International Bi Conference in Boston continued from page twenty land, South Africa and Finland at- tended. The conference, organized primarily by Boston's Bisexual Resource.Center and the Harvard Lesbian,‘Bisexual and Gay Gradu- ate Students (LBGGS) with sup- port fromj_both the Multicultural AIDS coalition and BiNet USA, brought extensive media cover- age. What I.wanted to say when I got back was, SEE! Yes, Virginia, there IS a Bi Community@!@! For not more than a week before, I had been talking with an acquaintance who was lamenting to me that it was sad how ”when bisexuals come out, there's no community for them.” I returned from the conference invigorated, ready to push forward again in the coming year with busting that myth, providing contact to the ru- ral area in which I live so that oth- ers will know that we are out there and we do form a coherent com- munity. I also returned with a sense of support from the national gay and lesbian community, because Kerry Lobel, Executive Director of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force Had come to make the open- ing Plenary speech, and give workshops on organizing. The ‘height of-the conference for me was sitting in the closing plenary, _ my bag full of numbers from new and renewed friends, listening to Elias Ferajaj I Iones speak. This ”Spanish—speakin'g afrikan native- American anarchist guerrilla theo- logian/AIDS‘ terrorist / writer / cultural critic / ritual technician” is a Two-spirited / queer-identified bisexual man who rocks the house and brings people closer and fur- ther in their search for unity through diversity than any single activist I have ever known or heard of. The next International Con- ference on Bisexuality will be Held in Rotterdam in the Netherlands in 2000. Sydney Australia has been chosen for the subsequent interna- tional conference in 2002 and to ac- commodate the dramatically in- creased interest in hosting large- ~ scale bisexual conferences, it was decided that regional conferences will be planned for the intermedi- ate years. (For more information, write to BiNet YT at PO Box 8124, Burlington, Vermont 05403.) or e- mail tant publishing projects. Checks s I Pride Media, and sent, along with thi I OHM, POB 177, B VERMONT'S FORUM FOR LESBIAN GAY, EISEXUAL, AND TRANSGENDER ISSUES UT IN THE MOUNTAINS By subscribing now to Out in the Mountains, not only will you get delivery to your mailbox (in an envelope), but you also help underwrite the rising costs of publishing and distributing the newspaper. We welcome any I additional contributions you can maeto s or thi a ot I Name : Address I Town I‘ D 1 year ($20) D Contribution 7 $ Ljj1111j 11j11:11 V W0l'|(S_|IOIl and FOI'lI|IlS ' V Sllliial EIIGIIIS V Tea Ilances V Events All over Northern In . E] 2 years ($35) CI Low income ($10) In-.———u—-—n——--——-——-II—— OUT IN THE MOUNTAINS — MAY 1998 — 23 PRIMARY CARE IN FRANKLIN COUNTY Mara Vijups, M.D. Family Practice Specialist “NMC Rural Health Services Caring for Adults & Children Enosburg Swanton East Fairfield 933-5831 868-2454 827-3032 LAUREN BERRIZBEITIA Psychotherapy 431 Pine Strret Burlington,VT 05401 802.862.6931 ‘ sliding fee scale WOMEN?» CHOICE GYNECOLOGIC ASSOCIAIT-E-S" ' a I ' Cheryl A. Gibson M.D. Susan F. Smith M.D. 23 Mansfield Avenue, Burlington. Vermont 05401 802-863-9001 Fax:802-863-4951 YOUR GAY MEN'S HEALTH PROJECT AT WORK FOR YOU A‘Project of Vermont CARES.