OUT IN THE MOUNTAINS -,- MAY 1998 — 25 Buyer-'s co-op Ease cost ot Nutritional supplements BY CHUCK KLETECKA Many of us living with HIV deal with the expense of getting nutritional supple- ments help with the effects of HIV and side effects of medi- cations. However, these supplements can be very ex- pensive if purchased through retail outlets. One response to this problem has been the rise of PWA/ HIV Buyer's Clubs across the US (Boston Buyer '5 Club, DAAIR). Buyer's clubs purchase nutritional products (usually the highest quality - available) at a wholesale price and then sell the products to members at a rate above wholesale. Membership dues for a buyer ’s club can range from $5 to $25 per year. Vermont is different! Un- til now we have had no club and have had to resort to retail products which are often twice or three times the wholesale price and often not the quality of nutrient supplements that we really need. The Vermont People with AIDS / HIV Coali- tion ‘has, initiated something brand new: A Buyer's Co-op. The difference between a buyer '5 club and our Co-op is this; there is no membership fee and we do not mark the wholesale prices up at all. We hope everyone from the HIV community and our supporters will make use of the Co-op to get their vitamins and nutritional supplements. The Co-op provides the best prod- ucts we can find. We place or- ders twice each month. Call the Coalition office at (800)698- 8792 to get and order form and more information. Susan McKenzie MS. Licensed Psychologist-Master Experieeiced therripisr specializing in the individual and reiatiortship issues ofLesbi'ari. lVrmierr and Gay Men, Quechee 802 295-5533 insure-nee A-cce~';{-zad-Sit-din-rr Fee Scait: . 1 1: “Turning Hope into Action” 9th Annual Retreat for People Living with HIV by Chuck Kletecka The Vermont People with AIDS/HIV Coalition will be hosting the 9th annual retreat for people living with HIV Thursday, June 4th through Sunday June 7th, at Goddard College in P|ainfield.The keynote speaker will be Brenda Lein, the Director of the immune Restoration Project of PROJECT INFORM in San Francisco. She will devote an entire day to reviewing up-to-the minute information and in-depth information about current treatment recommenda- tions. There will_ be workshops on Chi Hing & Tai Chi, Chinese herbs and acupuncture, stress reduction. Discussions will take place exploring insurance, legal issues, effects of treatments on sex and love lives and how to cope with the disappointment if these new treatments don’t live up to expectations. Indi- vidual massage, acupuncture and exercise training will also be available throughout the weekend. And just for fun, the Taiko Drummers will be coming down on Saturday night to get everyone in a hopping mood. All of this will happen in a relaxed atmosphere where participants can be themselves. For many just having the opportunity to be open with a group of others with HIV is the best part of the weekend. The cost for the 4 day retreat is only $75 which includes all meals and workshops and activities. The Coalition has scholarship money available for 2 those who cannot afford all or part of the costs. Call- (800)698-8792 on Mon- day, Wednesday or Friday 10 am - 5 pm for more information. Space may be limited so call right away to reserve your place at this event. sou e - '0 00¢ ooA‘PRlL 199 Rick RECCHIO, M.D., 'F.A.A.P. specializing in adolescent and pediatric medical care POB 806. 184 Rt. 7 South Milton, VT 05468 (888) 527-8189 rrecchio@together.net ”health & wellbeing” is what you know, you should be advertising Ifo 0 0 with us. OITM, your community forum (302) 805-9294 POB 1486 - 67 Main St.. 4th fl. - T Brattleboro VT 05302 -254-8263 or 254-4444 - shell @sover.net ‘Support group for PLWA, lriends, and families. Wednesdays 1-2pm 863-2437 or (800) 649-2437 PO Box 6033 - Rutland, VT 05601 - 775-5884 . PO Box 275 - Montpelier VT 05601 0 229-4560 ‘Support/discussion group for gay/bl PO Box 503 - St. Johnsbury VT 05819 men. 2nd and 4th Sundays 3-5pm 748-9061 . ‘Support group for HlV+ Women» ‘Support groups for people living with H Keene, NH (603) 357-4300 National: (300) 342-2437 Greenfield MA.. HIV/AIDS in: EALTH . Sa,,,,days' 7_&3(,p,,, can for National TTY: (eoo) 243-7889 ‘Mondays, 3:30-5:30pm. » — Washington County, eaith care 0|-gamzation location. Teen Hotlrne: (800) 234-TEEN hcall (413) 763-8888c,r ' Mgllaaigd POB 357 _ 179 S_ wmooski st , Manchester, NH EDSWB are IHICS ' - ' Sundays. 7:30pm, CHUTCH. 669 ' unty AIDS NOWIOIH Homne. 763_246o MEN Kamlyn 7755884 Bumnmon VT 05401 . Union St. Maureen 863-2437 a,,amet',o,°. zsmsso - Bufllntllon. 864'263m64'2632 Nashua, NH unity Awareness Project (ACAP) Bumngmn. 5564594 - M50089‘ 9334437 “ C‘-’"‘°'("‘""° A"‘°"°‘“l —Mondays, 7:30pm, Nashua Poe soao si.JohnsburyvTo5a19- m,,,,,,,,,747_1&-,1 Deaf AIDS Project P03 1353 '33“ 3'- ' M°"‘P°'‘°' ‘'7 5 Unitarian Church. 748-1149 St, Johnsbury; 743.7351 POB 172 - Brattleboro VT 05302 - 05601 I 229-0601 Vegetarian Network _ unity Resource NO1VlDl'l((A§0HE1) county Network (800) 257-1123/ (TTY) 660 "“‘°“'°‘”°°59 i2‘3a”i33i’-£2L2%l?§o%le’1'§—§§23‘“i cicieimai ’.r‘r'r’Z';’.fr."’7ti’r‘fe.“”r='f.‘.§.“.';.3°3r”rr.... ' ' t' I With AIDS aim project IV/A IDS aoornflvallevnet _ ’;°o:"a;gf‘o:‘1’4' P°°” ° ioa Cherry St. - POB 7o - Burlington F03 5248 , Hmwood Am . H tees for the Monadnock Region Momiafion Newark on The web 05402 . 353.7245 Burlington VT 05401 ' 8532437 ' f“°°) 5394903 1 hupj,wwWdanmoumedu,~mvne,, People With AIDS Coalition (800) 6492437 r°§§§° c':ic2lisTn::l:ilue§llail<’:eh:m County AIDS Network POB 11' M°"“’°"°" VT °55°1 ' I’ Holistic Health Care ’Vemiont (aoo) oaz-2437 ' "MMDS Prof; Mary Kmyn 7755884 229-5754 or (two) s9vTr=wA- nn2 Box 3255 - Morrisville VT 05661 NH (aoo) 752-2437 °" '9‘ _ I _ CARES vtiiwacfisover-net - use-2553 NY State (soc) 541-2437 POB 1066 - Bennington VT 05201 nitr>1/www.sover-net/~vtiiwac/ edias MA (517) 5224090 “fi4431g§°:,545_:‘;t37 ‘P’:)'3‘g';:‘;‘F;E:_°g§3P"“,°T‘ 05402 on County AIDS Network _ - u in on - - ommunlty Organization) M5 (M) 55' 2437 ro res ml M°“’“'° 3' 229456” 8 Wllliston - Brattleboro VT 05301 0 '- 254-2972 . e Women’s Network pumay BRATTLEBORO HARDWICK '2: ggogavandbh ‘Q °‘r?|1tf'°g:)3 Comprehensive Care Clinic Health Center Thomas Hoskins. MD- ' - ° argoc mar . s.n ' 257_a86o 472_33oo 387.5581 ’ hmlsijt/'v:sw':":”'|"°"th'°d"/"hwnev Brattleboro Memorial Hospital High Sheet. PO BOX 535 Mal" Stu 90- 50* 247 mg n ' m V B Imont Avenue Hardwick VT05843 Putney.VT05346 Healtmotnceofninoiltv "uni All|0ll|YMlI|l8 Bll|l|ll8EI.lM 9 ° ' 108 Cheny St. - P08 70 - Braltleboro, VT 05301 ISLAND POND RUTLAND Vll3tli]l1il1egtrl);v|-Tle°tfl1t‘lfCla6rltle2i'73 & BURLINGTON Health Center C°mPleh9"SlV9 Care Clinic _ C mmuni Health Center 723-4300 Fiutland Regional Medical Center :63: Ave - Burlington VT 05401- N 8g4_63o9ly Middle street 7474831 ' 617 Riverside Ave. Suite 200 island Pond. VI. 05846 5 Anonymous . ' 51' ALBANS . B rt l .VT 05401 - , §"ii""g'°"'ilr5?i:42o2§' POB 5653' U mg 0? MIDDLEBURY Robert zeiazo. MD. ‘ “ ‘"9‘°" COLCHESTER Open Door Clinic 524-9553 ' S d s. 5 . Christchurch , preirhylgrianpgeriaone Camp., UVM. BARRE-MONTPELIER Family Health 385-0137 2 Crest Road ' _ . . Po Box 95 ~ St. Albans, VT 05478 - Thursdays, 7pm,iSt. Paul s Berlin Health Center agfigns Bay Avenué Middlebury VT 05753 §§‘$‘§.f'.Z?'n‘i?§53’.§§9’3‘a33°'“2" §7rl'§4°4§ox 1370 Po. Box 35 ’ si. Joiiwsiaunv . ’ , . ' . r 5445 NEWPORT Comprehensive Care Clinic Wednesdays, 7.30pm, First Montpeilen VT 05602 Colcheste ,VT 0 Nonheasi Kingdom Health Center 748 7476 Congregational Church, North Main ’ ' _ 2 and Washington St. BENMNGTQN DANVILLE 33-1é5008t St 1 }N|onh_aaslt) Vermont Regional Hospital ' Sa“"daV5 at 79"‘ (°a" l°' '°°afi°")' Bennington Family Practice Assoc. Health Center, Inc. 2 oven ry ree OSPI 3 "V9 ' - Hanover. NH I 1 . , ._ . - .... .....-. -. _ - .1. .. .._.., ..gi=,42a2« .-.-A n 7- s .; »-2 -r me -4‘ 1* wport; .VI- §Q§5fit * 5.3;" ‘- 1" 1‘ ..'ui'-§l' J°nnSbUrY. VL058194 . -sq .- .. .._.. - __ 447.1191 ,. ,‘.m:..,,,*§, ,, _..M . 1'” vi. , .. .1;Hgt"£§lA , 15‘ ~. . i... _ Ju ,. _ . ._i._ ¢“3‘,t..,. - _; .5‘. , .. 50‘ 1‘ ' 7 - “ " " ‘ ' " ' 1 *5 » ls". 7" "' B" . V ‘t’ ‘ ’ ‘E. ‘L... *1 .‘1."3.".%’ ...§‘.‘1‘.‘X2!..’..‘.‘.X..‘t.. 5la-.2~.?.'.‘’.‘r.’l*....‘.‘*‘..-.W' ' : :' Jt.?;:t.a'.x..n.l‘!3.. at-_~_;.Hrr.r’ v". .- ‘ ‘ Leahy Hitchcock Clinic, 674-2193