAN£l(A1'rtcan, Latino, Asian, Native Amer n) Corrmunity Program 8 Wiltiston St. - Brattleboro VT 05301 ~ 254-2972 Kwan a lNorrl POB 503 - Burlington VT 05402-0563 of Color Alliance POB 1534 - Burlington VT 05402 - (802) 660-0606 LEGAL POLITICAL lAmerl Vermc can Civil Liberties Union(ACLU) 110 E. State St. - MorrtpelierVT 05602 - 2236304 - acluvt@aoLc0m - homehtmi tiayluesblanlalsexual Legal Association clo Biackwood and Kraynak - POB 075. Burlington 05402 - 8632517 nt Human Rights Commission 136 State St. - Montpelier VT 05633 6301 - 828-2480 MEDIA Hear Us OUT POB 285 - Brattiebom VT 05302 - 257-0332 Out! the P08 177 - Burtington VT 05402 the Mountains POB177 - Burlington VT 05402 - 865-9294 - - http' Mounjain Pride Media, Inc. ‘Reaching Out (Outright Youth Zine) POB 5235 - Burlington VT 05402 - 865-9677 - mont Rainbow Connection ram) clo lmender visions productions, irlc. POB307Sa.intAlbans VT05476-. HC ightx Brattieboro Area Gays and Lesbians POB 875 - Brattieboro VT 05302 - 254-5947 Gay lrtto Line 01 NH 28 South Main st., Box 181, Concord, NH 03301- (aoa) 224-1686 0' Alliance tor Gay and Lesbian POB 730 - Concord NH 03302 - (600) 224-1686 ease and Justice Center Gay 21 Church St. - Burtington VT 05401 - 863-8326 Coalition tor Lesbian and hts (VCLGR) F03 1125 - Montpelier VT05602 - 1-868-825-4989 Co-liaisons to the government: Virginia Rentrew - 4004333, Keith Gostam - 454-8552 Vemlont Freedom to Marry Task Force P081312 - Middiebury VT 05753 - 368-6356 ‘Brattleboro area (location varies). 1st Wed of every rnorlth. December meeting wlil be Wednesday Dec.3rd. 7pm. Bari Shamas FMI 387-588. Vermont GLBT Pride ‘98 Committee POB 5113 ' Burlington VT 05402- 5113 ' 865-3734or 658-1602 «‘.--.-.1.-:.1 2.‘: '...-,‘1....'....... .i’§‘J Faerie Ca TM's DEFINITIVE D I RMONT AREA COMN :enlral_ ermont Sangha (Tibetan Buddhist) POB 517 - Montpelier 05601 - ‘ 426-4111 or533-2527 ‘Meets Mondays 6309pm at the Montpelier Urlitarian Church. Shrtat hurch Presbyterian-More ught Church UVM - Burlington VT 05401 - 862-1896 Digni 1 Vermont PO BOX 61 Wlncoski VT 05404 - 655 6706 Dignl; New Hampshire POB 7 - Manchester NH 061050007 - (603)647-0206 - DignityNH @aoio0m ‘Meets 2nd and 4th Mondays or each rrlonth in Manchester. mp Destiny PO BOX 1492, Brattleboro, VT 05302 453-5760 - http'JNrww.sover.nel/~mattbucy/ rodhtrni ntenraeave (Unitarian Universalists) 152 Pearl Street - Burlington VT 05401 - John Byer - 802-863-1818 ‘Meets 2nd Sundays for Brunch, 12:30pm at First UU Church, B‘ton Vermont Gay Men’s Spiritual Support Brotherhood 5 Raymond PL - Burlington VT 05401 STUDENT iAliia e, Vermont Law School j South Royalton, VT 05068 - - j, LS SA Lynd: State College Gay Straight iltitian ) ‘ 1 i - Lyndon State College, Lsc Box 7335 - Lyndonville VT 05651- 6266363 ‘Meets Wednesday at 5:30 pm in the Vail Conference room. DRA ( Dartmouth Rainbow Alliance) Hanover NH 03755 - (603)646-3636 Free to Be: GLBTA at UVM 85 S. Prospect St. Burlington VT 05405 - 656-0699 ‘Meets Thursdays, 7:80pm Boddard Gayll.esblanIB|sexual Alliance Goddard College - Plalnfield VT 05667: Keene State College LBG Alliance Keene State College - Keene NH 03431 Johnston State College GSA -. -. ‘V on One ir ittlnity r » Johnson, VT 05656 - potvina@badger.} Landmark Gay/Lesbianlfiisexual Alliance Landmark College - Putney VT 05346 ' 387-6752 moqa (Mlddiebury Open Queer Alliance) Drawer 6 - Middiebury College - Middlebury VT 05753-6133 - Anne 388-0750 - - http' ‘Meets Sundays, 6pm, Chellls House Ten (Castleton state College) Castleion VT 05735 - 4685611 x392 St Millie's College ALLY Group do The Student Resource Center, Wlnooskl Park, Coichester 05446 - Linda Hoilingdale 654-2546 or Laura Crain 654-2388 College GLBA Mercy Hall, Burfingon, VT 05401 - (802) 6580337 endension 371 - rrrsheets@char‘'n' SUPPORT UN 1 Verml and Friends 01‘ m and Gays (P-FLAG) Bratilebormtrea. J. cram - 409 Htlisinds - Brattiehoro VT 05301 - 257-5409 Central VT, New contact TBA ‘3rd Sundays. 1pm, 2nd Fl. Chapel, UU Church, Montpelier (School st. entrance). Laure Champlain, Lil Venner - 23 Birctlwood Lane - Burlington VT 05401 - 8634265 , ‘Meets 2nd Sundays, 2-4pm First Methodist Church, Burlington (use the Buelt St. street level entrance). I IRECTO RY OF TY RESOURCES. Manchesiemrea, Mae and Jay Morrow - POB 92 - Manchester VT 05254 ~ 362-4400 Hurland/trea, Julie and Peter Cooper - 11 North St. - Rutland VT 05701 - 773-7601 finial; Spouses of GLB Partners Support 5 Shelburne Falls, IVlA - Jane Hanis (413) 6256033 - aharris@vaiinet.c0m ‘Meets every 3rd Tuesday at the Unitarian Universalist Church. Keene NH - Lucinda Nightingale (603)852-9337 ‘Meets every 4th Sunday at AIDS Services for the Monadnock Region. Friends in Adoption 44 South St. - POB1228 - Mlddletown Springs VT 05757 1 2352373 nt Lesbian and Gay Parents 131 Richardson St; - Burlington VT 05401- 860-1922 Nerment Bisexual Network (BiNet) POB 6124 - Burlington VT 05402 - Kirrl 229-0112 or Grosvenor at 879-7883 - iil' or ‘Meets Last Saturday oteaoh month, 8-7pm, Muddy Waters, Burtington. ‘Bi Support group meets every Saturday, 5-6pm,0utrightVT offices — 1st Saturday men only — 3011 Saturday women only TRA NSGENDER . ‘TRAN (Tr Radical Action, Networking, is Su POB 5667 - Burlington VT 05402 472-8115 ‘Support Group meets every Tuesday in Bton. mtg WOMEN Active Lesbians ot the Monadnock Area POB 6345 - Keene NH 03431 - (603) 363-4961 ' Earhart POB 746- Lebanon NH 03766 0 Area Dykes (BAD Grrrls) - - 2547721 IN THE MOUNTAINS - JUNE 1998 — 11 an :LWKE l _ mm ‘s SoclaiGmup) 6.1;. ; E" A W Umbrella Women’s Center 1 Womdfs n.....,L ton Women's Council City Hall - Burlington VT 05401 - 865-7200 9 S (For women over 40) 143 Rollin Irish Road - Milton VT 05468 ! ALK (Women's discussion group) 1 . ‘Sid Mondays, 7pm j J Burlington Fight Back! office, N. ,1 Winooski (next to Co-op), FMI Crow 664-5595 raen Tomatoes (Northern Vennorrt ‘ Ft. R.1 Box6845, . Morrisville,VT 05661 - 888-7118 and more Presently open for new members for intentional comrnuniy - 434-(£53 n Sociavsupport group for ,1 40 and older. Brattleboro - 254-7345 ; lnnlngs Women’: Support ,; 5 Main Street - spnngneirr VT 05156 - 885-2366 1 I open torcamping, events, day hires, 1 1 1 24 Hour Hotiine: 885-2050 16 Main St. - St JohnsburyVT 05819 5 SchooIAlIe. - MontpelierVT 05602 - 229-6202 Information Service (WISE) 79 Hanover St. - Lebanon NH 03766 ~ - (603) 448-5922 - 24 Hour Hotlina: ' -, (603) 4485525 ~ , of the Woods (WOW) ' RFD 1 Box 5260 - Worcester VT ' 05682 - 229-0109 YOUTH Creat Gav Youth; led-it ‘ Prlsml Sch, Central Vermont OUTRIGHT (800) GLB-CHAT (452-2426) ‘Meets 1st and 3rd and 5th Thursdays in Montpelier. g Change ‘Meets every other week at Umbrella lnc., St Johnsbury, VT FMl call Lore Caldwell 74% 8645 aight Alliance h School students ‘Meets at 7pm on Wednesdays at 108 Union Street, 2nd floor. Bennington, VT FMl Alice Mazur AT 447-8007 G/Lea: n whn Education and Resouce , r K) Upper Valley Outright Vamiont - P08 27 - Norwich VT- 649-5297 - 802-298-3858 - newv' ‘Support group for glbtq youth (14- 2),1st & 3rd Fridays, 7-9prn,1 Campbell St. (the CCB, of the green) in Lebanon, NH Outright Vermont (youth‘22 and under POB 5235 - Burlington VT 05402 - B65-9677 - - http1Imembers.aoi.comloutrightv1I ‘Youth Hotline: (800) GLB-CHAT (452-2428) ‘Drop in Cemer: Tuesdays, 2:30- 5:30pm ‘Youth group. Fridays, 7-9pm. “Zine pubiishing group. 1st Wednesday of every month, 7-9pm. ‘Women’s group. 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of every month, 7-9pm at Brattleboro Union High 1 Andrea Carlson at Youth Services 257-0361 orTracyBinetatthe High _ ~ ‘ School, 257-0356. 1 e Vvoodttock Area Gaylstraight Youth llilian: ‘Dropin hours Tuesday evenings, with a social activty once a month. FMl on upcoming events or getting involved, call Outright Vermont at 1-600-GLB-CHAT. Aware of Addison County do POB 646 - MiddieburyVT 05753 - (000) 452-2425 (Outright VT) - www.geocities.comIW6stHollywoodI ifillage/1415 - ‘ Meets 1st Tuesdays. 7pm, Ikley Library Meeting Room. Middiebury. ‘ 2nd Fridays, 7:30pm, Movie at Star Mill over Ben & Jerry's ‘ 4th Sedurdays, 7:30pm Cofleehouse orFieldTrip.MeetatStarMiilorcali for info ,