2 — OUT IN THE MOUNTAINS — JUNE 1998 OUT IN THE MOUNTAINS Established in 1986 —- EDITOR IN CI-IIEE - Christopher Moes — ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR — Cathy Resrner ~ HEALTH 8: WELLNESS EDITOR - Ric Kadour —YouTII EDITOR - Andrew Campbell - Corr EDITOR - Barbara Dozetos \1~BpsINEss MANAGER - I Steven West _ — DEsI€N MANAGER — "Donald Eggert — CIRCULATION MIAALAGER - David Grist ‘ — OFFICE MANAGER - Tracy Komons I - BRAILIST — Deborah Cloutier Fowler - WEBSITE MANAGER — — INTERN - columnlsts: Crow Cohen, Barbarabozetos, Keith Goslent, John Hannah, Rev. Christina Leslie, Susan Murray, Beth Robinscn,Eslher Ftothblum, Bari Shamas, Mllri Thomas, Kimberly A. Ward. contributors: Michael C. Albero, Jenniler Dzuria, Joy Griililfrr, Bonnet Law, DD Taylor» Garcia; Photographers: Scompplegato, Mari-Beth Delucia MOUNTAIN PRIDE MEDIA BOARD OF DIRECTORS Joy Grifiith, Bennett Law, Larry Rudiger, Steve Kopslein, Lanny Jones, Cheryl Carrrri, Roger Mapes,~KevirI McAteer, Barbara Dczetos STATEMENT or Pvnrosa The purposeol Outlri theMounmins isto serve as a voice for lesbians, gay men. bisexuals, transgendered people, and our supporters in Vermont. We wish the newspaper to be a source or information, insight, and attimralion. We also see OITM as a vehicle for the celebration ct are qrlture and diversity ol the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered communities here in Vermont and elsewhere. EDITORIAL POLICY We will consider for publication any material which broadens our understanding or our lilestyles and at each other. Views and opinions appearing in the paper do not necessarily represent those of Out in the endorse any candidates or actions ot pubic officials on issues or importance to lesbians, gay men. bisexuals, and transgendered persons. we reserve the right not to publish any material deemed to be overtly racist sexist, anti-Semitic. ageist, classist, xenophobic, or homophobic. Writers’ guidelines are available on request. All materials submitted must lncludea name and a contact number. However, wittrinlhe pages of the newspaper, articles may appear anonymously upon request, and strict, confidentially will be observed. Articles, letters. and artwork should be sent lousbylhe2l)llrotttremonllipriortoll1e month of publication (te. February 20th tor the March issue). We encourage and implore our readers to do what they can in make OITM a paper which truly represents the many voices of our communities. ourin the ll/loumalns(lsSN 1081-5562) is ptbllshed monthly by Mountain Pride Media, Inc. The newspaper malrrtairsotrrcesatlosscuttrwlnooslrl Avenue in Burlington, Vermont. Our mailing address is PO Box 177, Burlington, VT carca- 0177, Our emai address is oitm@together.nel and ourwebste is located at hltpzl/wrvvr.vtpride.org. The subsuiption rate is $20 per year within the Unted States cmmerica. ©i 998, Out In the Mountains Out in the Mountains PO Box 177 Burlington, VT05402-0177 phone: (802) 865-9294 Lenna Cumberbatch 1, Michael C. Aibero Mountains. This paper cannot and will not . ‘ }°.'“°l"? .°l"".i@*¢.9.°‘l?°l:".‘?*.'. ,2 . EDITORIAL As VT_:.PrId_e goes into its fourth straight year of contro~ versy it -seems like it is definitely time to reflect on why it cannot be June with out some squabble playing itself out. And more often thannot playing itself out in the mainstream straight press. For tlIO‘s‘e of;you just tuning, in there was the Dis—inviting ofliarbara Snellilig, there was the renaming of Pride to Unity day, course, last year's Pride Pig ad, and this year — well, choose one. "wt There have been q‘u_est‘IoWns about conflicts of interest as vol- unteers made decisions thatbenefited their employers or friends, there have been questions about how much money is being spent, questions about what sof‘t'o‘f outreach has been done, ques- tions about the need to have al- cohol served at the event, and questions about paying a straight band money that GLBT performers raised by donating their time. Well before someone says, "Why can't we get along?” I will tell you. Because people are making decisions that effect the entire commu- nity without taking into ac- count the entire community. I’m all for getting along, but not if that means silencing my concerns when someone is do- ing something that should be questioned. There is no ques- tion that there is a great deal of work for us to do as a com- munity. Besides, not getting along is how we grow as a community. We argue and fight because we care about the results, and that is important. And we don't argue and fight more or~less than other groups of people gay or straight. In fact, looking at certain other examples such as judges, city councils, food co—ops, hospital labor and gubenatorial candi- dates, we get along surpris- ingly well. It may seem a contradic- tion, taking into account my objections, but I want to thank everyone who has worked so hard now and in the past at making this event take place. It's rarely easy but often thankless. So, it occurs to me, despite all of the nonsense about pride, Some Thoughts on Pride and I may have said similar things before but I am proud to be queer, I am proud to be a member of this community, and I am proud to be the driver of this bus we call Out In The Mountains. 1 am really proud about how our community has dealt with marriage. The people in the Freedom To Marry Task Force have been a model of getting work done and working together; they have been inspirational. At the same time, people who are not interested in the issue or who oppose it have not done anything sive issue, has not been at all. ; ran. __ A Doesnot need tO;,|ivein Bitntn9titIt§,..FMl:oall;si)2;$§5:: I 0ITMiflews.___._._. I Out In The Mountains and Goddard Colleges Gl.B1j;:alliarrce will- sponsor an organizers summit open and .ire'e—to.a‘ll who work organize and participate in the Gl.BT_comrrRInity in Vern§ront.’People lrom all parts of the state are encouraged Iocome; people frcm,dI'fle'r~V ent. perspectives are encouraged to come. The all day;meeting.urillL feature a panel “Diversityin VT, doesit meahto,us"a,nd an open. forum called ‘working together? We hope to beable to come up at , list of goalstor our community to achieve over the next year. People ‘ , who do not work or volunteer in the oomrrrurritylbut are interested in doing so are enccuragedto_come aswell. ._ The surnrnit isrill -begin at tftentxlttly 18th in the Hay‘ barrI_the,ater at 1 Goddard College‘ in Plalnfield. Wlreelc_hair.accessible. Please indicate . ’ need for an Astinterpreter‘. Formats" info.or to help-organize, ..ca;g355_9gg4_ ~ , I I * Iv : lnrenugusr Ol'nli‘will'be the Poetry and Photogrephyjissue arornt We areseelino poetry and..Iih°tearhr»lBlack’aIfid Whiet-ihrlt'r9fl.e